After all, Di Jiu handled a spiritual sense volume.

As Di Jius thought, Heaven Dancing Blade would fall directly in his heart. But next moment Di Jius’s face is a little embarrassed, and Heaven Dancing Blade’s not moving.

“hehe, this blade is indeed your magical treasure, but unfortunately you can’t do it yourself.” Black clothed male cultivator’s ironic statement.

Di Jiu has come to know that Heaven Dancing Blade has not been completely rehabilitated. He also has lazy attention to this black clothed cultivator, stepped by Heaven Dancing Blade, grabbed Heaven Dancing Blade, spiritual sense entered Heaven Dancing Blade, Heaven Dancing Blade, Heaven Dancing Blade’s blood essence print was immediately integrated with Di Jius Dao Will.

Along with Heaven Dancing Blade, a razor blade glow, azure blade glow fell in Di Jius’s hands into a six-foot azure long blade. Di Jiu Know, this is Heaven Dancing Blade, which has not been completely transformed into treasure.

Once Heaven Dancing Blade was completely transformed into a wealthy treasure, it was three and nine inches, and that was the length of Heaven Dancing Blade’s break-up.

Now, Heaven Dancing Blade is higher than he is, and now Di Jiu feels Heaven Dancing Blade is growing up fast.

Heaven Dancing Blade was accompanied by Di Jiu for too long, and Di Jiu huu had left Heaven Dancing Blade behind without even consideration. Despite the fact that blade stretches more than two feet from the right shoulder and does not seem to be the same, Di Jiu still cares nothing.

Heaven Dancing Blade does not have to blade, and as long as Heaven and Earth grow.

Black clothed cultivator said one word, and he understood that the blade was indeed Di Jius. Otherwise, Di Jiu would not have pulled the blade out so easily, and it would not have been possible to narrow the blade into one tenth of the original without refining.

Di Jiu took Heaven Dancing Blade, just the quiet watched right now, the black clothed cultivator. This black clothed cultivator obviously is not the five Elements universe, and Dao Rhyme and five Elements are universe Dao Rhyme rules.

“This Fellow Daoist, my name is Fijiu without blade, from the city of Sacred Avenue, and my father, more eblade, made Deacon in the city of Al-Quds…” Black clothed cultivator took a fist on Di Jiu and slowed his tongue.

“So?” Di Jiu indifferently said. The father and son had a blade name, and there was a real clock for blade.

“My Fei Family has been cultivating blade, so my Fei Family was in the name of blade before it was found to be the best of its own blade. When you find blade, you add blade’s name.”

Di Jiu heard here, an astonishing watched Fiji without blade, “How many people do you Fei Family call blade?”

Looks like the father without blade has a hedge over eblade.

“Just one for me, because my Big Brother Second Brother all belongs to their own blade.” Fiji has no blade answer.

Di Jiu did not ask any more, and he already understood Fei Family’s weird. It’s supposed to be the boss who had blade, changed to blade, and then the second was born and pushed down by subcategory.

This is definitely not intentional, and this is certainly the Blade Dao of Fei Family. He has some silence in his heart, and this Fei Family is clearly blade slave, and this blade Dao doesn’t fix it.

“’Cause I love that blade, so I hope you can get this blade to me. Any condition, even if you want to make the city of Al-Quds, I can help you.” Fiji has no blade tone that seems extremely patient.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Sorry, that blade is also important to me. Look at you not intentionally for my blade, this time I let you go.”

“Then I’m sorry to you…” The disappear without blade’s face, the area rolls out, followed by a thousand zhang long blade by empty strike down, a huge blade glow vortex under Longblade, the blaifying blade momentum vortex, and then Di Jiu was rolled in blade glow blade momentum vortex.

For Fiji without blade, Di Jiu should have just built the Atts all, although he was also a borderline, but the cultivator, like Di Jiu, could be killed in his eyes.

Di Jiu didn’t move, let alone took out Heaven Dancing Blade, just stretched out great hand seal.


great hand seal captures an cultivator with perfection of the border, even if Di Jiu is stronger and unable to do so. Besides, is this Fiji without blade still the ordinary cultivator?

This place is primal chaos a realm that Di Jiu once opened, even if he hadn’t left the world, every single aura in the world, under Di Jius’s control.

If Fiji had no blade, it would have been weird for Di Jiu not to reach out to him in his world.

“ka cha!” The Blade Dao area of Blade, without blade, in Fiji, has been transformed into shrapnel under the hands of Di Jius, and the next moment Fiji has no blade.

Not good! Fiji, without blade, immediately understands what’s going on, not that Di Jius really crushed him. It was Di Jiu who used to say that the world was open to him, obviously. The world was right, and its divine ability was under the other domain, and there was no resistance at all.

Fijius was held hostage in the field of Di Jius’s printing, where one blood essence sprayed directly into a group of rays of light. rays of light came out of Di Jius’s crumbling a realm without blade.

Di Jiu sighed, this is a good old dad. This symbol might really be too strong. If his boundaries were perfect, he could also stop the other side from taking the note off. It’s just this primal chaos a realm he opened, and soon it’s going to be dispersed in the great primal chaos, and naturally it’s impossible to stop Fiji from blade.

This Fiji has no blade, and the city of Al-Quds will be built in the future. Unfortunately, the fellow had not been captured, and if he had caught the fellow, he would like to ask how the fellow had come from the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Ho primal chaos.

Although Primal Chaos Aura is everywhere in Ho primal chaos, unfortunately this cannot be cultivating. primal chaos here are primal chaos, not yet formed Dao Rhyme.

It’s okay not to cultivating, but to reunite again with Heaven Dancing Blade, Di Jiu is now in a good mood and has no anxiety as it was before. Ninth Dao Principle, if it’s the real climate, it’s natural that he can do everything he can, and if he can’t stop it, what can it do?

If not cultivating, it was still in the great primal chaos, anyone would feel too much time. Di Jiu is in a good mood and cannot be kept in this place. Di Jiu met another person once again when he had spent five years walking out of Ho primal chaos, where he had a very uncomfortable body.

Di Jiu met with no blade in Fiji, in addition to seeing the Qin Day. These two are step three, expert, but now this young man, Di Jiu, must be just like Dao Realm.

“Senior…” The youth obviously also saw Di Jiu, who wanted to speak, but it would be good if he walked in primal chaos for so many days. It’s just a dream to speak in such a place where there is no Dao Rhyme rule.

Di Jiu wrapped up a rule space for more than 10 zhang, “The cultivator of the Triple Universe I have seen a lot, and you’re the worst fellow I’ve ever seen on the base.”

“Senior, you know I’m cultivator of the Trinity Universe? Senior is an enemy of the Triangle?” Youth amazing question.

Di Jiu chuckled, “What do you say?”

“Senior, if he is going to kill junior, junior dead but will not close the eyes.” Youth cup one fist in the other hand has a bit of despair. He knows that, whatever he says, this expert will kill him now.

“Why?” Di Jiu questioned the question that he didn’t at all intend to kill this young man.

“junior Kiki, my father Ginny was helping to do things, and as a result, he killed my father by accidentally letting an expert leave through the channel of the Trinity universe. I want to do everything I can to get here to take advantage of the third step of the great primal chaos prove the Dao, and then go back to avenge my father. So I’m in line with senior enemies.” Kiki has a desire for life in his eyes.

“What does this have to do with me?” Di Jiu indifferently said.

“senior, if you have a relationship, I would like to tell senior…” The phrase Kiki has not been finished, and the two are located in a far distant position, suddenly erupting a wave of Dao Rhyme in terrifying.

Follow a giant Dao Rhyme vortex, born empty, and countless light yellow crystals were thrown out by vortex.

“The universe crystal stone…” Kiki’s vivid fur, and Di Jiu’s staying. When Fathers got a cosmic crystal stone, they were also letting fury into the sky, even after the great primal chaos, to kill the lucky monarchs.

And the universe crystal stone that exploded here today is more than a million?

“Senior, this is the universe crystal stone. The delusion of the universe is because of the advent of this vortex, which has received countless cosmic crystal stone, with a dramatic increase in strength. I heard that vortex was still going to the five Elements universe…” Ki was busy talking to Di Jiu.


wants Di Jiu to rob the universe crystal stone, and then he’s leaving.

As for the universe crystal stone, he knew he was not eligible for it.

“You mean this vortex is going to a universe…” Di Jiu calm down.

He’s so hard to close a channel to the universe ladder, and if there’s another channel to the five Elements universe, that’s not a good thing. Well, in this place, in the depths of Ho primal chaos, people can’t find this place, even if they’re here. In any case, Di Jiu remains hopeful that this vortex channel is not going to the five Elements universe.

Ki shakes his head and says, “That’s what I don’t know.”

Di Jiu left behind the edge of the universe, one volume of hands, and thousands of cosmic crystal stone stones were taken by him.

It’s just that the universe crystal stone is scattered too much, so many are shattered, and some of them are involved in Holly primal chaos, and no longer can be found.

When Di Jiu did not heed himself, he went to collect the cosmic crystal stone, where Ji was afraid to hesitate, and without the slightest hesitation, the turn turned into a far-reaching primal chaos.

He dared to go because he was here in the primal chaos, even if he came here, and he couldn’t find him as long as he walked into the primal chaos.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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