Four people left void for a year, and they stopped, and they were still in front of them a void, and there was nothing.

Di Jiu’s skeptical watched, “Dao Lord, don’t you say this place is already here?”

Nodded, “Yes, this is where my three-dimensional universe is built, Mount Wisdom.”

Di Jiu wrinkled his eyebrows, and he had some suspicion of lying to him.

“Fellow Daoist, my five Elements, the gates of the universe, were told to be in the mountains, wanted to meet the mountains, and insights to their own Dao Principle was in the foot. This place, a void, is unbelievable.” Di Jiu has some hehe, who says it’s hard to imagine, actually suspicion.

I don’t care about Di Jius, and I put my hands on a couple of hands, and I followed a blood essence spraying void. Apart from being clear in the middle of one zhang, the edge is grey misty, and spiritual sense and vision are not clear.

Di Jiu tried to use Dao Eye, as if it wasn’t clear.

If not under this dark door, and on the other hand giant cauldron, Di Jiu doubted that it was another primal chaos door. But this primal chaos door is the thats all over the universe.

“Fellow Daoist Di, this giant cauldron is my first Supreme Treasure III wisdom in the universe, where the triumph can only exist and no one can move away.”

Di Jiu smiled, and Triple strings couldn’t be removed, so they put themselves in their own world. This triumph is also irreversible, and it is now being moved here to suppress the door of what the universe has built.

I guess Di Jius thought, and again said, “Before the opening of the gates of the universe, I was three hundred thousand thousand and three thousand steps ago, cultivator prayed for three words with his own blood essence at the Triple Star. It is hoped that three wisdom will suppress the building of the universe for me. My three-dimensional universe creates an expert without Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth name, and the door of creation never opens.”

Di Jius’s face is dizzy, which means the universe’s Grand Dao consciousness?

And yet again, “After our prayers, the triumph disappeared from the source of the universe, and when it came back, it was before the door of creation that the gates of the imminent creation of the gates of law were sealed by three wisdom. In addition, the Mount of Wisdom was sealed simultaneously.”

Di Jiu has already believed in falsehood, as if the wisdom mountains of the gates of the triumph of the universe and the aspiration mountains of the five Elements universe. Unlike the five Elements of the Universe cultivator, the cultivator of the Triangular Universe knew the strength of the city of Al-Quds, went to courting death, and that’s why he wanted to seal the door to the building.

And the question of Qin is, “If that’s the case, how can it open up? Let’s get into the building door?”

“When we were 100,000, 8,000 steps three, cultivator, were laid at the blood essence altar. So, out of our 100,000 cultivator, anyone who wants to enter the building door can again take out of his blood essence, and I can open the door to the universe. Of course, everyone has only one chance.”

He said that he had a blood in his eyebrows, and a blood essence spreaded on the top of the triumph. Along with the delusions of worship, countless Dao Principle technique calls out.

One hour later, a triangle black entrance came from the middle of one zhang. Di Jius Dao Eye also clearly sees a mountain that hides a covenant behind the building door, which should be the wisdom mountain.

“Only ten breaths are opened, and we’re going in.” The first one crossed into the building door after delusion.

The left burns, the Qin Sky walked in, and Di Jiu did not hesitate to follow the door to manufacture.

A great aura came in, and Di Jiu immediately felt the cultivation base rising at ceng ceng, and seemed to be able to enter Transformation Realm at any moment as long as he wished.

Di Jiu immediately pressed restrain on this impulse, which was made up of Dao Rhyme, who could absorb cultivating and could never cross into the third step with such Dao Rhyme.

He cultivating is his own way of making Dao Rhyme available to him for cultivating and must not be used as Dao Principle for Grand Dao Dao Dao. He just got along, and now he’s going to build Dao Rhyme across Transformation Realm, and I’m afraid the universe that he built himself will have an impact. His universe World Composition, which is all its own rules of cohesion. Made Dao Principle up at a further high level, and he could not avail himself of such Dao Principle advance.

bang! A crumbling aura came out of the left, burning the left, shaking Dao Rhyme around. Di Jiu, don’t look, also knows that the left burn crossed into Transformation Realm.

Dao Rhyme was just like a fluid, and obviously he planted base for another step.

Qin is also a surprise crazy revolving circulatory cycle, with the endless creation of Dao Rhyme aura being rolled out of his seat, and his cultivation base is also on the rise of ceng ceng.

Di Jiu would like to ask if Grand Dao was reconstructed after the Qin Dao Principle had been re-established, and if so, he would not recommend that the Qin Sky be built by Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth.

Heaven and Earth Law obviously made the universe higher than the five Elements and the Triple Universe, and Di Jiu felt it all the time. A habitual cultivator in the low level of rules, suddenly coming to the universe of this higher rule, the next step is the easiest to go. Besides, just entering the building gates, and around here is the fabrication of Origin Qi.

Di Jiu knew, however, that now he had no means of asking, and he asked, that would be tantamount to interrupting the airline of Qin.

Soon Di Jiu didn’t rectify, who was the Qin Day? And it’s one of the darkness of the universe that opens up with cultivator, which doesn’t need to remind himself, except naturally understand.

And then Di Jiu started to absorb Origin Qi for revolving circulatory cycle and to stabilize its own borders.

A few months passed by, and the first time he stood up, he looked like refreshed, and obviously got a great deal of money.

“Fellow Daoist Di’s harvest should be shallow.” See Di Jiu stopped cultivating, delusional laughed, the first thing to say.

“It’s not worth mentioning my harvest than Dao Lord.” Di Jiu laughed, it’s not going on.

Transformation Realm has been built, and he absorbs more of Dao Rhyme Origin Qi here, and will not affect his Grand Dao rule as long as he does not advance.

“Fellow Daoist Di, where we are located is not where the door of genuinity begins, and here is only the void of the universe. None of these manufactured aura we harvested, even a million dollars open to the building gates. See how much the cultivator will benefit once the construction door is really open to a realm.”

These formalizations, Dao Rhyme, have made Di Jius realm more solid, and in fact Di Jiu really doesn’t care. After entering the border, he wanted to enter Transformation Realm again, even though it wasn’t that simple. Unless he can burn like he left, by making aura here, directly shocking Transformation Realm.

It also stopped cultivating the left and the Qin curtain, and the Qin curtain had been successful, which had caused Di Jiu some lamentation. It seems that the Qin Tin Jin has just succeeded in re-establishing the community in Ho primal chaos, despite its deep atmosphere, which seems to be too fast.

And the left burns are more than the imposing bag, and the surroundings are the Dao Rhyme flow that made realm.

“Congratulations to your left brother.” The paranoid hug, he and his left burn, all from the Trinity universe, must be mutually reinforcing this time in the building of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


the left burned, and he was so excited. In the Trinity universe, he was stuck in Half-step to build Transformation Realm for years. Although the name is the top expert of the universe, he knows himself that as long as he does not enter Transformation Realm, he and the delusion are people at both levels.

“Diego, you didn’t use this place to penetrate Transformation Realm.” The sound transmission of the Qin Day fell on Di Jiu’s ear.

Di Jiu was implicitly from nodded, and Qin was clearly aware of its achievements. Since it was clear that the gains had been made, Qin had chosen to build the Dao Principle line, and he should have his own consideration.

Come here today, friends. Good night!

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