Di Jiu was busy walking out, cup one fist in the other hand saying, “Fellow Daoists, my name is Di Jiu. Just passing through here, occasionally hearing everybody talking about the soils, wanting to see them, so offend everyone, and forgive me.”

Once they come out, they sign up, and they lower their posture.

Four people didn’t answer Di Jius, just looking at each other, and then nodded.

Di Jiu has felt four sound transmission from the surrounding law fluctuation, and he’s very naughty, and the four sound transmission means to kill himself.

Four collaborators expert, Di Jiu, were past and were not going to do it with these four people. Plus, he wants the rest of the earth. If it’s with these four people, you don’t have to think about it, the rest is gone. And that’s what he’s all saying, so strong he’s got to build another enemy, so he’s almost crazy.

Di Jiu won’t wait for these four people to start, and say, “Fellow Daoist, you really don’t know me?”

not at all because Di Jiu recognized the perimeter, four people stopped doing it. Even Di Jiu said the name of the perimeter, and four people were still surrounded.

Di Jiu only had sound transmission to the other side, “Fellow Daoist, when you were stuck in great array, if I didn’t tear you off Trapping Slaughter Array, would you be able to stand here today? You’re not so funny about this person, not only thanks to a word, but also to your friend who wants to kill this gracious man.”

“It’s you?” The passionate watched Di Jiu.

How did he get out that year, so far he can’t even figure it out. He only knew that someone had helped him at that time, but the man actually helped him, and he had no idea.

I didn’t think of that question, which bothered him for centuries, and now was revealed by a stranger.

All three cultivator with the perimeter stopped, and looked to the end, “Absolutely, you know that person?”

The surprise side was once again stuck and wrinkled its eyebrows. Di Jius cultivation base and strength don’t look so good. Why can you save him?

If he hadn’t saved Di Jiu, Di Jiu would have known that there was only one possibility, and Di Jiu was a man of the word. It was as clear as he was when he was clear to himself that someone saved him.

And in this case, the other three people said, “Wait for me, because when I was married to Di Jiu, you didn’t know the identity and the manners. I’ll talk to him for a second.”

“Dude, please.” The other three are friends who are peripheral, who hear no objection, just a little bit away, and spiritual sense is concerned about Di Jiu. As long as Di Jiu dares to escape, they promise to take action at the first time.

“Fellow Daoist Di, when someone was rescued, but if I hadn’t been wrong, your cultivation base should have just crossed the border? So low cultivation base, want to save me in that situation? I have some doubts.” The side stares at Di Jiu, and tells me what’s in my heart.

Di Jiu slightly smiled, “At first, there was nowhere to escape, and I saw the brother trying to tear Trapping Slaughter Array off. Although the brotherhood is good, I guess it’s supposed to be ripped up. So I helped my brother, let him tear Trapping Slaughter Array off.”

“Did you help me?” The side wrinkled up the eyebrows.

If Di Jiu could still hide behind him in that case, he’d do it right away. Because, in his view, no one can hide under the preamble and his eyes, or hide in the preamble Trapping Slaughter Array, and even help him tear up Great Trapping Slaughter Array.

Di Jiu is true as he thought, and he hides by the side. But when he answered it all, he said, “Dude, do you know who Trapping Slaughter Array was dealing with? Do you think you’re right? Actually not.”

“You won’t say that it’s against you?” There’s some cold smile on the edge. To deal with a border-crossing ant with the power to say the word, and also with Great Trapping Slaughter Array?

Di Jiu Point nodded, “Whatever you believing or not, that Great Trapping Slaughter Array is actually dealing with me. Because I’m not cultivator of this continent, I come from primal chaos door. I’m going to kill me because of the split order of the word…”

After all, Di Jiu came out with a split order in front of the perimeter.

He’s got a split order, and he’s sure Di Jiu’s got it. At this point, he already has some faith in Di Jius. It is no wonder that he will be arrested at all costs, and that the falsification of the word was lost.

“My lead level is also possible, and after the wrap-up of Trapping Slaughter Array, I stole a small backhand in the narrative Trapping Slaughter Array. My back hand was intended to leave this place, and I didn’t think you broke into that Trapping Slaughter Array. I don’t think I’m used to saying anything, Sophie take action to help you out. But also for helping you, my rear is gone. So far, I’ve been stuck in this place, in and out.” Di Jiu’s bullshit says.

His fantasy is that of his trump card, even if it is an enemy of the word, and he will not tell it to go away.

“Where were you then?”

Di Jiu said, “Actually, I was 100 miles away from you, and I had my own set of concealment cultivation technique, and I didn’t notice it.”

“I believe in you.” After that, bow down to Di Jiu, “Diego, many thanks you saved me once, and if you didn’t save me, I was afraid I’d fallen in the middle of the story. Don’t worry, as long as I never die, one day I will break this protection array and take Diego out of here.”

He believed in Di Jiu because Di Jiu was hiding on the side, and they didn’t find it. If not, as Di Jiu said, some of them have spoken of the soils, let Di Jiu expose aura, and I’m afraid Di Jiu will not be noticed at all.

And the side is truly thankful to Di Jiu, and if he were to fall in his wrath, it would be better to die.

Di Jiu was busy saying, “Dude, our opponents are in the end, and naturally they should be together. As to how to leave, I have some thoughts, and that’s what I’ll say later.”

Di Jiu had intended to pull the border in and deal with it together.

“Diego said good, wait for us to talk in detail. Come on, I’ll introduce you to a couple of friends.” The side is done, and three others are recruited.

The three people saw each other and Di Jiu seemed to really know each other, and they all walked over.

“Fellow Daoist Di, these three are my best friends. Without the help of my friends, I would have been able to escape the assassination of the word, and would not have been so relaxed now. Extension, cultivating is Spear Dao. Fellow Daoist Di, if he was interested in Spear Dao, would be able to communicate with the brothers. The Day of Judgment is an angel who opens the way, and he is a man of war. Reynolds, you look ordinary, but his Thunder Element method is not much worse than it is.”

The presentation was accompanied by an introduction to Di Jiu. There was nothing to introduce, and he knew only Di Jius’s name, and Di Jiu himself said, from outside primal chaos and something else.

Di Jiu also found out how the prolonged Spear Dao did not know that Dao Principle had a strong killing plan around him, which should be a indistinct spear planning imposing a way. The rainy season, as it is, or his name, is, like, sawing the wooden noodles, with a fresh annual wheel. Leo was the most ordinary, left in the crowd like an old peasant, not half special. Di Jiu felt that this fellow was the most dangerous, perhaps the strength of the fellow was less than the word, but the fight against fellow was never ordinary.

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