“Oh, that’s weird. I thought that old bastard would be chasing, and I didn’t expect us to leave the false abyss for so long.” Of a void of grey misty, two were wounded, and the hair was a mess of young cultivator in blue clothed.

Another young man who wore azure clothed said, “Ning City, we’ve been fighting 27916; that old bastard hasn’t even stopped breathing for so many years, do you think that old bastard wouldn’t know we’d come out of a lie? He just didn’t have the chance to catch up with thats all. So we’re about to hurry up.”

It was the wounds that slightly restored some Ning City and Yemmer.

Ning City immediately knew what was going on, “Looks like Purple Senior was blocking 27916; especially, this crown eight, when he grandfather, I finished my own Grand Dao, the first to kill the crown.”

After that, both people had no idea of talking. Ultraviolet is looking after both of them, believing that the five Elements universe, if it survives in the wilderness, will have to grow up in Ning City and Yamous. So he left Ning City and Yelmer more than once to build the universe, back to the five Elements universe to perfect his own Grand Dao.

Since it was purple, 27916 was blocked; in particular, the city of Ning and Yamous knew how long it couldn’t be stopped. More than 27916; in particular, purple is much worse.

The two are even more crazy. Just half a day, the two stopped. In front of the two, a spiritual sense cannot be approached at all, nothing in this crack, and only the aura of death and despair continue to emerge.

“Yemmer, I didn’t think the life force I felt was unbroken in the meteorological lane. If I hadn’t guessed, that’s where you’d feel?” Ning City sighs, he’s sure the life force that Yemmer’s supposed to be here. Otherwise, Yelmer will be separated from Union Lord’s motion.

He insights felt the life force at the Grand Dao line after he felt it. Unfortunately, when they come here, they find it a way out.

The meteors are free of rotation, as long as cultivator, who is making the universe, is clear. There’s no chance of life in here, and Grand Dao will fall, and there’s no chance of going back, all of it’s transforming into nothingness.

Since the creation of the great war in the universe, the battle around the meteorological path has not known how many times it has happened. Every time, countless cultivator falls in this crack.

Yemmesighed, “I really feel like I’m here, and we’re not going back, we can only go in.”

“Then go inside, and I don’t believe my world can be extinct. Even if Nine dropped my world, I still had the unseen pearls. If my world really nirvana transformed, I’m afraid it won’t work.” Chuckled in Ning City seems to have returned to the many times that year’s life was sought in Hu starry sky.

Yemmenodded, “You should be right, whether we make treasure, or the World, in this cosmic crack, I’m afraid there is no chance. Our own chance of survival, even less.”

There is also a remark that Yemmer did not say that neither his fabrication of treasure nor the creation of treasure in Ning City is generally missing and their cultivating Grand Dao.

“Yemmer, I have a feeling, 27916; King Yunna is here.”

“Yes, he did. He just wanted Purple to be fine. If something happens, as long as I don’t die, I’ll tear 27916; and Yu’s soul will tear away. And his extreme universe, and I will refining for a Secret Realm place in the Five Elements universe.” Yemmer’s eyes shined a strong slaughter in the universe these years, and he’s been distilled by temperaments many times.

“And I’m in Ningdu.” Ningzhou is as tight as a fist.

Even though it was five sacred, in this way the universe was built, and purple helped them both a lot.

There is also a sense of powerlessness to think of the countless cultivator who died of the five Elements cosmic war, even Yamous and Ning City, where determination has been made.

“Ning City, on the basis of our experience in shaping the universe over the years, wants to witness Supreme Grand Dao, not only to refine his own Dao Principle, but also to kill primal chaos a primal chaos a realm.” Yemmer did not say anything else, and he and Ning City might never have the opportunity to meet again once they jumped into the meteorological path.

Nodded in Ningdu, but then, “But I don’t think this is the only chance to prove Grand Dao, the great primal chaos, the poor Grand Dao. slash primal chaos a realm, which is almost equal to Pangu’s opening day in that year, without doubt. But I still insist on me own Dao, and my way will never change because my power is less than anyone else now.”

Ning City’s eyes are staring at the meteorological corrosion, with strong self-confidence and determination. When he grew up in the Five Elements universe, different from an ant?

He doesn’t believe he left the Five Elements universe, and he won’t grow up for the second time.

His way to Ningdu is, I’m right there.

What did primal chaos a realm do to Supreme Grand Dao? He wouldn’t care if he didn’t go to slash primal chaos a realm to prove the Dao. He was in the city, and his path was not to cut off primal chaos a realm, and he came by because of his presence in the city.


jumped off this crack today, and he’s going to refine his Grand Dao, and when he performs his own Grand Dao, he’s going back to the building of the universe again. There’s his relatives and friends here, and there’s something he’s after.

If he were to fall in this crack, it would be his destiny to do so, no wonder who.

Yemmer laughed, “Okay, you can say that, and I’m relieved. I was most worried that you listened to someone else and went to Ho primal chaos to re-prove the Dao. Grand Dao is everywhere, believing that O’Dao is good. We are here today, and there will be a day to see each other again. Violet looks at us, and it’s also because our Dao Heart has never been overwaved. Ningzhou, I’ll take a step first. See you in the future.”

At the end of the day, Yemmer didn’t even think about it, directly crossing the meteorological strip, and then disappeared without a trace.

Ningzhou City is also laughed, and he even feels like 27916; especially if dozens of breaths come before him, he does not care about halfway into the meteorological path without rotation.

From today on, he will again build his Grand Dao. As for Transformation Realm, he would never think he was weaker than anyone else.

I’m right there! He has this imposing way and self-confidence in the city.

“Brother Di ,我们从哪里离开?”秦幕天watched 眼前multi-colored 的vortex 通道,心里极为carefree 。这么多年,他终于再次看见了这些通往各个宇宙的vortex 通道。

“Go to brown, where to the Triple Universe. I’m looking for some silly accounts.” Di Jiu said that brown corridors should be going to the Triple Universe. In addition to looking for delusional accounts, he will enter into the universe with the gates of triumph universe creation.

The door to the creation of the five Elements universe is irresponsible, and there is no way Di Jiu wants to enter the universe from the five Elements.

Fathers escaped from the Trinity universe, and even if he wanted to come back, he had a way of tolerance.

When you think of the way back, Di Jiu is a conscious shook the head, sighed.

“Brother Di, is there a problem?” The Qin screen saw Di Jiu shake his head and asked a question.

“I was too anxious to forget to ask my friend how he came.” Di Jiu thought that fate monarchs could escape from the building of the universe, and that Di Jiu would not have been able to escape. He didn’t have cultivating the fate of Grand Dao, but there was no way to feel where his life force was.

见秦幕天在等着自己的决定,Di Jiu 立即就说道,“先去三慧宇宙再说,三慧宇宙有一个宇宙传送通道可以回到这里来。等我找禾妄收了账后,再做决定。”

“Good.” The Qin Day is no comment, and he reslash primal chaos a realm prove that the Dao community was successful and very happy. Wherever he goes, he will not care. Follow Di Jiu, trying to help Di Jiu anytime.

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