Di Jiu went to Holly primal chaos, met the rest of the expert in the universe, and he had a feeling that the future battle was great war in the universe. If the power of the Five Elements universe is weak to a certain level, where can it be qualified to survive in the great primal chaos?

Five Elements can’t survive the universe. He can’t save Di Jiu? In one word, that’s under the nest. How come there’s an egg? If he was Di Jiu who escaped the five Elements universe, he wouldn’t have cultivating to the ground today.

Di Jiu 跨出cultivating 了数百年的地方后,突的愣住了。

There’s an ice sculpture from where he’s not up to 10,000 miles away.

Because he’s been here in cultivating for centuries, and the snow of tens of thousands of miles melted into a huge circle. That ice sculpture was not melted, but also because the snow was melted around it, and the ice sculpture, buried deep in the snow plains, showed up.

Di Jiu came on foot next to this ice sculpture, which was a woman, and if it weren’t for nothing, the beauty of this woman would not even be in Cao’s shake.

But it’s better than Cao Cao, the beauty of this woman has a cold mind.

It’s not just because this woman has been locked up by ice cold, but because this woman’s beautiful is weird, just like a bag with no soul’s flesh and bones. From the beginning to the end, a cold aura was revealed.

Di Jiu shook the head, and he guess it’s supposed to be because it’s a dead man, so he has the kind of awareness.

No, if it’s really dead, he cultivating for so long, the snow around, the woman wouldn’t be a ice sculpture.

Di Jius spiritual sense falls on this woman and, with his power now, next moment understands what’s going on. This woman has been banned from restriction by the top ice cold, which is based on the snow rules of this snow plain.


long as the snow of the snow is not melted, this woman will always be frozen here. Once this snow melts, or this woman is touched, the woman will soon transform into nothingness.

Di Jiu sighed, this is also related to him, and if he’s cultivating for centuries, this woman won’t have it.

The cultivator of this forbidden restriction is definitely a top expert. Even the Grand Dao Law of Di Jiu cultivating, if he had just come here to see this kind of thing, he would not have understood that restriction.

Now Di Jius’s power is no longer comparable when he came in, and he has spent 500 years here in cultivating, and the rules of this continent are well understood.

Regardless of why this woman is forbidden here, Di Jiu thinks he has an obligation to help, and after all this is because of herself.

Di Jiu raised his cell with countless legal Array Flag moments, and then a Dao Principle fell on this ice sculpture. In cooperation with the Law Array Flag, the space in which ice sculpture is located formed a whole new Heaven and Earth Law.

Only half-pillar perfume time passed, and the ice around ice sculpture was rapidly melted. The body of a woman is also quickly softened from rigidity, and Di Jiu does not wait for this woman to fall on the ground, again shooting thousands of Dao Rhyme. These Dao Rhyme Law had fallen on this woman, who had only one piece of life force in the body that had been inspired, and then Di Jiu had taken out several medicinal pills.

In this place, Primal Chaos Aura, strong everywhere. As long as there’s a aura, this woman has a way to survive. Now Di Jiu added several more Dadans, the woman’s life force will soon be restored under the instigation of Qi of Primal Chaos.

Another time passed, the woman opened her eyes. She looked all around, and then she fell on Di Jiu.

“Are you okay?” Di Jiu asked a question.

A woman was late for suddenly asked, “The snow is melting around here? You saved me?”

Di Jiu laughed, “Yes, I did save you.”

Di Jiu didn’t even ask why he was stuck here, and he didn’t want to do much more, even though he knew he already had a lot to do.

The woman was surprised to stare at Di Jiu and couldn’t believe it after a long time, “How could you dissolve that rule, restriction? Who are you?”

Di Jiu Point nodded, “I’m who doesn’t matter, don’t forget about it.”

Not even a while later, Di Jiu said, quick escape. After he left a few cents, he came back to the woman’s voice, “I’m called Hondo Dance, many thanks to you for my graciousness of life-saving. You have to be careful with Wenzhou, and when you break my restriction, he must have felt it.”

Di Jiu had been out of this ice plain in the short term, and he heard the dance, and honestly, he really didn’t care.

Wendo can do this to the top of the ban on restriction, and obviously is a world expert. However, his liberation from the law restriction was detected by the people of restriction, who had been trained in cultivating Grand Dao Law all these years. His condense universe, too, is white.

The Di Jius target was clear after leaving the snow plain. The first thing he had to study was the continent’s protection array, which had to be broken if the Qi of Primal Chaos were to be released.

Don’t look at this protection array, not every moment, but the array base of this protection array is absolutely different from ordinary. Qi of Primal Chaos is held hostage here, and this array base and the whole continent’s protection array are tied up, and Qi of Primal Chaos here will not go away as long as array base remains.

What Di Jiu has to do is study this continent protection array, and find array base. He set himself up for a hundred years, and if he hadn’t made progress, he would have bombed this protection array directly with barbaric crossroads. 100 years, enough for him to put the endless law Array Flag down. Strong protection array, under so many laws Array Flag structures, will also be bombed.

primal chaos continent and all continents that had been seen before Di Jiu were different, and there was no cultivation city or market. This place is very few, very large, and natural resources are no longer abundant. Almost everywhere can see the top material, Divine Spirit Grass, and even various fruits.

Di Jiu, in addition to the original salvation dance, has really been in this continent for months, and Divine Spirit Grass, minerals have collected a bunch of lots, but has not met a cultivator. Don’t say cultivator, he hasn’t even seen a decent cultivating cave mansion for months.

But today, Di Jiu was somewhat surprised, and he saw not only people, but also four people.

These four people seem to be going somewhere, walking around and saying,

Di Jiu, because he’s not here in cultivator, trying to break the protection array here, he’s not at all going to follow up, but trying to change the direction to continue looking for this continent’s protection array.

But one of those people’s voices made Di Jiu change his mind, and if he hadn’t heard the wrong thing, the fellow who just spoke should have gone away.

This gives Di Jiu great admiration and, according to the idea of the general population, has escaped his life in his writings, and it must have been so remote as to hide. I didn’t expect the side to come out here and talk to people, not just without hiding.

“All, the front is the hills. I heard Duman or Lord say this time there is a moisture…” One of them, cultivator.

Hiding from the side of Di Jiu heard two words, a shock in the heart. How precious is the soil? These fellows say so, and that breath seems to be just a good thing, thats all. If he had a rest, he would have found this continent protection array base within a year.

“Who?” Even if Di Jiu was just a few waves of fluctuations, he was detected by these four, while he was staring at the place where he was located, with a bad tone.

Moreover, four people have automatically separated and locked up the quadripartite space where Di Jiu can escape.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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