Another number of top-level materials were captured by Di Jiu and thrown into Dao Fire for only half a dozen columns, which began to change shape under Dao Fire.

However, unlike before, this Di Jiu not at all hits, nor does it draw array restriction, or even carry out the most basic modelling simulation.

It is only when these materials continue to melt that Di Jiu began to build Dao of Artifact foundations law. When the infinite law was seduced by Di Jiu, these laws formed once again the Dao of Artifact rule…

This is Di Jiu’s first attempt at Grand Dao tool refining, who started a new Formation Dao in the Human World. Today he is going to build his own Dao of Artifact in an inch, which is also the way he seeks to build.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

Together, foundation law was constructed by Di Jiu and then integrated with materials that were melted in Dao Fire.

With the improvement of Heaven and Earth Law in Artifact Materials in Dao Fire, one time for indistinct, Dao Principle aura, has shifted in Dao Fire.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

On this long bow, there’s a dark grey arrow.

Di Jiu 1 open hand, this long bow falls in his hand.

The feeling of the passing of that nasty age is that Di Jiu even has a feeling that when he comes out of this long arrow, time falls back.

Although Di Jiu know this is a delusion, he’s still excited.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Di Jiu grabbed the long bow on Bridge of Reincarnation, and was silent.

When he creates tools that belong to himself, the insights of his opponents will also rise again, when it is the right time to refine the real two machines.

Three days passed, and Di Jiu assembled this time by means of a rule tool refining.

Di Jiu decided to refine the real age two when it was determined that there was no problem. He grabbed the universe and the threefold string, and four inches of light were floating in front of him.

watched these materials that they searched hard for, and Di Jiu did not immediately start refining. At this point, he withdrew from Bridge of Reincarnation’s verbal domain.

In half an inch of old tool refining, even without Bridge of Reincarnation, he could survive here for a while. With Bridge of Reincarnation, he no longer needs to play the words of truth, as he did when he first came in.

Di Jiu believed that he would immediately refine two machines in this place, and that as long as his refinement succeeded, the two machines would be a top ultimate weapon.

Di Jiu remains unsatisfactory, and he is now adapted to the passing of an inch of time outside, perhaps with the help of Bridge of Reincarnation, for some time in a time hole.

What if he can refine it in time holes, two long bows and arrows?

If you don’t think about it, once this idea comes out, it’s no longer possible to deter restrain.

Since everything is the best, the materials of the second machine are the best things to be carefully selected, why don’t you refine the second machine in the best place?

Di Jiu decided to go to the time hole to refine two machines, and if he could really refine two machines in time holes, it would be probably the strongest law of time magical treasure in the vast universe.

Di Jiu decided to make some more preparations, despite having been in place for more than six months and having adapted to the passage of one inch of the original time. Once you can’t hold it, get back here. He’s not crazy enough to use his life for a magical treasure.

The first is to refine life force Dao Pill, which is necessary. Turn life force fruits into life force Dao Pill. Second, talk to Establishing Wood, refining two machines in time holes, which could take his life anywhere without founding Wood’s support.

Third, he has to refine Transmission Array Disk, and if his life is in danger…

Di Jiu thought he was frowning here, and he must be in a time hole, and once his life was in danger, he had no chance of passing away. Even if he refined more Transmission Array Disk, it would be useless.

Transmission Array Disk can’t be used. It can only be ruled out. Considering the rules, Di Jiu found its own rules Escaping Technique, all through space rules and rules that Heaven and Earth Law of the universe even built itself. He never tried to borrow Natural Law of Time escape alone before, so if he could use Natural Law of Time escape, would Escaping Technique go up the floor…

Di Jiu immediately felt the flow of natural law of time around here, and his mind had appeared hundreds of miles away from Bridge of Reincarnation.

As time passes, it makes it impossible for itself to notice.

Di Jiu I open hand, Bridge of Reincarnation again fell under the foot.

Natural law of time can certainly be integrated into rule Escaping Technique and faster than using the rest of the rules. Theoretically, as long as time is available, he can be instant. Of course, it’s just theoretical. In fact, there is a direct relationship with his cultivation base, which is weak, and good Escaping Technique, which is also limited.


Di Jiu fully refined life force Dao Pill of half a month to control Bridge of Reincarnation’s search for time holes.

Time hole in one inch meant death, in fact, death in one inch, but there were some experts in one inch, not just Di Jiu alone. But time holes don’t work, and no one can survive in time holes, even before Di Jiu, because looking for an inch of light, fell in time holes.

Time holes are dangerous, and it is equally difficult to find. Di Jiu was impressed when he entered a time hole and barely fled his life. Even so, Di Jiu was searching for two or three months without finding a time hole.


longer you stay, the more Di Jiu adapts to this place, because he’s cultivating Grand Dao Law. Anywhere, if there’s a rule, he can build his own Grand Dao Law. Without rules, he can also build his own cosmic rules. Di Jiu could even send Bridge of Reincarnation if it wasn’t for a time hole.

On that day, Di Jiu was still looking for a time hole in the plains, and suddenly the time around him suddenly disappeared, and he was trapped in a hole in which everything was empty, even his life was about to transform into nothingness.

Di Jiu entered a time hole, where he didn’t know he had entered a time hole? That’s because he’s standing on Bridge of Reincarnation, otherwise he’s afraid he doesn’t even have this kind of awareness, and he’s being empty transforming into nothingness. Time holes are called empty, because after you enter, it’s all blank and unconscious.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation to seize the pen, and the verb was swing out hundreds of times in the instant.

A word of crap, a line of sunshine!

Numerous time domain was constructed in front of Di Jiu, blocking the passage of time holes.

At the same time, a time Dao Rhyme rule was constructed by Di Jiu, forming a time wall in front of it. Even with sufficient preparation, a layer of real domain has been built, and Di Jius Life Force is still rapidly passing away. He still feels like he’s in an empty hole in everything, and he himself will transforming into nothingness in all this empty hole.

The life force aura of Establishing Wood continues to flourish Di Jiu, and every time a life force Dao Pill falls into Di Jius’s mouth.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Come here today, friends. Good night! These two days are attending the annual conference for reading. (b)

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