Di Jiu did not answer paranoia, but said, “Dao Lord, I have the last question, and if I can get a satisfactory answer, I really want to think about going with you to make the city of Al-Quds.”

And immediately said with a smile, “You ask, as long as I know, I’ll tell you.”

Di Jiu, one cup of fist in the other hand, and more sincerely, “In addition to the great war that you said at the time of the formation of the great universe, I have also had two great wars in the five Elements universe, and two times the great war should have gone into it. Where are these people?”

Di Jiu asked about it, and in fact, it was not particularly clear that her memory was fighting from the end to the end, and continued fighting. And then, every moment, people fall, no matter how strong you are in the Five Elements cosmic cultivation base, they fall. She cultivating was destiny Grand Dao, and she would have lost her life in making the universe, so she left the universe in advance.

And he said, “These people will eventually go to the city of Al-Quds, and, of course, I’m talking about living.”

Di Jiu frowned, “Then why didn’t they go over at first?”

“Because from the beginning they thought they were entering the universe, they were fighting for the place of the universe. So when they fight crazy, they’ll finally find out that they didn’t even fight around. In addition to entering the city of Sacred Avenue for the time being, only war is dead. There are, of course, some who believe in evil and believe that they can break out of restraint and gain the place of the universe in which aloof and remote people are eventually missing.

Part of what I said was based on the information I had received for so many years, and there were others that I had judged. As for correctness, I’m not very sure, it shouldn’t be much different. Fellow Daoist Di, don’t look at all this stuff I’m talking about, in fact, these are precious, some of the universe from birth to extinction, and no one knows. “

And there’s another thing that’s not said, and it’s clear on his face, and that’s why I told you about it, because I want to join your team and enter the city of Sacred Avenue.

Di Jiu was very satisfied with the delusional saying, “Many thanks to Dao Lord’s confusion, and in the future I would have stayed in love with Dao Lord if I went to the Trinity universe to see so many useful messages. I will say goodbye today.”

After that, Di Jiu had disappeared almost instantaneously between his face and his face had fallen into the great primal chaos.

Di Jiu still has no choice to go with him, and he’s sinked in the face. He had guessed that, but he had to try, even if there was only one chance. As for those things he said, some were real and some were fake. No matter what it is, Di Jiu will know when cultivation base is strong, so he doesn’t matter.

Unfortunately, he tried to fail. Di Jiu is now in that great primal chaos, and as long as you can get out, I’m afraid the power will not be worse than he is.

The look of the shadow of the face is not to look at the current vortex channel, but to turn around and see if he can repair it. He has to go back to the Trinity universe as soon as possible. He’s got a bunch of cosmic crystal stone on him, and it’s his best thing to do right now.

Five Elements had a freak like Di Jiu in the universe, and his original plan would probably be on hold. Di Jiu is not a loser at first sight, even when Di Jiu is not getting rid of the five Elements universe, Di Jiu will come out in the future, and it’s probably the first to be killed by Di Jiu. Even Di Jiu get rid of his trivial universe of more than a hundred group experts, and now he can only swallow that suffering with his nose.

As for a man like Di Jiu, he would die in great primal chaos, hehe wouldn’t believe it.

Di Jius is indeed moved, but he knows more about his strength now. He’s even more paranoid than he is, what can he do if he goes to the city of Al-Quds?

Even if, as he said, no one dared to do anything in the building of the holy hall, but some of his cultivating stuff, some heaven defying, was afraid to stay with a bunch of expert.

Di Jiu lost his place once he entered Ho primal chaos. He was not worried about that, and he had a long time to predict it. It was just to find Ninth Dao Principle, and if Ninth Dao Principle had been found, he would have taken Ninth Dao Principle.

Even if Di Jius’s power is already in the process of creating Peak expert in the border and again entering the great primal chaos, he still does not have the capacity to be around his place.

A gray abyss, both spiritual sense and eyewitness, have been locked up in the middle of ten meters, and a man who is covered by blood struggles to sit. Destroying Dao Rhyme in the fractured legs, making him move, seems to be receiving a general sentence. Then he found himself with nothing but a few broken magical treasure fragment.

“Yemmer…” youth screamed down.

Just a few moments later, it’s a response voice, “Ning City, I’m here, you’re okay, that’s great.”

At the time of the conversation, another young man, who was all covered by blood, slowed down. Look at him, not much better than Ning City.

“The old bastard is really too terrifying, and if it wasn’t purple to take action, I suspect that this time we were given rid by that old son of a bitch.”

Yemmenodded, “Revenge must have been reported, but did you find out that we all seem to have been plot against that fabricated door?”

Ning City silence, after a while then said, “The door to manufacture should not be plot against both of us, and the place of the universe does exist. But…”

Yemmer understood what Ning City meant, and then said, “Are you trying to say that we’re five Elements from the universe, cultivator, a little weaker than any other universe expert? In fact, I’ve found this problem a long time ago, and I’m afraid this time we get into the building door…”

Yemmer didn’t say anything, and Ning City was nodded, “Yes, I doubt the problem is in our five Elements universe.”

They looked at each other, almost simultaneously saying, “The rules of the universe are missing!”

Ning City breathed and said, “Yes, Heaven and Earth Law 100% of the Five Elements universe are missing. Purple should also know, just after he entered the universe. I think as long as I don’t leave the five Elements universe, it’s not possible for anyone to know that five Elements are the Heaven and Earth Law missing. He helped us this time, perhaps hoping that we would go to the city of Al-Quds and refine our Grand Dao. But it’s not that easy to go to the city of Al-Quds.”

Yemmeshook the head, “No, we can’t go to the city of Al-Quds, or everyone else, neither of us. While we’re standing over Peak, we went to the city of Al-Quds, and that’s the fabricated existence. Purple is likely to want us to leave the universe. Because the five Elements of the universe’s expert is really too small, and we’re very strong in the five Elements universe, and now it’s much more powerful than we are.”

“Get out of the universe?” The watched Yelmer of the city of Ning City’s doubts, can you make the universe leave?

Yemmer was a strong saying this time, “Yes, we have to leave building the universe and then go back to the five Elements universe. Whether or not it’s a manufactured door plot against, it’s true, and indeed, we’re five Elements, the cultivator that came in with us, and we can’t even touch the side.”

“I understand what you mean, you want us to leave the universe and then go back to the five Elements universe and find a reason?” The city of Ning is also a smart man, and some things don’t need to be clear, and he can understand.

Yemmer said, “Yes, why is the Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe missing? Why five Elements of the universe cultivator is less powerful than other universe cultivator. This weakness is not unilateral and holistic. Other cosmic Peak expert was built before entering the building door, and they entered the universe, made Dao Rhyme brush, all above the floor. And we need to make Dao Rhyme cross into Transformation Realm.

This is definitely not the innate talent issue and cultivation technique problem, and it is likely that there is a problem in the five Elements universe itself, Heaven and Earth Law. We must find out why, otherwise, the five Elements universe is not far from being subjected to other expert slavery or extinction.

We all understand that once the Five Elements universe is extinct or enslaved, our path is over. Because, so far, our path has not exceeded the scope of the five Elements universe. So our Grand Dao and destiny are constrained by the Five Elements universe, much more by other universe expert. But before we go to the five Elements universe, we have to go somewhere else. ”

“Ho primal chaos?” Ning City said it.

Nodded, “Yes, the expert who repressed both of us, was definitely opening up the universe that belonged to us in the great primal chaos. He cultivating cultivation technique is almost completely integrated with himself, with no slight error or nature.”

“What’s the name of fellow? Name sounds weird.” Ningtown frowned.

“Call 27916; Yu.” Yemmer answered.

(Where several books are combined, so the update will not be too soon, please be forgiven. Come here today, friends. Good night! Yemmer and Ning City, from their own writing “The Worst Forever” and the Gate of Creation “.

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