Apart from the very few people who knew that Di Jiu and Pain were really working in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, most cultivator did not know the power of the Di Jiu three machines. Even before Di Jiu said that the flowers crashed, begging for a real start, hundreds of cultivator still came up, while taking away magical treasure exploded towards Di Jiu.

The platform was attacked, and it was immediately backed up by billions of Dao Rhyme. The law suppression of the platform and the hundreds of divine ability rules were blown together and the terrifying fragmentation erupted in void.

bang! Numerous laws broke up, the rules broke. This universe is not perfect because of Di Jius’s bias. Without perfect, nature will not be stable. Now, under this terrifying Grand Dao repression and rule, void collapsed.

Several cultivator were caught in collapsed void because of the crumbling of the rules, and turned their eyes on disappear without a trace.

More cultivator was questioned about Dao Rhyme, who tortured his soul, and that moment was there.

Di Jiu had a great heart, and when he was alone, he had no help in fighting begging for truth and confession, he now had the help of the desk, not so easy.

Where would he be watching this moment? The refining circle came out of a blade glow, one of them.

Extremely divine ability, three machines of age.

blade glow, blade momentum, void waves!

blade Oscillation, smashed into the crowd, white blade wave was born and turned into fresh blood red!

“Ask the desk, you really refining the desk.” “Please, look back, he’s not even blocked.

And here, you know, the only one who asked terrifying is that he begged the truth, Di Jiu refining, and that he would block the stage from the primal chaos door, which means that no one can leave this universe without Di Jius’s consent.


magical treasure rule at the station has definitely gone beyond this universe, and it is not at all that he begins to break. Besides, there’s a same terrifying Di Jiu? The pressure on the platform has just begun, and if he does not step back, waiting for Grand Dao to be locked up in the station, then he begins to be a luxurious thing even to wait for death.

I don’t know what to say about terrifying the station, but begging is really back, and he doesn’t even want to go away from the slightest hesitation.

Bomb bang! Even blade momentum waves have been bombarded on begging the real moon, tearing the rules on the moon’s long shovel all over void. A lot of cultivator ready to come up here, see starlight exploded with void, starlight law broken, where can you go?

The falsely defensive effect of the revelation is much better than that of the moon, just because he does not know the terrifying of the platform, together with the fact that Di Jius’s three machines were mainly directed at begging for truth and restitution, and at this point he slowed down a little bit and was bombed by Grand Dao Dao Rhyme of the channel in the depth of Sea of Consciousness.

In the end, a black blood arrow was thrown out of the scene, and everyone was scared, and his Sea of Consciousness was trembling. This kind of spiritual pressure that can be bombed in the Sea of Consciousness, if he cannot withdraw in a timely manner, then he will never quit.


the face of such terrifying questionnaires, where else would you care about Di Jius blade momentum wave? He’s a crazy resistance to questioning the spiritual repression of the platform, and don’t die behind it.

bang bang bang bang! Puppy!

The blade momentum wave, which was fractured in Ando Chad, began to shake dramatically, and those broken rules blade glow pieces were taken on the body to which they were said.

This moment of silence is long gone, and the whole human being becomes blood. The blade glow, which was blown apart, was all over it, and void flew in that direction.

The story remains insane, and he knows that his life force will have only one rest, missed it, and he will never have to withdraw it.

Di Jius VI blade has been bombed, and the more brutal blade momentum wave has completely stagnated cultivator from a remote tour of the war. This terrifying blade wave divine ability, and if they go up, they can only wait for death?

Even Di Jiu dealt primarily with begging for truth and confession, and cultivator, who had been involved in the three blade momentum waves in Di Jiu years old, was continuously blown up in void and then killed.

This hundreds of cultivator, led by begging for truth and revelation, was bombed by Di Jiu plus the desk. No, really can get back, just a small and a half. More cultivator, all of which were in this attack, disappeared under the endless blade momentum wave, melting blood scum.

watched’s lucky life of cultivator withdrew and Di Jiu shocked inwardly asked terrifying at the counter. That cultivator, who was killed by three machines in his year of age, was mostly tortured by the channel, and then died under his blade wave.

This desk is indeed the first Supreme Treasure to defend, but unfortunately it is not possible for such treasure to build up in the campaign war. The questioning desk was fixed on the primal chaos door, and then he used too much array, which made the Grand Dao crumbling of the station extremely problematic. No one will wait for him to set up an interrogation platform in the sport war.

The mere use of the channel for magical treasure, Grand Dao’s pressure has been reduced without restriction and, I’m afraid, has been limited.

Increasingly, cultivator is gathered here, and even begging and saying with hundreds of cultivator, has not been able to pull Di Jius out of a millionaire, but has died in a bunch of people. Even if it’s a relentless fellow, it’s not possible to break into the channel at this time.

A number of other cultivator came out of the crowd, handed over the ring in the face of Di Jiu, and then entered the station quickly and left the universe.

Di Jiu was angry again, but no one would be joking with Grand Dao. Di Jiu has said before that breaking the primal chaos door is entirely intended to integrate Heaven and Earth Law in the Five Elements universe. Most of them are border crossings, and if they get out of here, cultivating in the whole universe of Heaven and Earth Law, maybe they can really cross into Transformation Realm.

If this is true, Di Jiu has contributed not only to them, but to their Grand Dao.

What about Primal Chaos Aura? Can’t cultivating just enjoy Primal Chaos Aura?

“Senior Brother Di, I misunderstood you before. I thought you ruined my cultivating place, and now I know you’re for our good.” But in her heart, she was shocked, and before she thought that the vintage had been traumatized by begging for truth and confession, she now knows better than anyone that it had been seriously injured by Di Jiu.

Di Jiu slightly smiled, “It’s okay, you’re happy.”

It seems to be hesitant to say something general.

“Di Jiu, when I was only sent to ask her for a kiss, she said I was toad lusting after a swan’s flesh, everywhere ironing my vintage. But I still haven’t killed her, just locked this woman. This woman’s heart is better than poisonous snake, ruthless. You don’t kill her.

After that, Suddenly life force began to collapse, Grand Dao cracked up, and disappeared in a short time.

There are a few seeds, the watched Wendo would rather be self-neutral and not ask for forgiveness from the tangle, and Di Jiu would be kind of admirable.

There were pale faces, and she watched Di Jiu said, “Senior Brother Di, I had some extreme personality, and I did iron this person when I was a clay. If it were not that personality, I would not have heard why my home was destroyed and why it would not be investigated, and blame Senior Brother for that.”

Di Jiu Point nodded, “Yes, you’re right, the man is a clam. You blame me for that. You don’t blame me.”

She knew it was another beautiful dregs, so she licked dogs so much. At this point, she went one more step, almost blinking the watched Di Jius eyes, “Senior Brother Di, I’ve been stuck in the border for too long and I’ve been trying to get out of here long.”

Di Jiu goes on saying, “It’s just a second sentence behind you that you should say that he wants fly flesh, too.”

Di Jiu said here, sigh, watched away void said, “I’m sorry, fly, I really shouldn’t insult you.”

“You” danced in the face of pale up.

Don’t wait for her to talk, Di Jiu’s freshly heard again, “Others leave here just thirty third steps of fruit, and you open your world in addition to these. Because I’m gonna charge my life-saving.”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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