The three-dimensional string, which cannot be melted at all in the eye, began to melt in Di Jius Dao Fire, and the universe and a inch of light began to melt.

Unlike refining the rest of magical treasure, there is one inch of the universe and three wisdom strings that will never be integrated together, but turned into three blocks.

Di Jiu needs to refine not only the two bows of the captain’s age, but also the continuous construction of the Dao Rhyme wall, as well as the constant swing of the astronomical rhetoric to build domain. Otherwise, two machines of his age were not refined, and he was given a time hole to transforming into nothingness.

Although Di Jiu was mad at tool refining and defending his life force, it still felt that one inch of light in Dao Fire had melted only three and one seemed to have moved.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

While he resisted the holes of time, Grand Dao Dao Rhyme fell completely on Dao Fire material. a Law cohesion rules and cosmic integration, the universe rolling around Dao Fire and gradually turning into bows. And the three-pronged string melted by Dao Fire, also under the Di Jius Grand Dao rule, turned into a string almost invisible to naked eye.

Three inches of light, even under Di Jius time Dao Principle, were refined into three long arrows by Grand Dao rules.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

If time permits, Di Jiu will also look closely at what the reason is.

And in fact, even if Di Jiu’s crazy eating life force Dao Pill, and Establishing Wood Life Force provides, his skin is still as vaporized as usual.

The hair is already snow, and the body’s blood is dripping.

Neither Bridge of Reincarnation’s turn back to Dao Rhyme, the infinite time domain built by the astronomical rhetoric nor his own natural law of Time shield can prevent the time hole from rolling away everything from him.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Di Jiu took the only drop of the cosmic True Essence entrance from his own universe, even if Di Jiu was a joint border, and True Essence entered the entrance, and he was still recovering most of the time.

But Di Jiu didn’t continue to consume like that, and he opened up all his time to protect array, terrifying time holes.

Just breathing time, Di Jius fleshly body was evaporated again and life force went crazy.

At the same time, in this endless time hole, the bow on the universe and the threefold string were together condense.

Three years old arrows were dispersed and life holes were typically terrifying killing intent, which appeared to have completely melted the whole population.

bang! void was blowing for a while, and Di Jiu felt a whole new Grand Dao Dao Will.

Di Jiu knows better than anyone that his age two bows have been refined and that his Dao of Artifact has opened a new chapter in the Holocaust. Just like he created a new Formation Dao, he created a new Dao of Artifact.

Even though insights had a new Dao of Artifact, Di Jiu was unhappy, and he was carrying Dao Fire with a little bit of residual power and withdrawing after the two captain bows.

Good thing the Dao Rhyme shield was not completely broken before he was built, and there were dozens left in domain.

These things, together with the help of Establishing Wood and Life Force Dao Pill, Di Jiu fell out of time hole before fleshly body was almost completely melted.

Di Jiu was on Bridge of Reincarnation, and the whole guy looked like some bones were wrapped up, and no half of Essence, Qi and Spirit.

A highly corrupt aura escaped from her body, and Di Jiu’s entire human being could at any time be subjected to such a corrupt aura transforming into nothingness.

Di Jiu would like to capture a few Dao Pill entrances, but now he has only a little thought to move, and nothing else can move. Di Jiu sure if it wasn’t Establishing Wood, he went into the time hole, it was to take a light cage to the hut and really find death.

His founding Wood in the universe has also shrunk at naked eye. Establishing Wood, with the help of Breath Soil, had grown into a giant tree with him to support both heaven and earth, and had even begun condense World Life Force. And now, Establishing Wood is just about one zhang, and it’s still shrinking.

Di Jiu stopped smoking the life force of Establishing Wood and captured several Dao Pill entrances in the first time that he could act.

His life force was extracted too hard, even Grand Dao Dao Rhyme was corrupted by time holes. Even Dao Pill, Di Jiu cannot recover in time.

It took a month, Di Jiu, to get up again, and he still looks like a skin bone. But Dao Rhyme’s corrupt aura has been weak a lot.

We can’t stay an inch longer, we have to get out.

Di Jiu has one hand, Dao Fire disappears in his heart and falls in his hand with a seven-foot bow. In addition to the three inches of silent arrows floating by the long bow, there is one inch of light that has not been transformed into a long arrow.

Di Jiu was passionate, and he finally refined two machines, more perfect than he thought. Although only three arrows were enough for him, you know, he was going to refine only one arrow.

The three arrows, Dao Rhyme, turn around, and if they were shot out by two captain bows, would they tear the universe apart?

Maybe these three years old arrows are too terrifying, so the universe does not allow him to refine the fourth one.


“Junior Sister, you think you should be right, this man is probably going into the original, and I don’t think he should come out.” The wind that waited an inch outside didn’t wait for someone to come out with some disappointment, and he knew there was no point in waiting.

Kiki endorsed nodded this time, “I guess so, too, unfortunately.”

And I don’t know what she’s saddened, and she thinks, like the wind, that the fellow who killed Josh didn’t come out for so long, would never come out again. Even if this person had another magical treasure against the law of time, the understanding of natural law of time could not last so long. Of course, maybe this person didn’t even get into the original.

“Come on, let’s go back to the Holy City. City Lord did not find Di Jiu, who was very disappointed, and had issued a warrant for the creation of the Holy City, and any cultivator of the Five Elements universe would be taken to lockdown prison as soon as it appeared.” The Daoist shadow came out of nowhere, or it came out of an inch.

Almost as soon as the Daoist movie came out, the wind and Kiki fell in front of the man, and the corner stopped Daoist.

Di Jiu stopped, calm watched in front of two people. In his view, both of them should be made Transformation Realm. The strength of women should be the same as delusions, and the men Dao Rhyme are so close that they know better than those of May 27916; they are particularly strong. If Di Jiu’s first choice was how far away it would be without insights Formation Dao to create a new Formation Dao in the universe, now Di Jiu is not moving.

“Are you Di Jiu?” Maggie’s amazing watched Di Jiu, with some unbelievable tone.

Di Jius images she naturally has seen, very young, but the cultivator’s gray hair, skinny bones, is as if she had been hungry for hundreds of thousands of years.

She’ll be here soon. She’ll live so long in an inch, she’ll be very amazing.

Di Jiu is very calm, “Yes, I am Di Jiu.”

He killed the missionary of the seven universe, and it was weird that nobody came to him. According to a pity, the seven-bound universe is the most protected, and his domain people are getting rid of them here, and he’s not looking for them, where’s the face?

The wind did not speak, and his eyes moved from Heaven Dancing Blade behind Di Jiu to seven feet long bow in Di Jiu’s hand.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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