Di Jiu looked at his own things and said, “I give you a pill refining g Pill Art, a Pill Art that barely fails when it is conducted by any outside rule. And after pill success, pill mark will not be less than three.”

He said, “Fellow Daoist Di, even though I’m honest, you can’t bully me like this. Do you feel a little upset with a Pill Art and I?”

Di Jiu smiled in the heart, and this fellow had face and conscience with him. If it wasn’t this fantasy that it was too attractive to attract him, it would be hard for him to ignore this fellow.

“Fellow Daoist, let me start with this fantasy. This thing is really good for those who need it. But for those who don’t need it, it’s not worth anything, that’s all. How much do you have to do with this fantasy, you have a number in your own heart. It’s just a chicken divine ability, neither to upgrade your cultivation base nor to upgrade your strength, the only thing that can be given to you is to waste time pushing it out. For people like you, how important time is, and I don’t have to remind you anymore.”

In that connection, Di Jiu deliberately took a moment, and then pointed to primal chaos continent, far away, “and this place would allow you to significantly increase your strength and even enter a third step. Once you’ve crossed the third step of power, I don’t know, but I’m sure you’re not going to fake everything anymore.

Now, this Pill Art of mine, I just told you, this is Dao Principle Pill Art, made of Pill Art by any Heaven and Earth Law condense. You have seen pill success rates of almost 100 per cent, and pill success is more than three marks of Pill Art? My Pill Art is this precious thing that doesn’t have to say, who knows. In other words, your fantasy divine ability should not be the only one in the universe, because there must be a gloomy. And my Pill Art, it’s the only one, never find the second.

I’m using such a good Pill Art to exchange with you a divine ability that doesn’t make much sense to you, and I promise to take you into this continent, and you say I lied to you. Well, being a human being can’t be too real, my only shortcoming is so real. I can say that I don’t care about fantasy, because it’s too real to say that I like it. “

“Fellow Daoist Di, you can say,” I am so dumb. “

Although it is known that Di Jiu talk nonsense, the butcher does not feel how much Di Jius speaks. How many other opponents in the world once he crosses into the creation of Transformation Realm? Since there’s no rival, it’s fantastic. In other words, he has a opponent, and this fantastic thing can’t be seen?

Di Jiu grabbed a jade slip and said, “Because I’m honest, that’s why you have the kind of awareness. Our time is really little, because every rest of the past, this continent’s Primal Chaos Aura will be weak. Exchange, you’ve got time to control an interuniverse number 1 Pill Way.”

After Di Jiu had sent jade slip to the front, he had made a determination to exchange the landscape of the followers. If he does not agree, he will add another drop of True Essence in the universe, and he will even add another set of Creating Wood branches.

This good thing, left in the hands of the Arthur walker, is that the king eats the wheat and ruins the food. When he gets in his hands, he can play light and heat.

He hesitates, sighs, and sends to Di Jiu the Sangu Park crusts in his hand. “You’re not going to the Grand Dao defense in the universe.”

Di Jiu, when he grabbed a crust, stuck jade slip in his hand to the followers, was a little fancy in his heart. It’s finally done.


seems to feel Di Jius anxious, and the Arthur walker cleaned up Di Jiu with an eye that didn’t see the world, “You’re really a city, and I can’t regret what I promised.”

“I went to study the fantasy, and you were waiting for me on the side.” Di Jiu was lazy and grabbed the shell immediately.

Naturally, Di Jiu was lazy, and his spiritual sense fell on the Pill Principle jade slip that Di Jiu gave him. Just swept his eyes, and he moved up, and he took out the light. This is definitely the top Dao of Alchemy Law, the pill refining method, which is…

If Di Jiu and he had exchanged such a Pill Art, he wouldn’t have said that many words. For Art, Pill Art in his hand has long gone beyond Pill Art. Like Di Jius thought, the Pill Art had a subversive effect on his Grand Dao.

Di Jiu went to study this fantasy, even more compelling to go to the law Pill Art in the research.

For people like Di Jiu, how precious is fantasy? His spiritual sense was sweeping the first word on the crust, and felt the first of them, and the whole human mind was buried.

At this point, Di Jiu was completely oblivious of the passage of time, and even of the surrounding void he was still in primal chaos continent. The endless Dao Rhyme is constantly delusing in Di Jiu, bringing together a wide range of laws.

Maybe it takes a lot of time for other cultivator to feel it. For Di Jiu, this thing is really too good for him.

The fantasy is through the integration of everything law, a divine ability of the cohesion rules.

That’s how Di Jius Universe came from, and every law in his universe world was brought together, and every rule was built up by his law. By his Grand Dao Law, this is where water flows, a canal is formed.

Not only did that happen, but also gave Di Jiu more inspiration to make his understanding of the rules more thorough.

Until then, when his condense rules were built into the third step of the universe, he lacked rules and created rules on condense. It’s not possible to create, and it’s going to keep playing around the rules of the universe, with time to accumulate. Never thought of two different rules, sometimes in common. This discovery is really too amazing for Di Jiu.

Perhaps this coexistence is essentially different and can affect Di Jiu’s construction of its own borders without prejudice to Di Jiu’s more thorough understanding of divine ability. He can use the Water Attribute rule to show fire Attribute divine ability. Use the space attribute rule to show attribute divine ability.

speaking of that is simple, and in the course of the fight, this simple and extremely radical change can in no way be added to divine ability.

Sometimes the truth is clear, and it’s actually easy to understand. It’s like the three prototypes of the light are red green blue, and these three colors can be built with indifference, even any color.

This is the same reason for diligent rule-making, and Di Jiu suspects that he has studied fantasy and that he can study delusion by understanding the integration of rules alone. And then, beyond the delusion, you walk away.

Sometimes Grand Dao is that simple. If there’s no poor color, see if you can get out of this infinite color the three prototype thats all.

One day, one month, one year

Joseph himself has to study Di Jius Law Pill Art, and there’s no time to remind Di Jiu that it’s time. The two people, just outside primal chaos continent, are crazy insights that they like to divine ability, and they don’t care how long the time has passed.

Di Jiu knew his own landscape was fantastic when Di Jiu had fantasized the way he was doing. As for how to move out of heaven’s fantasy in the future, and even beyond delusion, it will take another time and opportunity.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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