The Qin curtain is almost half a day of thought, the dark Dao Rhyme flows, and the black doodles are even more open, with full exploded towards this primal chaos a realm.

“ka,” domain crack sound more obvious, strong Primal Chaos Aura rolled up, and where does Qin not know if he’s really going to break this primal chaos a realm?

At this juncture, he is more crazy to run secretly thought decisions, and under revolving circulatory cycle, his domain is becoming clearer and clearer.

The Qin Sky Heart Bomb, the power flourish, and the light plates are even more clear than substantive Dao Rhyme bombarded on the edge of primal chaos a realm.

bang, ka cha! The primal chaos a realm of the Qin day was completely bombed, and the strong primal chaos Origin Qi was almost fog, and a realm of the Qin day was swift and clear until it was completely stereotyped.

Qin has been unable to observe the situation outside the sky, and this is a moment of solidification of his domain. His domain had just been built, and Primal Chaos Aura had to be stabilized as soon as possible.

Di Jiu stopped cultivating, and at this point he would continue cultivating, I’m afraid it would have an impact on the Qin Sky. With the strength of his cultivating roll Spiritual Qi, it will certainly have an impact on the Qin Skyscrapers.

A few months later, Qin became completely solid, and Primal Chaos Aura was consumed by him.

“Brother Di, you helped me.” The moment the Qin curtain stopped cultivating to see Di Jius, it became clear what happened.

His primal chaos a realm has been together for so long, and it’s weird to see Di Jiu now, not Di Jiu Jiu.

Di Jiu laughed, “I was just meeting you to break the line, Sophie took action to help one.”

“Haven’t you been out?” When Qin asked, he knew it wasn’t his concern, and he followed, “Brother Di, how did you strip me off from this primal chaos a realm surrounding primal chaos?”

That’s the most shocking thing for him, Ho primal chaos, so far, no cultivator can do anything but walk, because spiritual sense is trapped.

And Di Jiu left his primal chaos a realm outside Primal Chaos Aura, how powerful is that? It’s not Di Jiu who stripped him out of this primal chaos a realm, primal chaos, who can break this primal chaos a realm?

“I’ve been out of here for the second time. Because some insights have recently been made to Grand Dao, take action to help you.” Di Jiu has not said much that cultivating the day of the Qin is older than he was, when the Qin screen day was likely to have crossed into the creation of Transformation Realm, and now the demarcation. He’s just in line with thats all, and there’s nothing to say.

“Brother Di, many thanks.” The Qin Day is grateful to Di Jiu for his sincere cup one fist in the other hand.

In Ho primal chaos, primal chaos a realm, and successfully broken the border, that is tantamount to a neo-resurgence for Qin. It can be said that the highest achievements he has achieved have not yet been large. When he was able to achieve that, because of the beneficiaries of the opening of the universe, the future was basically fixed. And today’s achievement is that he opens himself, and the future cannot be limited.

It’s all because of the current Di Jiu, who gave him jade slip from Di Jiu, he can guess that Di Jiu had already broken primal chaos a realm here.

“I didn’t find your bullet, magical treasure, because I came again to primal chaos a realm, just to meet you.” Di Jiu had a little apologies.

Although Di Jiu had been remembering the matter since he was out of Ho primal chaos, he really had no time to look for the fingers alone. All right, now we’ve saved the Qin Sky.

Qin is busy saying, “Brother Di, the finger is good, but now I get bigger. If it weren’t for you, I’d been hesitating. Now I break primal chaos a realm, like I saw a new world, actually I saw a new a realm and condense new a realm. Before my Dao Lord was really some not just in name only, but also in reality, now I believe that Qin will not be worse than those people, except, of course, Brother Di.”

Di Jiu is too sick for Qin.

cultivating has achieved so much in so short a while, and everything goes in front of his open expert, which makes him very much blush with shame.

“What are you going to do, old Qin?” Di Jiu doesn’t want to continue exploring this issue, as Qin said, cultivating Dao on his way to the front of the Qin Day.

“Find a way out of here, and before I break the primal chaos a realm, I’m almost on foot here. Now I believe we can go out, and Brother Di, you went out once, dared to come in again, and I’m more confident.” The Qin Day is a great story.

“There must be no problem out, and I’m sure we can leave this great primal chaos soon. When I went out, I was going to go to the Trinity Universe, Dao Lord of the Trinity universe owes me something, and I’m going to get him to account.” Di Jiu said.

Di Jiu has never been worried about getting out of Ho primal chaos. He spiritual sense can now sweep ten thousand litres away, the longer he’s trapped, the bigger his spiritual sense stretches. Ho primal chaos is bigger, sooner or later he’ll be able to get out of here.

“You want to go to the Dao Lord of the Trinity Universe and look at Di Jiu?” He’s also Dao Lord, but he’s too far away from Universe Dao Lord.

Although he was the founder of the dark world, he was, in fact, only the first cultivator thats that had been born after Dao Rhyme was born. And then he builds his own dark world with the darkness of the universe Grand Dao and the opening aura, and this Dao Lord, who is just his own dark world, is not really Dao Lord of the Dark Universe.

And then his dark world was taken away by the devil, and that’s when Di Jiu first saw it. Say Di Jiu gave him a new life, that’s all right.

So Di Jiu said he was shocked when he was looking for a three-dimensional universe account. Dao Lord of the Trinity Universe, which is the general existence of the real darkness Universe Dao Lord.

Di Jiu nodded, “Yes, Dao Lord of the Trinity universe sent more than a hundred joint experts who wanted to mess with my five Elements universe, and after I did it, fellow stopped me on the edge of Ho primal chaos. This bill, I naturally want to call him. In addition, I would like to see the city of Al-Quds by using the universe of Trinity.”

“Making the city of Al-Quds?” The Qin curious question, he didn’t even ask how Di Jiu was dealing with falsehood.

Di Jiu didn’t care half to tell Qin everything he knew.

When Qin heard the slightest hesitation, “Brother Di, I’m coming with you, and I’m going to make the city of Al-Quds. Maybe there I can meet Dao Lord of the Dark Universe.”

“Aren’t you the Dark Universe Dao Lord?” Di Jiu questioned watched Qin.

The laughed of the Qin Sky, “I just built the light of the world Dao Lord thats all I built myself, and my dark world was also torn away. I’m too far away from the light of Universe Dao Lord.”

Di Jiu understands that the relationship between the Qin Sky and the Dark Universe Dao Lord is as if the relationship between strangers and transgressions is not possible.

Di Jiu didn’t leave a mark in the great primal chaos this time, and the lightning didn’t know where to run. Even an expert like Qin is unable to break his own primal chaos a realm, and the lightning will be difficult to break the primal chaos a realm if it is built here.

If he was able to cross into Transformation Realm one day, he’d come back to primal chaos.

And Dao Discussion, who walked all the way out of the Great primal chaos, soon came to the frightening discovery of Qin, whose understanding was far less than Di Jiu.

A few years have passed for Qin’s days, as if it was a perfume time. He was also buried on Di Jiu’s side, but the words Di Jiu said had come out of his ear.

“What’s coming out?” That’s when Qin’s consciousness comes up and looks up and sees himself standing outside the primal chaos. How many years did he and Di Jiu get out of Ho primal chaos?

“Brother Di, it’s only a few years since we got out of the great primal chaos?” The Qin Day is still unbelievable.

Di Jiu pointed to the great primal chaos, “If I come in again, I believe I can walk out for up to half a year.”

Di Jiu really didn’t blow the bull, entered the Ho primal chaos twice, and he came out twice, together with spiritual sense, and at this moment he was in the middle of primal chaos, he was able to feel some place.

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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