“Fellow Daoist Di, so we say our interests are consistent. With the strength of both of us, if combined, it is sufficient to build the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Of course, how to make the city of Al-Quds, and I believe I can still do it.”

Di Jiu hesitated for half a day and suddenly stood up and said to the other hand, “Dao Lord, you’re right. We’re both alike, and we’re two losers.”

“Fellow Daoist Di really understands this, so I’m ready for this side, and then what happens?”

Di Jiu is looking hard, “Fellow Daoist, you should know I’m missing a good magical treasure right now. Look at this blade behind me, and in a while, this blade will be reduced. So I want to get a magical treasure at hand.”

Heaven Dancing Blade, behind the paranoid watched Di Jiu, is Heaven Dancing Blade who never saw it. But it wasn’t blade terrifying blade momentum before, but he was clear. Is that treasure going to be a little weaker for a while?

“I’ve broken this blade, and I haven’t recovered yet.” Di Jiu continues to say that blade has been slowing down for a while, that is, blade is slowing down. The shorter blade, the more lucrative, the bigger it is. But Di Jiu believes that he’s saying less, and that delusion will be misunderstood.

Anyway, he’s not blind.

“Fellow Daoist Di, Innate Treasure is less, top grade Divine Project, I’m on my side.”

When Di Jiu finished, he said, “Okay treasure, I naturally don’t want it, I heard there’s a iron pillar in the universe, and I want to use it to refine a magical treasure.”

“Do you want me to triumph the universe?”

Di Jiu rubbing hands, “Is it a triumph string? I heard this thing’s not going to work out here, so I can borrow a magical treasure.”

It’s kind of hard to look, and he shook the head says, “Fellow Daoist Di, which I can’t promise you, although the triumph string has never been able to use, but this is the time for the tricle universe splitting heaven and earth apart, and I have no authority to do what I can to give you.”

Di Jiu hehe stood up and said, “If that’s the case, I’ll find myself magical treasure before I talk to Dao Lord about something else.”

In Di Jiu’s view, the Triangle string is just one of the destiny monarchs who have traveled, knowing that it may not have been placed somewhere.

“Fellow Daoist Di, in fact, even if I gave you this thing, you can’t take it. The triangle is empty in the depths of Roweid, and no one can take it, let alone refining or tool refining.”

Di Jiu heard fallacy, and screamed for failure. If you know that the Triple string is floating out there, why do you have to raise it in front of falsehood? Just go and see if you can take it.

“So that’s it.” Di Jiu sighs and says, “If that’s it, then let me think about something else. Dao Lord, you find a place to give me seclusion for a while, and when you develop the means to open the door, we’ll go to the city of Al-Quds, how about.”

At this point, Di Jiu has decided to go void and take the Triple string away. If he really can’t take it, forget it.

“All right, that’s all.”

The meteorological path is fragmented and the world in Ning City is fragmented into a crumbling ravine, hanging outside Ning City, looks like passible to see.

The world may not be life, but it is more important for Ning City than for Ning City. When the world disappears, it breaks down to the unseen yellow jewellery, it breaks to fleshly body and skeleton in Ningdu City, and then slowly transforms into nothingness.

Or now it’s still in the middle of the meteorological crack, just waiting for a dead thats all. His World and the Unseen Pearls are just slower than his death.

“ka cha! ka cha!” The noise of the sound, in addition to protecting the rotten world of the Ningzhou Castle’s surface, has begun to break. Not until the Unseen darkness breaks, and his path begins to collapse.

Extreme pain has passed, and the city of Ning has no tears. The end is going to go, and it’s not coming, that’s in his own town.

He and Yammer had an appointment, and he had to refresh his Grand Dao, return to the building of the universe and come back.

What if you don’t come back, Princess Lou? What if you don’t come back, Joan? If he doesn’t come, how does he make the holy place and save the swallow? And how’s the end of the many brothers who were accompanying him in the building door, Life and Death?

Ningzhou is still closing his eyes, and his path is breaking, and his Sea of Consciousness is collapsing!


were countless scenarios in the brain, and his path came from the unseen yellow beaches, and then, after entering starry sky, clear comprehension became a Grand Dao. Until he succeeded in creating a community, Grand Dao became more lucrative.

He was confident that his path would never be worse than anyone, why would he be so different from 27916; particularly? Since cultivating, he has never been afraid of the same class of cultivator. But 27916; especially in the same phase as his town, Transformation Realm, he was crushed.

I’m right there!

This is the Supreme faith of my faith, a firm one from the deepest depths of my own Dao Heart, never shaken.

The day will come with all due consideration and will be different! The root causes of my way.

There is no penis, no leaves. Manifesto, billions of penis, billions of prosperous creatures, all dead, all scattered, all together! My journey!

He’s not going to have a problem!

Isn’t there a problem, because the five Elements universe rules are incomplete, would cause the collapse of his way?

“ka cha!” The unseen jewellery broke a crack, and the city of Ning seemed to have known that the unseen jewellery was completely broken, and he would have transformed into nothingness in general, still closed his eyes, and Dao Rhyme was surrounded by the broken Dao Rhyme at all times.

kaka ka! Once again, there were several more cracks, and Di Jius fleshly body was bleeding out of Dao Nirvana, covering his watch between the bloody moment.

bang! One blood light exploded, almost covered the eyes of Ning City, and the city opened its eyes, and he saw a seed that did not exist. It’s like a bright light, light everything in front of him.

Death is crushed, and the city of Ning has come here at this moment with clear comprehension. There is no problem with his way, nor does he have faith in his faith.

The problem is that he himself built a city wall for his Grand Dao, a city wall that kept his Grand Dao locked and unable to reach out.

That’s why he wasn’t 27916; he lost his hand.

Since he’s clear comprehension, the root cause of his path is that of the heavens and the earth. Why would he let the five Elements universe hold him?

All his paths came in the five Elements cosmic insights, and he brought everything back to Dao Rhyme, and he grew up from the five Elements rules of the universe.


had the Grand Dao of Supreme, but he put his Supreme Grand Dao under the rules of the Five Elements universe. So his path grew at the highest level and would not exceed the Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe, and it was the Heaven and Earth Law of the kind of poor rules.

He’s in the city of Pennsylvania, and only in the five Elements universe, it’s a thats all. How many big universe are the five Elements of the universe out of Ho primal chaos? That 27916; Yu Grand Dao, even in parallel with the extreme universe, is clearly not a opponent.

This moment, the city also understands why people say that the perfect way to break the primal chaos a realm prove the Dao is at this time in the great primal chaos, because the post-construction cosmic rules are integrated with Primal Chaos Aura, and naturally form their Grand Dao rule. Eventually, this starting point has been on the same parallel line as five Elements when the universe was opened.

But Ho primal chaos is also confined to his Grand Dao, who can be sure that there will be no more vast universe than El-Hung primal chaos? Only Grand Dao from his own, even if his initial path was just a weak Dao Seed, will grow into a pointless future.

kaka ka ka ka! The fleshly body in Ningzhou began to collapse, and his Grand Dao also began to collapse.

But Ning City was calm, and he was deep in the skeleton mask of blood vague, and there was a slight flow of Dao Rhyme in his heart.

Just a short time, that Dao Rhyme became a naked eye almost invisible seed. That’s his own Dao Seed. From today on, his town of Ning no longer needs any universe, any World Dao Principle rule, and he wants to build a real universe on his own. And if he were to re-establish the world, it was not the world, but the universe, and it was the universe that never expanded.

Once seeds appear, a freshly developed Dao Rhyme vortex, the Dao Rhyme vortex, is becoming bigger and eventually parceled in Ning City.

It is no longer possible for aura to tear up Ninawa City’s meteorological trajectory, which was torn into a troubled world by the crackdown of Niue aura, which has become an indifferent Dao Rhyme, which is not in the mood of Ning City.

The fragmented black jewellery was also transformed into an indifferent Dao Rhyme, not dispersed in the endless crack of the meteorological channel, and also became indifferent Dao Rhyme and integrated into the seed of the heart of Ning City.

To one end, this is the center of Dao Principle, not Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe, but his town of Ning.

Come here today, friends. Good night!

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