Di Jiu entered void, wandering to know. Though he knows, he’s not that simple when Di Jiu sees the triumph string. When Di Jiu can’t take the Triple string, he knows he didn’t lie to him.

Rowen void was easy to find, and Di Jiu was only asking two people, and two days after the rules were exhausted, it felt that kind of splitting heaven and earth apart of aura.

It must have been a triumph in Roweid. Di Jiu accelerated the pace, and two days later Di Jiu fell on the top of the triumph string.

It is not surprising that the Fathers know that the Trinity universe has such a splitting heaven and earth apart pillar, which does not know what material is flowing in void, suffices for ten thousand zhang long enough to have at least 1,000 feet per week. Anyone who goes through here can also find out.

Knowing that the ordinary means of this thing should not be taken away, Di Jiu locked up with spiritual sense. It is true that spiritual sense falls on this pillar, and the pillar is not moving.

Di Jiu didn’t care, and he didn’t think he’d get rid of the trillion string as long as spiritual sense was rolled out. He began to confiscate Array Flag, as a top god Array Emperor, who would not believe that he could not remove great array from the pillar.

Don’t look at the delusion of Transformation Realm, Di Jiu must be paranoid at Formation Dao’s level without him. The delusional Formation Dao would not go beyond Heaven and Earth Law in the Trinity Universe, and his Formation Dao level was built up by its own rules, and not by the words Array Emperor.

Di Jiu spent three days enough to place a top move, Divine Formation, and Divine Formation completely locked up.


inspire Array Flag took out, Di Jiu was pleased to be involved in his own world.

What makes Di Jiu stupid is that he’s been preparing for a few days, placing a top-level move, Divine Formation, while the Triangle is still completely motionless. Don’t say he’s involved in his own world, just shake it up.

Undoubtedly, this triumph is really not going to go.

Di Jiu stretched his hand on the triumph string, a cold pass. Except for the cold, it’s kind of a great aura. But his spiritual sense cannot feel anything useful in this great aura, nor does spiritual sense penetrate the column at all.

But it touched the triumph string and gave Di Jiu an intuition, which was the best Artifact Materials, but not the right to purify blade artifact, but rather to refine a long bow.

No, it’s not appropriate to refine long bows, it’s appropriate to distil into bows.

Di Jiu was surprised by his thoughts, making bows with this pillar, how terrifying was that arrow? What if he didn’t paint Dao Rhyme bows without opening a pencil, instead of directly using this kind of physical bow?

Di Jiu doesn’t think that when that idea comes out, Di Jiu can no longer contain it.


any case, we have to get rid of these trillion strings. Even if this bow is not able to find a bow, he will take it away.

Can’t you

move Divine Formation, then break Divine Formation, maybe there’s a hidden great array next to these triumph strings, and you can’t see it too low?

One day later, Di Jiu proved that Divine Formation was unable to blow up these triumphs.

after half a month, Di Jiu tried to include all kinds of Divine Formation, tore void, Heaven Dancing Blade, and even refining.

But there is no way to move the trillion string apart, as for refining, let alone that spiritual sense can’t infiltrate the trillion string at all, how can refining? This makes Di Jiu very angry. cultivating to today, even one of the void’s things can’t go away, this is the first time Di Jiu met.

He didn’t lie to him. Seems like he took it, and he couldn’t purify this triumph.

Think of it here, Di Jiu directly took out of Dao Fire. He wanted to see if Dao Fire could refine this trivial string, and if Dao Fire was able to melt the Triple string, even if he could not take the Triple string, he could take some.

“Fellow Daoist wants to use the flame to purify the triumph?” A cultivator in the Triple Universe has seen Di Jiu trying to use the flame refining triangle to stop saying a word.

Di Jiu laughed, “Try it, just forget it.”

that triumph of the universe cultivator is also hehe’s voice, without talking, turning around fast.

He’s in his heart ironic Di Jiu, and if the flame could also be refining the trillion strings, the triangle would have been rolled away long ago.

Someone used to cross Divine flame’s top holy fire and couldn’t shake a trivial string. That cultivator just wanted to use a Divine flame to refining the Triple string. He can only say that there’s so much to think about.

Di Jius Dao Fire just landed on the triumph string, and he felt wrong. He felt that Dao Fire seemed to be able to extract these triumph strings, which was totally unjustifiable, just an intuition.

Just one day, Di Jiu clearly felt that the color burned by Dao Fire changed. The space around it seems to have a slight impact, as if something had been split apart from a sewer.

It looks like Dao Fire is too low to want refining Trident to know which cow horses are. Di Jiu must have waited for his Dao Fire class to be a bit higher, and it’s also an instinct that refining is trivial.

withdraw Dao Fire, Di Jiu took it again.

This is entirely because Di Jiu heard a slight crack, and then a consciousness test.

What Di Jiu didn’t expect was that, unlike the previous spiritual sense, his spiritual sense seemed to have been involved in the triumph string. While the triumph string remains inactive, it is entirely the same as it was before.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation moved the Array Flag again, the Array Flag inspired by Array Flag, and the void heard a lot of noise.

Di Jiu was excited, and the Trinity string was moved by him, Divine Formation. Di Jius spiritual sense Dao Principle is all over the triumph string, just an incense stick of time, and Di Jiu brought it into his own world.

Come on, Di Jiu, get out of the slightest hesitation immediately.

The Trident string was rolled out by him, and the entire Trinity universe knew it now. But even if you know, you don’t want him to take it out.

He can’t refining now, but when his Dao Fire goes up to grade 1, he can be refining. Di Jiu speculated that the ordinary flame was impossible to purify the trillion strings, but he wasn’t the ordinary flame, and he was Dao Fire. Dao Fire, a flame accompanying life, must come out of condense at the lowest time in cultivation base, and condense Dao Fire is basically accompanied by the fall. So there’s a strong Grand Dao fire in the universe, I’m afraid.

Di Jiu has decided that he will turn the Triangle refining into his own bow. Now that he lacks the bow material, Di Jiu made it out when he found the bow material. He was curious to know what would be the effect of such a big bow, after the two-year-old machine.

However, Di Jiu is also well aware that the bow material that can be accompanied by trivial strings will not be weaker than the triumph string. The city of Al-Quds is built with all the cosmic expert gatherings, which, in theory, should be available.

“Fellow Daoist Di, how’s it going? If that’s all right, we’ll go now.” Di Jiu, when he comes back, the delusion and a Di Jiu have never seen cultivator waiting for him. Qin is talking about nothing.

Di Jiu’s pretty quiet nodded, “I’m almost ready to go now.”

When you look at Di Jius’s face, you know, Di Jiu’s supposed to be clear about the trivial string, and naturally he’s not going to talk nonsense at this time.

Triple string is a symbol of the universe, and if Di Jiu can take it away, he won’t let Di Jiu go.

“It’s left burning, and this time he wants to go to the city of Al-Quds and see it with us.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, who has long been famous. The Experts as common as the clouds, who made the Al-Quds Al-Sharif, hopefully, together, stood steadfast in the building of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif.” The left obviously knew Di Jiu long ago and said a word to Di Jiu cup one fist in the other hand after delusional introduction.

Di Jiu, too, is cup one fist in the other hand for a few words, and left burning obviously is not a paranoid man. In Di Jiu’s view, the power and delusion of left burn are very small, and this is a top expert.

Di Jiu was most surprised that he didn’t see the third eye burning left. The expert of the Trinity universe has three eyes. The third glamorous eye is hidden, not a third eye. And left burn, Di Jiu is really sure the other side doesn’t have a third eye.

“If that’s the case, let’s go.”

Left burning followed closely from behind the past, and Di Jiu and Qin were close to entering void.

Di Jiu fears that the delusion will find that the triumph will be taken away by him, even though he does not fear, and that once he knows about it, he would be in trouble to move from the universe to the door of creation.

Let Di Jiu relaxed go in the opposite direction and in the opposite place.

Come here today, friends. Good night!

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