“Do you have a way out of this ghost place?” Ning City, although it is also clear that his Grand Dao is missing, he knows that it’s hard to leave this place.

Yemmer, nodded, “Yes, you know Monsieur?”

“Is it fate? I know.” Ning City answers.

Yemmer hit a restriction, “If I’m not mistaken, Fathers should have left the building of the universe.”

“How to leave?” The question of consciousness under Ning City.

And when Yemmer answered, he understood, “Yemmer, Fatherland cultivating is destiny Grand Dao, with a very sensitive sense of his life, and we do not have that capacity.”

Yemmer said with a smile, “Sister Mo has given me all the time about fate cultivation technique, and we don’t need to learn fate, Grand Dao, as long as the line of life force Dao Rhyme in the Grand Dao of insights’ destiny. With you, my Grand Dao Foundation, you want insights on life force Dao Rhyme, it won’t be too hard.”

Ning City sighs, “The Fathers are a big deal. Can we go to the city before we leave?”

Yemmeshook the head, “No, I know why you want to make the city of Al-Quds. If we don’t go, some of our friends and relatives, there should be no problem in building the city of Al-Quds. Once we go, I’m afraid people will be caught to threaten us immediately. Haven’t you heard of it? It is absolutely not normal that the universe of the founding city of Al-Quds is worldly expert sitting in town, and that the five Elements universe is not.

And the other thing is, how many expert did we kill this time after we entered the universe? Almost every expert in the universe we’ve killed. Even Dao Lord was killed by more than one, otherwise it would not be alarmed; in particular, this pervert. As long as it’s not an idiot, the universe expert that made the city of Al-Quds will not allow us to live safely, so we can never go to the city of Al-Quds. In addition, 27916; Yuand the others have blocked the necessary path to the construction of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and we want to go and kill it only once and for all. With our power now, we can’t do it. ”

Ning City is silent, and he and Yamous both know what’s going on.

This time they entered into the power of making the universe, and the number of extinct expert killed was impossible to calculate. It can be said that, as a result of their accession, all parties to the universe have suffered a heavy loss. But they had to kill because every time the universe’s fruits appeared, they were accompanied by endless cosmic crystal stone and fruit Dao Rhyme Law. If they don’t go robbing, they’ll be robbed by another universe.

The universe crystal stone is about their strength, while Dao Rhyme Law is about the success of the future when the real place of the universe is contested. The more Dao Rhyme Law now reaches, the greater the likelihood of gaining a place in the universe in the future.

“Ouch,” Sighed in Ning City, “Yemmer, I guess we were actually plot against. How many big universe did Hu primal chaos appear? How many experts do you have to build the universe now? The battle for the place of the universe has not yet been set, and our cultivator from the five Elements universe won five universe holy places first.

I suspect that there are only five holy places at the highest level of the universe, and now five holy places are all my people in the universe. This obviously wants us five Elements to be nailed in the eyes of all, and it is absolutely impossible for us to be comfortable and robbed. But who else has such a big ability to plot against us? Even the Old Daoist? “

Yemmestartled, who heard the Ning City, wrinkled his eyebrows, after a while then said, “Ning City, I always thought that Great Saint of the universe should be five, and now listen to you, it’s possible. If all the holy places of the universe are together for five, we’re even more dangerous.”

And here, Yemmer said more firmly, “Ning City, we have to go now. An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, the five Elements universe has all five holy places, not seen as plot against it, and it is likely that the five Elements universe itself is the most important universe of great primal chaos, even at the same level as the creation of the universe. We have obtained a fruit label that is not commensurate with our power, not yet comprehensively surrounded, just because the struggle for the creation of the universe has not yet really begun. Once it really starts, we’re afraid of being unaccompanied. Then we’ll be like a kid walking on the street with bricks.”

“Yemmer, I want to kill a man before I get there.” Ning City decided to go first, but before he left, he had to take a little interest.

Yemmeshook the head, “I know you want to kill the crap, and this woman’s power is not under you. And I doubt that the Star Dawn has not fallen, just being trapped in the city of Al-Quds. I’m afraid we’re going to kill this woman, that’s the woman scheme. We don’t go, the old man’s afraid it’s okay, and once we go, whether or not we get rid of this woman, the old man will be in trouble.”

“We’re leaving now.” The city of Ningdu feels better and stands up immediately. Yemmer has reason to say that the most important thing for them now is to raise their strength and improve their Grand Dao.

Among Hu primal chaos, Di Jiu is now completely relieved of his feelings. Ho primal chaos was here once, and condense came out of his own universe and opened up one side of primal chaos.

What if that’s all? He still runs around with no fly.

What’s calling him? Di Jiu stopped.

In Ho primal chaos, everything was primal chaos, because Dao Rhyme had no rules, so there was no voice, no aura, no light, no water, even no time and space. If not, that is naturally not volatile.

After a long time, he felt that call again. There was no fluctuation in primal chaos, and he preferred a feeling that there was some fluctuations far away.

Di Jiu felt it again, and he understood it was his fault. Not only did Dao Rhyme not have rules, but he could not even stay in primal chaos for a long time, otherwise he would be integrated into primal chaos.

Di Jiu is still in the past along the call, whether it’s not a mistake.

Just go halfway, a very familiar feeling, just like a part of my own Dao Rhyme came here, and Di Jiu quickly stepped up.

“bang!” The boring sound is coming, Di Jiu must have listened to it, really. How does it sound in Ho primal chaos?

Di Jiu just thought about it, and it felt immense in the face. Next moment, he was in a sudden space.

Is there a world here? No, that world was the primal chaos a realm that it had opened. It was just that primal chaos a realm was expanding, and the primal chaos a realm that he had opened had been curtailed to one tenth of the original, or even one 10,000.

Di Jiu was thrilled, where his eyes were everywhere, with ten thousand zhang long blade sloped in the ground. A black clothed cultivator is attacking that long blade, obviously trying to blow that long blade out, and refining.

Heaven Dance… “Di Jiu’s eyes were hot, and he was excited not even able to take his own step. He never thought he’d come back to primal chaos this time to see Heaven Dancing Blade.

His tears buried blade, and today his Heaven Dancing Blade absorbed the infinite primal chaos, really became treasure.

Heaven Dancing Blade’s aura obviously got more than one file before, and Di Jiu conceived that Heaven Dancing Blade was still growing up.

The black clothed cultivator saw Di Jiu appear in this space, immediately stopping the attack on Heaven Dancing Blade, imposing a flash, and locked Di Jiu in the area.

“Here’s what I found, and this blade is mine, where you come from.” Black clothed cultivator voice ice cold, a fabricated treasure that grows up in great primal chaos, and he will never let anyone else go.

Di Jiu’s passionate emotion slowed down, and his eyes fell on black clothed cultivator, ironically, “The world was opened up by me, and the blade was also my magical treasure, and my blade stayed in a realm that I opened in the great primal chaos, and what’s wrong with me now?”

Come here today, friends. Good night!

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