the protection array and restriction was bombed by Di Jius’s endless Array Flag, Di Jius moved Divine Formation and surprised Di Jiu that the channel had been moved by him, suggesting that his Grand Dao rule was not simple.

Di Jiu will leave his hand, Dao Rhyme will be mad at running, a short dozen breaths of time, and Di Jiu will be moved into his own universe.

As Di Jiu anticipated, the station was removed, and the ravaged Dao Rhyme swing power disappeared instantly. They’ve all been dragged to Dao Rhyme vortex’s cricket season and ran back.

“Diego, believe you’re right, hahaha….” The fugitive sunset laughed heartily, and the tone is filled with the joy of avoided A catastrophe.

Di Jiu, when he had time to talk to the wood season, immediately grabbed countless Array Flag to the front Treasure Gate and placed an grade 9 defense, Divine Formation, in just a short time.

“Dude, you four will help me keep this Highness Treasure entrance, and you will come back soon, and I will never let them in before I get out.” Di Jiu said, “After the end, the rush left a few who controlled Array Flag to a few people, but he came to the side of Lord Azure Lotus.

A few people also know that this is the most critical time at this time, well, in Di Jiu, he has taken the stage of questioning.

The Di Jiu people have not yet landed next to Lord Azure Lotus and have inspired the law Array Flag next to Lord Azure Lotus. Once again, Di Jiu grabbed a long blade, which was blade strike down.

In the city Lord Mansion, who made the city of Al-Quds, begging for a smiling meat to be rejoiced again.

He estimated that Di Jiu and the others should not be able to sustain, so long as Di Jiu and the others were sent to his cells in the basement of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, he could take the word to the Highness of Supreme Treasure to look at them.

“Dude, I just want Di Jiu to break the line, and the rest of it, I won’t move.” The truth is that I’m so anxious, almost minimizing my demands.

Please beg for a real gesture, and say, “What the brother said, Di Jiu got it, and I must have been a handful of hair in the hands of my brother…”

The real words of begging have not been finished, and he just stood up, and his face became pale, like paper, and then went out, and even ripped off the protection array of his guest room directly.

To tell you the truth is that begging is no longer haunted by him, where it will remain, and the same step goes out.

The first time of begging came to the front door of the Highness of Supreme Treasure, where the witch at the Highness of Supreme Treasure would be tortured by the disguised attack on ceng ceng. Every time his magical treasure was real strikes, it was just that the protection array had been resettled by Di Jiu, and he wanted to tear up the protection array that Di Jiu planted.

“What’s going on?” Please beg for real complexion ashen.

This is what makes the final story look like. Is it true that begging is not fake, is it true that the protection array that Di Jiu planted?


was a cold sweat on the forehead of the witch, although he knew Di Jiu would never take it away from the rostrum, and it was not disputed that the restriction of the channel had been bombed. Even Di Jiu can’t take it, it’s a different thing.

The witchcraft doesn’t know that this is where this is the array core of protection array in this part of the universe, and he knows that the only question desk is really important for begging.

“I don’t know, I’ve been attacking this protection array, and this protection array has suddenly increased several times, and what seems to be happening in it.” The witch is afraid to hide, and he doesn’t know what’s going on in it.

If you can’t stand it, open hand grabs the stars, and Dao Rhyme runs down, the moon rises, as if Star Land on the halfway side is generally shelling protection array on Di Jiu’s barn.

“ka cha!” Just one moment, the protection array installed by Di Jiu was directly split apart.

At the same time, Di Jiu, this blade, went down, and ka cha tore the Ladon of the Holy Lord of Azure Lotus. With his hand, Lord Azure Lotus was brought out by Di Jiu to integrate restriction.

Not until Di Jiu picked up Dan to Lord Azure Lotus, and the Lord Azure Lotus, without restriction, had woken up, and she saw Di Jius see what happened, and it was a shame to say, “Fellow Daoist Di, you saved me again.”

Di Jiu captured a number of Dadan to Lord Azure Lotus, “Azure Lotus Senior Sister, all of whom are my friends, and you followed me, and begging the truth and saying the two old ones are here.”

Di Jiu was innocent, and he just saved Lord Azure Lotus, and he didn’t come to get a treasure, and begging for truth and confession came.

Without Di Jiu’s advice, the border extinction and the others have withdrawn from the protection array entrance to Di Jiu. Indeed, their strength is good, but they are worse than begging for truth and confession.

Begging really fell in an empty interrogation desk, and tonic ice cold said, “No wonder it would cost my brother, destroy my Highness Treasure, and take my desk.”

“You’re the first one to let me fight you, and you should be proud to die.”

Di Jiu was never a beep, and he never waited for the end of the word, and his eldest blade was taken out of it.

Three machines, blade blade!

This time Di Jiu spent all his efforts on three machines, the first four blade in one go. When four blade took action, blade momentum waves fell into blade rivers.

Neither begging nor saying is it possible to think that Di Jiu was so resolute and that half words were lazy.

When they see it, the big blade wave has been bombarded, but under terrifying’s death aura.

“Time divine ability!” The moment when begging for truth and saying is not an unknown person, Di Jius blade momentum wave, they see that this is time divine ability.

“divine ability is good, but this area blade wave…”

He saw the Fifth Wave Blade momentum wave, which, if it was said, was a river settlement, was the Star Land exploded.

More than 1,000 zhang waves do not have time and space constraints, and they almost see blade momentum waves while the blade momentum wave is in front of them.

All people are unable to deal with Di Jiu at this moment, and they have to deal with Di Jius blamomentum wave divine ability first. Otherwise, they don’t have the chance to deal with Di Jiu anymore.

But Di Jius blade momentum wave is on it, just blowing out of countless blade glow and some promising torch moons.

In the same vein, he took out his own defense magical treasure, whose defense magical treasure was one party, Great Cauldron. Shadow Chad now, Di Jius blade momentum wave is like the river entering the sea, disappearing without a trace.

“Diego, let’s get out of here right now. There is no protection array…” The Timber season is anxious around Di Jiu.

Di Jius was stronger, but he was confronted with begging for truth and confession, two of the three most powerful people in the land.

Di Jiu, not only didn’t go backwards, but went further, and blade momentum waves in the long blade roll were even more fantastic!

blade glow, 30,000 feet down, no bleeding, blade, no return!


sixth blade of the three machines at the age of three years, however, has risen again at a time when the ravage waves have risen by thousands zhang, where almost the entire city of Al-Quds has to be parceled, as if the blade flame tower tore the universe.

pu! ”Several blood light explodes, the blade wave of Di Jiu VI blade, which can’t even block the witch, is torn directly into blood mist. As with several of the group experts around the witch, there is no relief, and it is also torn into blood mist.


Begging and saying are blocking the sixth blade of Di Jiu’s three machines at the same time, but begging for a real moon is ripped apart, revealing that begging is true silhouette. The same revelation was torn off by the sixth blade, and silhouette, who was the same.

Di Jiu, a long tsunami, remains inversive. “The storm’s meditation is humble one, blade wave surging is real. Blade glow 90,000 miles, not half the dust! Seven blade, kill!”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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