“To enter the universe, there is only one way to enter from the gates of creation.” Making the universe face every big universe. The opening of the manufacturing gates is based on the number of the universe expert presence, and once the expert aura has enough, the door to the universe will open. The gates of the fabrication are open, and any cultivator above Dao Fusion Realm must go to the building gates and fight for the place of the universe. “

“What do you mean?” Di Jiu questioned.

Dude laughed, “I didn’t go to the building door, what do you mean? I’m not really sure. But I could mean you a way to figure out what that means.”

The joke, he doesn’t want Di Jiu to enter Ho primal chaos cultivating, can you tell Di Jiu anything? He and Di Jiu said that, not for Di Jiu, they wanted to bring Di Jiu to the city of Al-Quds.

“Please also say,” Di Jiu, once cup of fist in the other hand, he knows that delusion will never be so kind as to tell him so much. Whatever delusion means, Di Jiu has to listen to these things he never touched.

Nodded says, “Before the great primal chaos open up countless universe, the universe was built first. And then every single big universe, the universe will be built out of one more door to make it. At that time, the rules of the universe had not been completely stereotyped, as the rules of life had been created in the great primal chaos, and many Grand Dao expert had been born with the opening of the universe for some time.

Heaven and Earth Law of the universe were not yet stereotyped, but those Grand Dao expert knew that making the universe was where they were supposed to go and that it had to be made. The message that came from the great primal chaos did also indicate that the universe was the center of control over the countless universe. Anyone who controls his own existence and oneselfs fate must be given the place of the universe in the creation of the universe… ”

Di Jiu broke the crap, hehe said, “Oh, Dao Lord, you should be an expert too, right?”

“I am the expert who opens the universe.” But I’m not Grand Dao expert, because I’m not born of Dao Rhyme, the life of primal chaos, because I’m born of Grand Dao Dao, the life of the Trinity universe, so I can’t rank up like those great primal chaos Grand Dao expert. “

Di Jiu concealed a number of understandings that he had seen the loss of the expert in Dao Realm, or the open expert in the area of the Five Elements universe, isolated from primal chaos, could only be a paranoia and a five-Elements universe, accompanied by five Elements, Grand Dao of the Universe, also known as an open cultivator.

The opening of cultivator is a different sequence than those Grand Dao expert who actually accompany Ho primal chaos to life Dao Rhyme. Those Grand Dao expert are born at the same time as the great universe, real cosmic pride.

“But I’m better than a lot of cosmic cultivator, because I’m not too early or too late to show up. I saw those expert competing for great war in the universe, and it was fortunate to even see the first real great war. Those expert, robbing other cosmic treasure, and trying to hegemony the universe…” seem to be somewhat grateful here.

Di Jiu hehe said, “I’m gonna ask you something. Who robbed us of treasure in the Five Elements universe?”

Crazy shook the head, “I don’t know.”

He didn’t know it was fake, but he knew that the five Elements universe was isolated from primal chaos, and saw the Grand Dao expert dust of the eight centuries of the universe, using the Supreme Treasure questioning desk of the eight centuries of the universe, repressed Primal Chaos Aura of the Five Elements universe and divided the Grand Dao rule of the Five Elements universe.

These guys not only saw them, but also ran a few legs under a dust order. If it were not a dust that was intercepted by another expert, he would have been wiped out of dust long ago.

Why didn’t he dare to make the city of Al-Quds, not fear the dust? But it’s also his bullshit money, and those fellows under his hand know basically one or two. And that makes him even more prestigious, and no one dares fought with his top universe to open the expert.

Even if he was far away from Grand Dao expert, who was born with great primal chaos, I’m afraid no one would know.

“No wonder I’m so few treasure in the five Elements universe that these people stole.” Di Jiu’s heart is a little upset.

“Di Jiu, although this is not my business, I would like to say a fair word. Five Elements, the real treasure of the universe, I’m afraid the expert didn’t take anything. All the expert took was the great primal chaos Supreme Treasure, before the universe was melted, which was the highest inventor treasure.”

See Di Jiu’s face, paranoid and said, “The top treasure of the universe opened up by the great primal chaos also called magical al treasure, which is accompanied by the perfection of the rules of the universe, so that might be huge. The Grand Dao expert of the great primal chaos, who had entered the great war of making the rules of the universe long before they were completely formed, could no longer come out of the gates of manufacturing, and how could they rob the open treasure of the universe?”

Di Jiu asked, “Is it not that the countless rules of the universe produced by the great primal chaos are not perfect, and those Grand Dao expert can cross the universe at any time. Once the rules of the universe are completely formed, these Grand Dao expert can’t leave without permission?”

“Indeed, when Heaven and Earth Law formed more than 50 per cent of the universe, the universe was completely separated. Any Grand Dao expert, as long as no third step has been taken, can only stare and never rip off the larger universe plane.

Di Jiu, now you should know what happened to the magical treasure of Grand Dao expert who was involved in the chaos? A magical treasure in their hands is an open magical treasure that transcends the universe, all of which are made of Supreme Treasure. ”

“But what does that have to do with me? Do you think I can grab it from these people? Even if I was going to rob, I couldn’t find them.” Di Jiu deliberately said, “He concealed the idea of delusion.

It’s supposed to be delusional to feel a little arrogant, so you dig yourself a pit.

“Your strength is good, but it’s worse than those Grand Dao expert who were born simultaneously with the universe. But you’re young and want to go beyond these people is simple.”

“How simple?” Di Jiu asked.

“That’s going to make the holy city.” You know, after the Grand Dao expert great war, you know, you didn’t at all really stand in the building of the universe. They’re all gathered in the city of Al-Quds, waiting for the next crazy great war. ”

“Do you want me to go to the city of Al-Quds?” Di Jiu stared with despicable eyes. Does he look so retarded and stupid?

“You certainly think I’m hurting you, and I have some gaps with you, but what is that, compared to Transformation Realm? Actually, I don’t know if I’m in Transformation Realm anymore. I’m sure, as long as I go to the city of Sacred Avenue, my strength will go on a little bit more.


is a rule in the city of Al-Quds, and no one shall be allowed to slaughter in the city as soon as it comes in. Your strength has been endorsed by me, and I hope that we can join forces into the building of the city of Al-Quds. Fellow Daoist Di, no place, even if you cultivating is stronger, it’s a mirex, and it’s still going to be taken away by the universe. Because you can’t control oneselfs fate, nor can you control your future. ”

Di Jiu wrinkles, he’s really a little moved. He was well aware of how difficult it was to cross the border and, if it were to be further, without better conditions for cultivating, it would be less realistic.

Making the city of Al-Quds…

Di Jiu was still thinking, saying again, “It’s all over the city of the Sacred Avenue, even if APtitude is worse and cultivating under Dao Rhyme, even a thousand miles a day. Fellow Daoist Di, your strength is beyond me, and together we enter the city of Al-Quds, right?”

(There are a number of elements in this chapter. There’s only one more day, friends. Good night!

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