In recent months, almost all cultivator in the five Elements universe cultivating has fallen into fantasy. Because the Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe does not know what happened suddenly becomes clear, now cultivating is just twice the results for the half of the effort, and it’s completely different from the hardships previously cultivating.

In a few months, countless cultivator stuck in bottleneck has broken bottleneck and entered the new realm. It’s not only cultivating, but insights divine ability is also much easier. And insights divine ability might be much bigger than before.

The benefits of such a sudden occurrence, if not captured, are also on the path of cultivating Dao. No one knows when this surprise will disappear.

Together with the recent lack of knowledge of what’s going on, this side of the universe has a lot of expert, which is still a third step of energy. Although, so far, these energies have been better spoken, no one has taken the initiative to slaughter. But no one knows what’s going on with expert temper. If you get into each other, it’s too bad to lose your life, so why don’t you stay in cave mansion cultivating.

Nong Xiuqi, which has already been released, is sitting with a guest in reception hall.

Yellow heaven beyond the heaven has a destiny lord, even without Di Jius Five Directions Flag, no one dares to mess with, and, more importantly, Di Jiu has placed the highest defense great array here.

Five Elements, the universe Heaven and Earth Law, have become clearer, and nong Xiuqi feels that it is time for seclusion to enter a second step. It’s just something the guests bring, so she can’t be comfortable with seclusion.

This guest called Dance, from Dao Realm. She had a copy of jade slip left by Di Jiu, saying there was something very important to see Di Jiu.

The anxiety in the eyes of the “Senior Sister…” cannot be hidden, but she calls a Senior Sister and does not know what she should say next. All the questions asked have been asked several times, and it’s been more than a month since you came to Hyun-Kyung Church beyond the heaven. Di Jiu won’t come back, all the words are white.

Norg Xiuqi’s sexy temperature, or otherwise nong Xiuqi will not be allowed to continue to sit here. You know, after this dance comes to Hyung heaven beyond the heaven, every day it comes to her place to report. Every time she comes, she can only stay.

Nong Xiuqi obviously know how to dance, she comforted, “Don’t worry, Big Brother will be back soon.”

Nong Xiuqi said here, ignoring up, surprised watched outside the guest palace.

Follow Di Jiu and come in, “Xiuqi, you’re off…”

Even if there are foreigners, nong Xiuqi remains intolerable to hang around with Di Jiu. Her cultivation base is getting higher, but it’s getting smaller with Di Jiu. She knows very well that she can’t stay with Di Jiu. She has to cultivating, and she has to speed up cultivating. Only if cultivation base arrives at a certain level that she can stay with Di Jiu, she will not encounter danger in the universe to distract Di Jiu. The higher the cultivation base, the more she understands. Besides, Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water can’t always let Di Jiu look for it alone, and she’s strong enough to do it.

For a long time, neither of them has spoken, and the silence is more likely to express the feelings of this moment than it is. The dance on the one side, though urgent, can only wait. The wife and wife have been missing for years, and it’s not good to bother obviously at this time.

Di Jiu has a lot to say, Najo has a foreigner here.

Nong Xiuqi woke up in time from the excitement, and let go of Di Jiu and said, “Big Brother, Dao Realm, someone came to see you, something urgent.”

Di Jiu has already noticed a dance on the other side, and he has indicated that nong Xiuqi will wait for him first, and that’s why you’re here from Dao Realm.


is no need to ask anything, and Di Jiu also knows that dancing is of great importance, otherwise it is impossible for the dust servant to come from Dao Realm to Hyung heaven beyond the heaven to look for him.


dance that’s standing up for a week, “The Dance has seen Di Dao Realm, and I’ve been paid by Lan Ru Senior Sister to look for Di Dao Realm.”

When it comes to the last two words, the dance is already on its knees.

“You get up and say it slowly.” Di Jiu, the band is standing up.

This dance, Di Jiu, has some impression that it should be one of the 10 most powerful geniuses of Dao Realm, and that it is the genius of the same age, Timothy, Zhong Ao.

Though he had just arrived at Dao Realm, it was a legend of ten genius who wanted to meet a ten genius, it was a luxury. And now that Dao Realm’s ten genius dust servant came to the Unseen heaven beyond the heaven and asked him to help, it was impossible to predict the world’s facts.

According to the status of the dance and cultivation base, it should be higher than Lan Ru. Now she’s commissioned by Lan Ru, and Lan Ru Senior Sister, obviously because of her relationship. The whole Dao Realm, knows he’s Di Jiu’s friend of Lan Ru.

Feel a soft force that brings itself together, has no resistance, and dances are horrible. She’s Dao Fusion Realm, or one of Dao Realm’s top ten geniuses.

Although she never had seen Di Jiu, she had heard numerous rumours of Di Jiu in Dao Realm. Dao Realm was in crisis, but not just Lan Ru alone said that only Di Jiu could save Dao Realm.

Before she thought she was a little different from Di Jiu, which should still be pursued. Now she understands that the difference between herself and Di Jiu is not some, but a realm. Even if she was a genius, it felt that it was distant to follow Di Jiu.


Di Jiu set up his hand, “Lan Ru and my life friendship, and you call me Senior Brother, whatever it is, don’t worry now, you sit down and say it slowly.”

“Yes.” Dance complied, “Dao Realm’s worm is gone.”

Di Jiu frowned, “What’s going on? Which bug is no longer there.”

From the bugs to the bugs, to the Dao Sect Divine City, Di Jiu has repeatedly installed protection array, and has deliberately sought to help watched by the fanatics of the Dao Realm sect alliance.

Nong Xiuqi was also nervous, and she certainly knew where the bug was, that was Immortal World ascend to Dao Realm. Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water, if they want to go to Dao Realm, 90 per cent may come from the bug hole, and if the bugs are destroyed, they’re just passing through the bug hole.

Nong Xiuqi is afraid to continue thinking.

The dance sucks, the sound shakes say, “Before I come, the worm hole breaks, countless insect gets out of the bug bees. That insect doesn’t say there’s no plastic cultivator, even if it’s a second step, even with the corridor cultivator. The bugs explode from the bugs to the insect swallowed, but it’s only one hour.”

Di Jiu Know is a big problem, and he’s trying to relax his tongue, “Junior Sister, is Dao Realm all invaded by insect?”

Dance shook the head, “When I came, Dao Realm was invaded by insect, and now Dao Realm is still here, and I don’t even know.”

Di Jiu wrinkled his eyebrows, and he went to the worm, and he walked there once. What about insect?

“Are those insect so powerful?” Nong Xiuqi’s voice trembling and asking questions about Di Jiu’s doubts. She was also concerned about Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water, and at this moment she only hoped that Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water would not be so fast as to ascend to Dao Realm.

Dance shook the head, “I’m afraid that’s better than that, the crazy senior has crossed Dao Fusion Realm, and I saw him personally unable to block one of the insect divine ability hits.”

“Crazyguard was killed?” Di Jiu suddenly grabbed his fist, and the crazy people were holding up divine ability, but Dao Realm was also in the mood. But this is all weird, and the worm and Dao Realm are domain at the same level. And in Di Jiu’s view, the worm community is worse than the Dao Realm rule. He went to the worm, so he had the kind of awareness.

Nong Xiuqi has some trembling, Di Jiu Know Nong Xiuqi’s heart, and he stretched his hand in the hands of Nong Xiuqi, “Xiuqi, don’t worry, Forgotten River and limpid autumn Water should never be Dao Realm, and I haven’t been to Dao Realm a long time ago.”

“What else do you know?” Di Jiu’s concealment felt wrong, and insect shouldn’t be that strong. You know, the guarding worms all these years, some without plastic cultivator thats all, the bugs are so strong, I’m afraid they won’t hold them long ago.

And dancing said, “The Wider Holy Sect is back, and she says that the worm community across the bug hole is likely to be the way to the rest of the universe. Those insect are so powerful that they may be associated with other universe. According to Senior, there may have been people walking through the five Elements universe to the rest of the universe, resulting in the location of the five Elements universe in the great primal chaos being known.”

And the dances can’t stop, what the universe ladder, what the hell primal chaos, she doesn’t know what’s going on.

Di Jiu is a sink in his heart, and he knows it’s probably right. This is not only about him, but also about the Fathers.

He walked through the universe stairs, and the Fathers escaped from the Trinity universe. On the edge of Ho primal chaos, Di Jiu also killed two Tripartite Universe System-wide cultivator. After they left, the Trinity universe was likely to send someone back. As a result, he had not been found, but had access to the worm community. A large number of Primal Chaos Aura and complete cosmic rules have flourished into the worm, and insect power in the worm has flourished and has also flourished. With the impetus of the Triple Universe expert, we are ready to clean the entire five Elements universe with insect.

If you think about it, that’s pretty close.

(More today, friends. Good night!

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