Lord Azure Lotus immediately answered, “Yes, it was the way Fellow Daoist gave me.”

speaking in between them, Lord Azure Lotus drew a jade slip to Di Jiu at the first moment.

Di Jiu took over Jade slip, and surprised to see that a breakthrough order could enter and leave primal chaos, and that two separatist orders could form rules for the movement of the universe, and that the universe would move the primal chaos door in that area.

“Brother primal chaos, where is the door?” Di Jiu withdraw’s break-up order immediately asked the question.

Take a look at Di Jiu’s skinny body, “Brother Di, I think we should rest for a while, not from here to primal chaos.”

“I know, you just say it.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation.

A square ball was sent to Di Jiu, “where primal chaos doors are located.”

Di Jius spiritual sense landed on the square ball and said, “We don’t walk the primal chaos doors and move away as soon as possible.”

“Ah,” it was a shock, and then it became clear: “Brother Di, are you moving primal chaos door?”

Di Jiu nodded, “Dude, before you said there were only three broken lines here. Now there’s one on you on the fall of the three separatist orders, and there’s one on me, and now there’s another on whom you know.”

“Yes, if I am not mistaken, the name cultivator, who sent Azure Lotus Fellow Daoist in, should be the third crack order. Just that person has disappeared for years.”

“Yeah, now he sends Azure Lotus Senior Sister over here, obviously leaving this universe. Now, two split routes on you, as long as we don’t take them out, who can get out of here?” Di Jiu says.

“Brother Di Di, this thing is not very useful to me, but to Brother Di.”

“This thing is too valuable, and I’ll use it first, and I’ll give it back to my brother when I get out.” Di Jiu took a break order.

“So you’ve got two split orders here.” Azure Lotus said.

Di Jiu chuckled, “Azure Lotus Senior Sister, was that Fellow Daoist who gave you a second break?”

Azure Lotus Sacred Point nodded, “Yes, I met Fellow Daoist when I was ready to enter the third step. Fellow Daoist warm-hearted and compassionate, tell me that they want to enter the primal chaos gates and come to this universe prove the third step of the Dao. When Fellow Daoist sent me in, I accidentally exposed myself to Azure Lotus, let the beggar really find me, and put me in a barrage to the city of Al-Quds. And Fellow Daoist told me about the way the separatist order was used.”

Di Jiu, while seriously wounded, his escape rate was still too fast than four people at the edge. While he was good with the border and the others friendship, he could not speak straight to the few who had entered his True Spirit World, and then he ran away with True Spirit World.

By contrast, he and the Arthur walker did not have such taboos.

Despite the absence of Di Jius rule Escaping Technique, three days later, six people remained far from the construction of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

Di Jiu stopped, and two split orders were taken for the first time.

And the others know that Di Jiu is moving primal chaos doors on one side.

Di Jiu, in accordance with the approach given by Lord Azure Lotus, immediately after placing a split order in void, felt infinite Primal Chaos Aura bees.

This terrifying Primal Chaos Aura roll, not for a moment, but someone else will know. In that way, he moved primal chaos door with a fart.

Where does Di Jiu take account of the rest, almost all Array Flag in the ring have been captured, while the madness of Law Array Flag.

Shortly, one of the void’s anonymous great array was formed, and primal chaos Origin Qi in void remained bee, but there was no such atrocities.


primal chaos Origin Qi of this insanity lasted for one day, which was the only way to calm down.

No primal chaos doors were seen, and Di Jiu was still in doubt, and suddenly two split routes erupted in the middle of a shock. The rules surrounding them were broken and primal chaos Origin Qi collapsed. A giant door suddenly appeared in the middle of the two separatist orders.

the primal chaos doors come, not only to Di Jiu, but also to the others. The primal chaos door shows up, which means that they can go out, and Di Jiu can enter Transformation Realm if they break the primal chaos door and integrate the five Elements rules of the universe.

Di Jiu, hurry up to the retreat, and the law Array Flag around is still painting, and he’s going to put a top hidden great array. Playing hidden great array here is not intended to prevent begging and confession from finding this place. In Di Jiu’s guess, this place is probably already exposed. And he knew by his own side that the two separatist warrants could move the primal chaos door, and that the statement could not be unaware.

And since it is known that they already have two split orders, do they not know that they will move the primal chaos door? So he carefully put this big concealment array in order to delay a few more days.

“Diego, it worked.”

“haha…” On the verge of laughed heartily, “Brother Di, you take care of the wounds, and then we go out together.”

Di Jiu has taken out a split order, and the primal chaos door has soon been opened under the operation of the lex operandi, although the five Elements universe has not yet been seen, but that passage is enough to make the border and the others difficult to themselves.

The “Big Five Elements Universe” and the other exciting call must end with the five Elements universe, which they often call the Big Five Elements.

Di Jiu said, “Dude, you two go first, and I can’t leave yet.”

“Why?” The Jupiter questioned.

“I’m gonna put great array here, not lock this universe’s expert, and when we go, we’re gonna destroy the five Elements universe.” Di Jiu is serious.

Di Jiu, in addition to raising injuries, also refining the platform. The questioning desk is absolutely not ordinary, and Di Jiu is also aware that it is not a day or two that refining can take place, and that paralysis and the others are here is a waste of time. Most importantly, Di Jiu does not intend to stay here.

A few people on the other side have also guessed Di Jius’s thoughts, all of which have not been persuaded.

“Brother Di, we’re about to enter the five Elements universe outside, and you’re relieved, in any case, that we will not kill innocent people. Brother Di, do you have anything to do with it, please.” Deep cup one fist in the other hand.

Di Jiu and a few people on the side have also been together for some time, knowing the minds of several people, not the kind of killing innocent people, the hard way to think.

“Yellow Heaven Beyond the Heaven and the Taipei are the places where I live, and if there’s no place to fall, I’ll come and look for you after the end of these two places, waiting for me. my side, and then I’ll talk about leaving the Five Elements universe together.” Di Jiu didn’t have a few guests.

“Junior Brother Di, can you leave the Five Elements universe?”

Di Jiu Point nodded, “Yes, I can indeed leave the Five Elements universe. Azure Lotus Senior Sister, if he wants to go, can go to Hyun-huang Heaven Beyond the Heaven Wait for me. The Fate Chancellor, Senior Sister, is also at Heaven Beyond the Heaven.”

“The King of Destiny went to the gates of creation?” The Lord Azure Lotus was even more shocked.

Di Jiu said, “This conversation of the long term, in particular, Azure Lotus Senior Sister could go to Heaven Beyond the Heaven, MorSenior Sister and you said.”

“Well, then we go, and we’re all waiting for you at Heaven Beyond the Heaven.” Said Lord Azure Lotus, there was a chance to leave the Five Elements universe, and she would never let go.

She also knows that Di Jiu needs to rest now, and Di Jiu says too much is inappropriate.

Di Jiu opened the primal chaos door with a separatist order, and as for Di Jiu, he still needed it.

After waiting and the others left the primal chaos door, Di Jiu immediately applied rule Escaping Technique. This place is absolutely unprotected, and in Di Jiu’s view, it’s not too far from primal chaos domain, and this place may have been exposed.

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