“never to despair, never to doubt…”

The wind was confused, and he even closed his eyes. Di Jiu this arrow hasn’t been fired yet, and he’s already feeling his life force is booked.

What else can you do if your feelings of time disappear? And when he was about to fall, the wind discovered that Di Jius was a long arrow that didn’t come out at all, so he was confused.

This long arrow was clearly driven by Di Jius Life Force, which was completely locked in his life force, and even the surrounding Maggie had been locked up to escape.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

You know, as long as Di Jiu is unable to control this long arrow, killing potential is weakened and the time locked up by a long arrow is bound to begin to flow. Once at this time…


wind is thrilled, how it really gets to this point, and then he can live. In his understanding of the law of time, he had life force as long as there was a slight flow of time.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

Although unable to move even a little bit, Maggie was as clear as the form, she also wondered why Di Jiu had not shot that long arrow so far. If you want to let them go, you can talk now.

But Di Jiu closed his eyes, as if two people were locked up by a long arrow and a long arrow were completely non-existent.

And I don’t know how long, Di Jiu, the whole guy is getting thinner, and the wind is getting more and more excited. As long as there is one more time, there will certainly be a gap in space, and then he will be able to trigger Forbidden Technique to escape.

Sometimes the most exciting moment is the most desperate moment, when the wind watched and found a little bit of time lacunae escape, and this is the time when his desperate sight of Di Jiu opened his eyes and Di Jiu was looking at him.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“The two machines, the twin of Life and Death, go back to the beginning and shoot the wolf in the North” Di Jiu suddenly stares at the wind and says, “You two don’t deserve me to shoot a long arrow, get out of here, give me a letter to cut the Byx, and I’ll be building the Holy City for a while.”

At this last moment, Di Jiu finally figured out why his two machines didn’t blow out that slim Dao Rhyme kill potential.

As long as one inch of clichkill potential erupts, the lives of these two people will be the same as those of the time hole, with only one inch of time, in which they may see the darkest news of terrifying’s death, despair and life. Perhaps the most beautiful brake in life…

But these two people are Dao Rhyme, who really don’t qualify for the second machine to activate empty time, so after the second machine took out, it was just life force, which locked the two people down, killing them.

At the same time, the second machine was already written by Di Jiu withdraw, Heaven Dance took out, roll up a blade screen.

blade screen fell, wind and maggie blew out a blood arrow, and the two guys fell out like a balloon.

Di Jiu had a roll, seven axes and a bloodthirsty tower that he sent into his own world. There’s no killing of these two. Interest is still charging some.

Wind and Maggie can’t even say a word of crap, and quickly escape and disappear.

Di Jiu was relaxed, and he knew that if two machines were used, it would really be easier to kill Wind and Maggie. But obviously, for killing these two people, the second machine was a bad idea.

Two machines were not Artifact Spirit, but as a magical treasure at this level, that was proud. If anything is killed with two machines, it’s too cheap.

Two machines, Di Jiu, were made almost with his own life, refined in time holes, selected materials were also the most precious treasure of all.

This magical treasure is certainly reluctant to kill those unknown generations.

As his strongest magical treasure, Di Jiu, although he could kill every man he wanted to kill with two machines on his own age, was similarly reluctant to let two machines lose their price. Unless it comes to people who have to, or who can’t deal with, themselves, the second machine will not show up.

It’s not a bow arrow, it’s a divine ability of two machines.

Di Jiu was relieved because he was using Heaven Dancing Blade in his hand to kill Wind and Maggie in the current state of affairs.


Making the City Lord Mansion of the Holy City, the wind stood in front of the extinction pole, and until now he was still a bit of a bump.

Since his departure, he has seen how many times he has been in danger and has never lost Grand Dao’s confidence as it is today.

Until now, he realized that Di Jiu had let him go of the moment that he had fallen.

He lost his own Supreme Treasure Seven axe and was no longer entitled to ask the place of the universe, or even to improve his own Grand Dao.

Decapitalizing the extreme face is calm, and even the eyebrows are not wrinkled. It took enough time for an incense stick of time to ask, “Are you sure he’s letting you go, not capable of killing you?”

The wind says, “Dao Lord, I’m sure he’s capable of killing us, but not killing us.”

Decapitate Nodded, “Then say his long bow.”

The wind was still bowing, “after that long bow was arrow, killing potential locked me and Maggie. To be exact, it’s a time killing potential. At that moment, I felt that the entire universe was under the control of that imminent arrow. My life even stopped moving, everything stopped, I had no chance of resisting, and I had no power to resist it.”

“Are you sure it was time that locked your life, let your life force stop, instead of killing potential locked you up?” Decapitating beta stares at windspeaks in a gentle tone’s interrogation.

The wind had jumped, and Grand Dao had made little progress since Di Jiu had taken seven axes, even some clear Dao Rhyme had begun vague.

But at this moment, he once again felt a crisis, a crisis of death.

“Yes” the wind just said one word, and a terrifying space killing potential locked all his mobile space.

Why would Dao Lord kill him?

Decapitate indifferently said, “You’ve lost your will, even if you go back to the seven universe, I’m afraid it will just corrupt my seven universe expert’s will. Stay in the building of the Holy City, even to add the name of Di Jius to thats all. Go ahead, I’ll tell someone you’re in a fight with Di Jiu, and you’re in a fight with Di Jius plot against you.

“Decapitate, you…”

The wind cannot say it completely, and it was slapped in the eyebrows.

No, it’s too fast. Decapitalization has just killed the wind, and it reminds me of something very important.


intuition of the wind to life and death is extremely acute, and it’s not even as acute as him. Before the wind came from his place, he didn’t all intend to kill the wind, and he decided to kill the wind just after the wind said Di Jiu had robbed seven axes of his life. If he had the heart of killing at first, I’m afraid the wind would never come back.

He forgot to ask the wind, why didn’t he feel the threat of that arrow before he went an inch back? Did Di Jiu get that arrow in an inch?

“Wind, do you know where Di Jius bow came from?” Decapitating B is extremely quick to ask.

The wind stares ironically at the extinct, “Erase, you’ll know…”

He would have wanted to say that he had some doubts that Di Jiu himself had refined in time holes. Because when the bow was locked, he felt the empty hole in life, and that was everything.

He won’t say that. He believes that he will face Di Jius in the future, and that it will not be better than him. He’s sure Di Jiu won’t kill him, he won’t let it go.

The words “bang!” come out, the wind melts for blood mist.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Come here today, friends. Good night! (b)

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