The anger inside the tangle is like the flame, which she lives so much, although it has never been so humiliated in her hands.

“Good, Di Jiu…”, while talking quickly backwards, fell out of Di Jius’s attack at the fastest rate.

For someone else, it must have been without the slightest hesitation to take action. But in the face of Di Jiu, she was afraid to do it because divine ability before Di Jiu made her feel too shocked.

And after confirming your safety, it’s cold to stare at Di Jiu and say, “I hope you won’t regret it today.”

After that, the dance became a light, and the instant disappears at the depths of void. She wouldn’t have opened the world to Di Jiu even if she hadn’t come through here.

She believed that Di Jiu could not stay here for a lifetime. One day Di Jiu will leave here, and when Di Jiu leaves here, she will leave. She swore that as long as she left, she would destroy all the people associated with Di Jiu or Star Land. She was imprisoned in the refrigeration for so many years, and her breath was not diminished, but was growing.

Di Jiu appears to be a loose shock to retreat from the bond of begging for truth and confession, and to silence the killing of dozens of cultivator. The rest of cultivator is no longer as optimistic as ever before. Very obviously, as long as Di Jiu is here, anyone leaves here will listen to Di Jius.

Increasingly, cultivator started preparing for something, buying this door that Di Jiu guarded.

At the beginning, there were also a number of people who chose to look at it, but fewer people were seen and less were seen in cultivator.

One morning into Heaven and Earth Law, full five Elements of the Universe cultivating, then one day into Transformation Realm.

Please beg the truth and say no, nor do they dare enter the Di Jius interrogation platform. Others cultivator may be able to get out of here, and once they get into the counter, Di Jiu suddenly gets up, they’re afraid they won’t leave again.

Terrifying begging at the counter is the best known, and now it is Di Jius magical treasure, who will not put himself under this danger.

After a long time, begging for the truth about Nodded, the two people didn’t say anything. Turn around as fast as dancing.

Under Di Jius’s questioning desk, they wouldn’t risk it.

Di Jius did not have patience to wait here for as long as three months, and Di Jiu left the desk, and he didn’t take it.

In Di Jiu’s view, no cultivator came here for three months, basically the worst group in the universe. Since it was the worst, the good things on it were limited. As for the station, he couldn’t take it. The primal chaos door was crushed by him, and if he took it, it would be for anyone else to enter and leave.

When Di Jiu left, less than half a month later, silhouette, dancing again before primal chaos, she smiled and said, “Have guts kept you here for the rest of your life, but you’re not the same, insulting me, and you’ll soon know the results.”

After that, the tangle dancers took a few of them in void, and a crystal ball was born empty. All cultivator entering the primal chaos door after Di Jiu left the crystal ball. From the mirror of crystal ball, these cultivator have no anomalies, and soon after entering primal chaos, they disappeared, and obviously they went to the Big Five Elements universe.

Although it was known that the primal chaos door was free of problems, the tangle dancing was still not directly in it, but waiting for one side. Just for less than one hour, a cultivator in grey clothed came from a distance.

This is a cultivator of Half-step’s habitation, Escaping Technique, which is very special, even if it’s a general habitat cultivator, and I’m afraid it’s not faster than him.

“The Big Brother…” was screamed softly, the grey clothed cultivator stopped and the confused watched danced.

a The freshly Divine Ability Law landed in this grey clothed cultivator, a grey clothed cultivator who was completely unaware that he had been affected by divine ability to dance.

And when he sees the manners of the tangle, he immediately slips, and there’s a lot more soft in his eyes, “The Fairy, you call me”.

He swore that he had never had such a beautiful woman for so many years. There was a rumor that there was a female cultivator called Hongqing, who was the most beautiful, and wondered if that dance could be compared to the current woman.

I’m going to leave the universe, but I have a younger sister here, and I’m not worried about it. I’d like to ask you a favor, and I’ll add your communication bead, and I want you to send me a message when you get to the Big Five Elements universe, and I want to see if you can get it. If you can get it, then I can get out of here. ”

grey clothed cultivator shot his chest, “Fairy, don’t worry, this little thing, I can certainly do it.”

When the communication bead was taken out of the initiative, Dao Rhyme aura, with a fancy dance, came into the counter immediately.

Just a dozen breaths, and the tangle dance received a message that “it has reached the Big Five Elements universe, which is perfectly well ruled, and cultivation base has almost risen in ceng ceng.”

Despite a few words, that kind of excitement is already full of communication bead.

“Di Jiu…”

She then sent a message to this grey clothed cultivator to wait for her. She danced to this universe, never let Di Jiu know, so she wanted to extinguish.

Soon after receiving a letter of reply, there was no hesitation to go into the desk, and she just went in, and a brutal crumbling aura was blown down, and this moment was like being held up by an invisible hand and was completely unprovoked.


was no fear of dancing, and she knew that as long as she swore, someone would swear to be a real oath. But she’s different, she has an extinct treasure, opening up the Supreme Treasure Moon. All the rules of oath that have been issued can be transferred to the beauty of the soul, even if the oath is true, and it’s just that the universe breaks up thats all of them. It is true that the sword is precious, but she dances more insultingly.

This soul jewellery was supposed to be prepared for the Wenzhou Fujima, who died, and now move her vows.

I don’t know if the terrifying hormone dances are coming up soon, because there is no directive to let her swear, just that Heavenly Dao’s squeeze is getting harder and more terrifying. Her soul will be squeezed out in general, and even Sea of Consciousness will make ka sound.

No, it’s crazy to get rid of this pressure and get out of the hallway. Before she came in, she thought about being beaten up by Di Jiu plot against, so she was still extremely calm in her heart. It’s been locked up in ice for so many years, and it’s been so smart to dance.

But next moment, the cold sweat on the dance is coming out. She burned blood essence and life essence, and even the sword took out to share that pressure, but half of it didn’t work.

What kind of treasure is this, obviously, a treasure that goes far beyond the acquaintance? At this point, she must have been unable to transfer her vows with the sword even if Di Jiu hadn’t left her hand in plot against her.

“Senior Brother Di, I’m willing to give you work hard, please let me go once. My world and I are all yours, and I’m” surprised and angry. “In the first minute, she was also subjected to insane reprisals because Di Jiu insulted her. And at this point, her dignity is like shit, totally worthless.

Unfortunately Di Jiu is not here, and all her screams can only be heard. She would like to ask for forgiveness again, just as the voice and spiritual sense were not available at this moment.

kacha! Dao Rhyme of the rostrum was crushed into pieces, and her Sea of Consciousness collapsed, and the temptation to lose its soul had not been paralyzed, and a stronger exit roll came over. Under this powerful force, the dancer transformed into nothingness. Only the rest of the life is floating in the hall of questioning.

in void, Di Jiu stopped, he smiled in his heart. I would also like to leave divine ability Dao Rhyme under his eyes and build a shadow, which is so arrogant. But he also knows that this woman is not aware of terrifying at the station, and that if he knew terrifying at the counter, she would never dare enter the desk.

Unfortunately, begging the truth and saying did not enter his desk, and the two old bastard were really too cunning. The begging is more than knowing the terrifying of the station, and it is not very much hope that the two people will be killed by the channel.

Di Jiu just stayed a little while and accelerated Escaping Technique. He was going to find that black nail before he left the Five Elements universe, and he was trapped in the Qin Days of Ho primal chaos.

There’s only one more day, friends. Good night!

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