Neither begging nor repentance, nor has there been any previous tolerance and moderation at this moment. In fact, at the beginning, no one took Di Jiu as a matter of business. It’s just a smart ant who jumps down, but now their strongest defense is torn apart by Di Jiu’s six blade, an ant.

But they can’t attack yet, because Di Jius VII blade is here.

Di Jius’s six blade was almost the same time before, and then blade momentum waves were bombarded, but the blade that kind of universe runs away gave them no chance to react. Now their defense divine ability has been torn apart, and Di Jiu’s stronger Seventh blade has been rolled up, and no one dares to be half-lighter.

At this point, they are well aware that Di Jius’s power is not at all under any of them.

Seventh blade chopped, in this instant Di Jiu felt the whole body Essence, Qi, Spirit was drained, but that blade momentum was still manipulating his Essence, Qi, Spirit.

Di Jiu spreaded a blood arrow, and if he didn’t give up the seventh blade, he’d be dead after the seventh blade chopped.

Give up the seventh blade, which is tantamount to courting death. As long as he dares to abandon the seventh blade now, he will no longer have the opportunity to resist begging for truth and confession.

It looks like you’re counting on five sauce butter.

Di Jiu bites his teeth, not only failing to give up the seventh blade, but also stimulating his own Origin Qi and spiritual al sense, but the seventh blade momentum continues to rise dramatically. Death cannot die in the hands of begging for truth or in the words of truth.

Just instant, Di Jius’s skin began to dry, hair started white and muscles began to shrink.

He was in charge of the divine ability rule of the seventh blade and was able to demonstrate the seventh blade. But he has no capacity to manage this divine ability rule, which is the weakness of Grand Dao over his own cultivation base.

Di Jiu can only celebrate that he was pleased that his fleshly body had reached the extreme, transcending Saint Physique, otherwise he would have burned the whole population and would not have bombed the seventh blade.

Establishing Wood Objects in Di Jiu World felt the Di Jius crisis, without having to wait for Di Jius spiritual sense to come, the life force of Creating Wood fell on Di Jiu.


More than ten thousand zhang’s blade wave roll came out, and this moment, all of us over ten thousand zhang blade wave, had only one feeling that the universe had collapsed and primal chaos had broken.

This terrifying collapse and primal chaos are broken, and no one can escape, the only thing that can be done is to face it. If it is possible to survive in this collapse, it is your luck, and if it does not survive, it is your grave.

“ka cha!” Dean Di Jius blade was once again fragmented into scum, which left the blade momentum that took Di Jiu’s hysterical blood without a backlash.

Di Jiu’s heart secretly sighed, although he also had to continue burning the remaining blood essence and muscles because of his long blade, he also knew that his blade could not kill begging for truth and confession.

bang bang bang bang!


Supreme Treasure Palace began to collapse and was transformed under ten thousand zhang blade wave into endless dust, and blade momentum was carrying the package, all of which had been transformed into square ground.

blade, everything is ruined!

And where can Di Jiu be taken into account at this moment of begging for truth and confession, and his moon is raging and falsehood of revelation. For the first time, a Supreme Treasure City Wall was constructed in hasty.

bang, ka cha!

The defences built under this hasty wall, even in combination, cannot stop the tide of the 10 thousand zhang blade momentum waves in Di Jiu.

Bang bang bang! The defences of the Great Wall were once again fragmented, and the two watched waves flowing from the eyes of the two people. At this point, they are like the roaring waves after the collapse of the ocean of the universe.

the blade momentum wave was finally bombarded on both, and shield in the area of the two people was similarly shattered with egg shells in general.

pu pu! ”blood mist exploded, begging for truth and filtering coats were rolled out by blade momentum, and blade glow shaved on the skin of both, as if it were alive and the skin size was torn apart.

“I hate it!” I hate begging for three words, not much weaker than Di Jiu. He died in Di Jiu’s hands solely because he had no chance to fight now.

He flouted anger Di Jiu, so he wanted to seize Di Jiu in an inch of torture, which made him lose his precursor. Di Jiu came up with the move to strong divine ability, and he had no other way but to block Di Jius.

After three words, begging is a real surprise that the blade momentum wave, which should continue to climb on normal grounds, has diminished and is decreasing.

With the chance of life, begging really can take care of something else, even more crazy burning blood essence and life essence, in any case blocking Di Jius, blade.

As long as this blade endures the past, it’s all the ocean sky. He did not believe that Di Jiu was able to show the eighth blade.

He felt the seventh blade differently from the first six blade. The first six blade were all getting stronger, while the seventh blade was weakened from force. Even in this blade, he felt Di Jius life force burning aura.

That means Di Jiu, this blade chopped, is not costly.

“Go away!” Di Jiu Know, this blade can’t kill begging the truth and saying, so if they don’t go, then they’ll suffer.

Fortunately, Establishing Wood, without Creating Wood, he had no chance to say that, and had only left him to flee by side and by the others. If we can’t escape, then we need to see the extent to which the beggar is real and the word is wounded.

No, Di Jiu reminds me that the border extinction and the others also know that it is stupid not to go at this time.

And yet, waiting for the others to come out of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, they heard a rumor of a long time. Next moment, six people felt that the siege was completely gone, and their spiritual sense could even get out of the land. Everything in the whole space is easy.

Both Di Jiu and the border extinction and the others are fantastic, and they know that all the protection array that made the city of Al-Quds has collapsed. Moreover, all protection array in this part of the land has collapsed.

Even if Di Jiu had left only the skull of the bag, he was still laughed heartily, and he fell into the void of the city of Al-Quds, and countless Array Flag fell, followed by the two gods, Spirit Marrow, all around the city of Al-Quds and passing through the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, were directly involved in his own world.

The Spirit Marrow River is not worth it now, but soon the Spirit Marrow River is worth it. Because Qi of Primal Chaos here has begun to break away, and for a maximum of a few days, the Qi of Primal Chaos of this domain is completely missing.

Qi of Primal Chaos disappeared, and this is no longer Cultivation Holy Land, and the Spirit Marrow River is naturally precious.

“Beautiful work.” Far away from seeing Di Jiu, even Spirit Marrow, go away, laughed heartily, and be happy.

“Now we go to primal chaos, and then we leave with a crack order.”

Di Jiu’s 实力强大的超过他们的预料之外,不过Di Jiu 现在身受重伤,连life force 都消耗的almost ,obviously 不再是拜乞迩真和归言的对手。他想的是,趁着拜乞迩真和归言还没有追来的时候,先逃走再说。

Di Jiu grabbed a third step fruit swallowed, “No primal chaos, I got hurt, no begging and saying fast. I didn’t kill these two fellows, and they could catch me soon.”

“Do you also know primal chaos? And there’s also a split order?” Azure Lotus’s amazing question.

“If I don’t know primal chaos doors, Brother Di can’t come here, and Brother Di can’t come, I will never die.”

“Azure Lotus Senior Sister, you came in from primal chaos?” Di Jiu was surprised to ask.

Azure Lotus Sacred Point nodded, “Yes, but when Fellow Daoist sent me in, the separatist order did not give me, otherwise the two separatist orders would allow primal chaos doors to move.”

“Two separatist orders can allow primal chaos to move?” Di Jiu is not excited, even his own serious wounds are on the side.

(More today, friends. Good night! Five Elements, the universe should come out of Star Land and domain all out.

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