Maggie went crazy, and she didn’t even escape to make the Holy City. She knew more about the dust than anyone else, who thought that beheading was the first expert to make the Holy City, but she believed that cutting was only the third most, because it was more powerful than decapitating.

The failure to take City Lord’s position, and even try to support the Byzantine, is due to the clarity of the dust and the fact that there is one more expert in the construction of the Holy City. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know who this strongest person is, just a dust.

It was odd to know that she had lost her hand with the wind in Di Jiu, and even magical treasure had been taken away by Di Jiu, who could save her life. The dust will force Di Jiu to defeat her and everything, and then kill her. So now she’s out of her mind, she’s going to run.

She escaped because she had managed to escape, and she could leave the universe. As for the dust, she would certainly not leave the universe to hunt her down.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

Di Jiu stayed a inch away from the original and not all left immediately, after months, and felt that strength had only restored half. Just as Di Jiu intended to leave the original and return to the human world, he suddenly felt a danger.

Di Jiu was slowly standing up, looking in a void, not moving. That kind of sudden danger comes from this void.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court, update the latest chapter!

Di Jiu was in deep heart, and if it wasn’t for this man to kill him, he wouldn’t find each other. In fact, this killing card is possible, only some law fluctuation. It’s probably intentional to have that kind of weakened to almost non-existent killing card on him, to try to see if he can find out, more likely to look in his Grand Dao direction. If so, this fellow is too terrifying. Because they found out that he was particularly sensitive to the rules.

“Who’s your Excellency?” Di Jiu is quiet, everybody’s ready.

After this person showed up, it made Di Jius feel harmless to human and animal. Di Jiu, however, believes that this person is too riskier than Wind and Maggie combined.

“I’m Deer Pearl, you can call me Fellow Daoist. Heard you had an old bow arrow? Can you show me?” The deer beads are random, as if they borrowed a spoon of butter with their neighbors.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

Not to Di Jiu, nor to the deer, but to smilingly say, “We are not enemies, and we should be collaborators. We can work together in the future when we create holy places. Show me your long arrow, at least I need to know if you’re qualified to work with me against a fellow…”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Don’t worry, I’m not qualified to cooperate with people, but look at my own feelings. And as for who I’m dealing with, it’s my own decision.”

The reindeer slightly smiled, “Even if you crossed into Transformation Realm, you can’t deal with him.”

“Do you want me to work with you first to deal with the extinct?” Di Jiu heard it, and asked.

The deer beads still don’t panic and say, “What the hell is it? He deserves me to find someone else?”

Di Jiu’s sceptical watched deer, “Isn’t it the City Lord who made the Holy City? City Lord, who made the Holy City, is nothing. Who is it?”

“Who tells you, City Lord is the strongest of the city? At least I don’t want to sit here with City Lord, and I’d rather pursue a higher level of Grand Dao.”

Di Jiu hehe said, “City Lord can at least get a lot of cultivation resources that can call on others to fight for his holy place and have the status of Supreme Ex – is – tence.”

Shook the head, “Who said that? When you cross into Transformation Realm, you’ll understand that cultivation resources are clouds. Can we get longevity? Only holy places. Can this call someone to compete for you? How dare you say the first man to make the city of Al-Quds?”

“Dusty?” Di Jiu replied, he heard of this person. According to the transcendent, the primal chaos door is that person used to suppress the Five Elements universe, Primal Chaos Aura. So primal chaos is actually a dust magical treasure.

The deer beads say, “Yes, the dust of this man is extremely intoxicated and deeply distributed. He looks powerful in the entire building of the Holy City in third place, and I doubt this person will not be weaker than me. But these have nothing to do with me, and this person has to do with you.”

“Why?” Di Jiu came out of consciousness, and after that, there was some understanding. Jang’s dust suppressed Primal Chaos Aura of the Five Elements universe, naturally with him.

The deer pearl chuckled, “Because the dust has a top magical treasure, calling heart helpless. This heart is not a complete magical treasure, but only the heart. This heart is a door, and calls primal chaos…”

Speaking of which, Di Jiu has become somewhat clear.

The deer beads continue to say, “The dust crushed Qi of Primal Chaos of the Five Elements universe with primal chaos, breaking Heaven and Earth Law of the Five Elements universe. Meanwhile, plot against five Elements, a number of experts in the universe, suppressing all five Elements of the universe cultivator. The dust used its first magical treasure primal chaos door to suppress Qi of Primal Chaos of the Five Elements universe, destroying the Five Elements universe rule, in an attempt to transform the Five Elements universe into a path of ignorance. As long as there’s a heart and a way, that heart is perfect.”

“Does this person want refining to build the universe?” Di Jiu was shocked.

The reindeer slightly smiled, “That’s not refining. You don’t understand now. Recently, however, there seems to be some problems in the dust’s heart, and I don’t know what’s going on.”

When the deer beads speak, they’ve been quiet watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu naturally understand what’s going on, he’s just wrinkled, no more bullshit.

See Di Jiu not answering, and the deer pearls continue to say, “After you’ve helped me, there will be dust against you, and I can talk to one or two. But before that, you need to do me a favor, and when I deal with that person, I’m gonna use your age bow arrow. So I want to see your bow arrow first, not worth my help.”

“Do you know how awesome you family are?” Di Jiu watched the deer pearl, very silent. This fellow, while speaking in a peaceful tone and voice, sees him as an ant in the bones. Because of the fact that this ant got a good bow in an inch, he was qualified to be busy with his deer pearl, this Sir.

The deer beads don’t all care about Di Jius’s attitude, he’s still laughed, and suddenly he grabbed Di Jiu with no sign.

At this moment, Di Jiu’s time sheet disappeared, his killing potential area and Grand Dao Law area were completely fragmented and Di Jiu had only one handprint left in his eyes.

Di Jius complexion greatly changed, who knew that deer pearls were strong and never thought that they were strong enough. In other words, if he cultivating isn’t Grand Dao Law, he’s dead at this moment. It was ironic to Grand Dao that he was almost crushed by the reindeer.

The rules around me are beyond control, and time is under the hands of the deer pearls. Di Jius’s idea of without the slightest hesitation is one of its own time rules, which virtually leaves Di Jiu suffocated with a vacuum, and Di Jiu does not want to direct rule Escaping Technique, the next moment missing without a trace.


least now, he’s very far away from the deer pearls, not at all. With the strength of the deer beads, he had no chance of taking out two machines before he recovered his wounds.

“Grand Dao Law? And the rules can be built through ideas?” Di Jiu was never seen in the eyes before, and it was all horrendous in the eyes.

Di Jius’s power is not enough for him now, but Di Jius Grand Dao completely subverted his perception of Di Jius. With Di Jiu and Grand Dao, as long as they enter Transformation Realm, they have the opportunity to fight him.

He can’t kill Di Jiu unless he can lock up his ideas and ideas.

God, I can’t look again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

(This volume is right here, the next volume begins in Ning City. (b)

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