Dea Jiu watched the wooden fish in Di Jiu Watched’s hand, grey and a tall name, Grand Dao.

He snort said, “Fellow Daoist Di, let’s try it first.”

“Yeah, well, then try it first.” Di Jiu nodded, he naturally wants to try it, but it’s about his little life.

If he was found by that Dao Lord, Trapping Slaughter Array of primal chaos continent was locked, he really couldn’t escape.

Di Jius’s body has slowed down, not only so, but Dao Principle, the body of Di Jiu, has become increasingly weak, and eventually almost transformed into nothingness.

The man who stared at the body that watched Di Jiu gradually disappeared, and then the void rules that went on to disappear were slowly integrated, and his heart was shocked. He knew that Di Jius cultivation technique favoured concealment and did not expect Di Jiu to do so.

After half-pillar perfume, although Di Jius’s presence is still felt by the athletes, this feeling has been minimal, and he will lose Di Jius’s position as long as he has not noticed it. To see where Di Jiu is located as a void.

It’s admirable to know that he’s a common expert who made Transformation Realm, or the highest group expert. Di Jiu is just a cultivator who just crossed the third step, and can do this before him, and once Di Jiu crosses the border, he must never again notice Di Jius’s hidden position.

“Arthur, take action.” Di Jiu said.

Todded point, close to Di Jiu step, wooden fish in his hand was also gradually diluted, and was then integrated with the surrounding void. The proliferation of the integrated Dao Principle seems to have melted the followers in general, and the culprits disappear. And the rules of proliferation are gradually melting into the space where Di Jiu is located, and eventually Di Jiu has disappeared even a little bit of trace, and this side void is completely and surrounded by void.

It’s true that there’s no trace, at least there’s no trace on the surface.

“Well, this hidden method, I’m sure it can be confused.” Silhouette, the sportsman, showed up again, and wooden fish was never there, in his hand.

Di Jiu was silent, and he didn’t speak.

“What? Fellow Daoist Di, don’t you think that’s okay?” The watched Di Jiu, who was sceptical.

Di Jiu Point nodded, “This is not a good idea, but definitely not.”

“Why?” A wrinkler.

sneered, Di Jiu said, “Why do you know, why do you have to ask me?”

It is true that the Arthurs know that if this Grand Dao magical treasure is Di Jius, then they do so without trace, even if it is Dao Lord of the continent. Unfortunately, the Grand Dao magical treasure was his followers, the Di Jius rule hidden the method high, and his Grand Dao was very high, but unfortunately there was no complete deal, and there was still a lot of weak spot. This silly weak spot ordinary cultivator can’t find out, not that Dao Lord can’t find it.

He said, “According to my memory feedback, that Dao Lord should have gone back, so stay where we are, just the people of Dao Lord.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Less than ever before, I never bet anything like that on my little life. If this is a habit, I’ll grow up here sooner or later.”

Hear Di Jius, shook the head, “That’s impossible, I can’t leave my stuff to you refining. I don’t believe you.”

If Grand Dao is left with no trace of this magical al treasure to Di Jiu refining, that can indeed be done without trace. Regrettably, the followers did not believe in Di Jiu at all.

Di Jiu know what Arthur means, he’s not talking anymore, just saying, “I’m going to go to this void of the universe for a while. Maybe after a while, I can come back.”

After all, Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation is leaving. He knows that access to this primal chaos continent is the best cultivating place, and in fact he is not in a position to go. Since he had no capacity, he was trying to bring his Grand Dao Law into line with the rules of the universe void.

“Wait, wait.” See Di Jiu really leaving, and the spoilers screamed for Di Jiu. He can’t dare to let Di Jiu leave, Di Jiu go to void for a while and say he can really enter this side of primal chaos continent without silence, but he can’t.

His Grand Dao was indeed Supreme Treasure, and his strength was worse than Di Jiu. Unfortunately, his hidden method is not a sequence worse than Di Jiu. Di Jiu, together with his Grand Dao, can work with no weak spot, with his own hidden method plus Grand Dao, all over the place.

“Oh,” Di Jiu stopped watched, “which means you agreed to leave Grand Dao with my refining?”

Di Jiu was also looking forward to it, although he didn’t even touch Grand Dao, he was sure that it was an absolute treasure. Once he refining, his understanding of Grand Dao would follow the floor, which would be of great benefit to him.

“I’ve already said, this is impossible. I’d rather not enter this continent, nor would Grand Dao give you refining.”

“What do you call me doing?” Di Jius looks a little uncomfortable.

The sighed said, “Actually, I have a top divine ability, but unfortunately I’m not cultivating the divine ability, although cultivating has, it’s always been inharmonious when it comes out. I’m sure, once I hand over this divine ability to you, 100 per cent of you can hide the silence.”

“Have this divine ability? Show me.” Di Jiu’s amazing story.

“Fellow Daoist Di, in his heart, the divine ability value will not be worse than my Grand Dao. I wish I could get something valuable for exchange.”

“What the hell divine ability, you say it.” Di Jiu’s got some trouble.

“The divine ability painted on my crust, divine ability’s name called”. As long as this divine ability is learned, it can be illusioned that there are 72 types of Heaven and Earth Law. “

“72 General change?” Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, screaming.

Is this son of a bitch burning? He cultivating to today, while divine ability is becoming stronger, life essence is becoming increasingly remote and can also fly through the skies or escaping through the ground. But I haven’t really heard of 72 general changes, this is legend legendary.

Di Jiu came here to think about a sudden life, myth legendary stuff, how little he saw in the Five Elements universe? He’s got an open pencil on him, and a river map. That’s what he destroyed, isn’t it a rumor of land pressure inheritance?

Which one of these isn’t legend legend legend rumors, and he’s all seen.

Seeshined said, “That’s a good name, more powerful than a fantasy. You’re right, my divine ability is 72 general changes, and you say it’s precious.”

Di Jiu is always calm down, and if there is such divine ability, he wants to do everything he can to exchange it.

He didn’t twist, just say yes, “Fellow Daoist, if it’s really a fake, it’s a precious thing. You said, what do you want?”

“What can you get?” The divine ability is precious for Di Jiu, and, in fact, he doesn’t like it. The divine ability is not very good enough for his way, so it’s special.

If it wasn’t because that divine ability was too precious, he would have lost it. Now to give divine ability to Di Jiu, naturally not in vain.

(Fellow Daoists, if it’s Di Jius, what would you use to exchange this divine ability of the Arthur Traveller? Hey.

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