
Seeing Yan Yan again in deep thought, Ning Cheng quickly said, “You don’t need to think about these things, after you prove the Dao Immortal Emperor, everything will be understood, you only need to focus on the advance Emperor Realm.”

“Um.” Yan Yan was nodded, she knew it was not the time to think about it.

Yan Yan put down her mind and hit Immortal Emperor with her heart, but Ning Cheng spilled a lot of Divine Crystal.

Impact on Immortal Emperor. Ning Cheng not only brought Daoyuan Daoguo, but even used Divine Crystal to decorate the Spirit Gathering Array. Don’t say that the swallow aptitude is not bad, even if it is garbage aptitude, it is easy to step into the Immortal Emperor.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest update.

Immortal Emperor Thunder Tribulation Ning Cheng has no take action. After Dao Yuan Dao Guo stabilized the foundation, Yan Yan easily passed the Immortal Emperor Thunder Tribulation and stepped into the fairy Emperor Realm. Under the accumulation of a large number of Spiritual God Origin Qi, Yan Yan quickly stabilized his realm at the Immortal Emperor initial stage.

At the moment when realm was stable, endless memories swarmed. At this moment, Yan Yan forgot about cultivating and stayed completely, letting those memories impact her.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Ning Cheng rescued her more than once on the Blood River Mountain, entered the bottom of the Blood River for her, and walked out on the bottom of the Blood River to ask the sky …

In Taisu World, Ning Cheng almost lost her life to Jiuzhuan Shengdao Pond to save her …

She is carrying Ning Cheng to struggle for survival in the scarce place of Immortal Spirit Qi, and has lingered between Life and Death numerous times, just as Ning Cheng has never given up on her. She started from knowing Ning Cheng and followed As Ning Cheng’s footprints came, she never thought of leaving Ning Cheng, even if she died, she would not leave Ning Cheng …

Because, Ning Cheng is her husband and her husband.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Yan Yan’s eye circles were red. She stood up and watched. Ning Cheng, who had been standing in the distance with her heart on her body, could no longer burst into tears. After numerous domains, and after a reincarnation, Ning Cheng still found her.

“I’m sorry, Yan Yan, from now on, I will not ignore your safety for the void position.” Ning Cheng walked over and reached out to Yan Yan.

“Ningcheng …” Ning Cheng in Yan Yan’s eyes was already hazy, and she wished to immediately fling into Ning Cheng’s arms, but her feet were so heavy that she could not move at all. Even if you want to say one more word, you can’t spit it out.

Feeling Ning Cheng’s strong arm, Yan Yan can no longer support her body and falls into Ning Cheng’s arms. Everything was pale at this moment, she just wanted to be like this forever, don’t stand up again. All the words and thousands of words in her heart are turning into tenderness and entanglement, and she narrates the emotions for her two lives.

In the Five Elements universe, Queyue is nothing at all, and many people do n’t even know that such an Immortal Territory exists. But at Kui Yue Xing, no one does not know the house. Because the first cultivator clan of Kui Yuexing is the deceased family, yes, it is not a family that repairs the Immortal Sect door.

Every time a family sacrifice is performed, the entire small sect of Kuei Yuexing will send someone to witness. Of course, gift giving is necessary. As for the major sects or some large-scale events organized by the family, it is necessary to notify the deceased.

Although it is not a Planet Alliance Lord, it is equivalent to the Lord of Queyue Star.

Because there are two Immortal Emperor in the family, one is Patriarch, the Immortal Emperor perfection realm. The second is Jie Xuan’s parent-child decision Fang Leng, Immortal Emperor middle stage expert. It is rumored that apart from Old Ancestor, the decision cold is the strongest aptitude genius in the history of the decision.

Don’t think that the two Immortal Emperor are very simple. The entire Immortal Emperor of Kuei Yuexing will not exceed two hands, and in addition to the decision, the strongest one is just the Immortal Emperor late stage. It can be seen how powerful the duel is.

At the moment of the family meeting of the deceased family, Jie Yixuan is sitting in the position of Patriarch, next to him is the second expert of the deceased family, which is also his only son, Decanter.

Ju Yixuan’s eyes glanced across the faces of many Elders in Hall. The tone was quietly said, “Quei Yuexing has restrictions on Heaven and Earth Law, and cultivation resources are scarce. I have been immortal Emperor perfection for many years, I ca n’t continue to stay with Kuei Yuexing. My old Ancestor has already left Kuey Yuexing, and he has reached a height we ca n’t reach. I also decided to leave Kuai Yuexing to find the footprint of my due home Old Ancestor. Before I leave, I hope Fang Leng can step into the Immortal Emperor late stage, so that I will be more relieved. ”

An Elder from the Immortal Venerable late stage stood up, respectfully confronted Yi Xuan, and then confronted the party with cold salute, and then said, “My family ’s investigation has made it clear that Yan Yan is indeed a heavenly body, and The aptitude is amazing. The reason why she got stuck in the Immortal Venerable middle stage was because she used too many inferior medical pill that’s all in the Early Stage. I suggested Fang Leng Elder to marry Yan Yan and then rely on the natural resources of my family. Let Yan Yan step into Xian Emperor Realm … “

Without waiting for this Immortal Venerable to finish, another older Elder said urgently, “Yes, if the heavenly incense body enters the Immortal Emperor, and Fang Leng Elder becomes Dao Companion, the other person is cold. Elder’s help is absolutely immeasurable. There is no need to worry about getting into Immortal Emperor perfection … “

“Tianxiang body?” Jue Yixuan’s eyes fell on Jue Fang Leng.

Fang Fang Leng said quickly, “Father, this is the case. Yan Yan’s personality is a bit firm and very rigid. I have known her for so many years, she never asked me anything in vain, although she told me I have a lot of good feelings, but I have n’t reached the level of Dao Companion. I hope to give me some more time, and I believe she will accept me. I do n’t want my Dao Companion to be forcibly married. I will be happy, and I ’m very sad.

The Immortal Venerable late stage who spoke first quickly said again, “Young Master, several geniuses have recently emerged from Kui Yue Xing, and even someone has advancing to Immortal Emperor. If my strength in the house has not been greatly improved, then I The duelist can no longer have the right to speak on Kuei Yuexing as before. Moreover, Patriarch is about to leave Kuei Yuexing, and the Young Master should pick up the burden of dueler. “

The Immortal Venerable tone seems a little eager, and even the title has been changed from Fang Leng Elder to Young Master.

“No, I will never force Yan Yan. Ping Elder, don’t interfere with my emotions.” Fang Fang’s cold tone became a little cold.

Patriarch Juyixuan didn’t ask Jiefang Leng, but watched the Immortal Venerable late stage Elder asked, “Ping Elder, are you sure that Yan Yan is a heavenly body?”

Ping Elder said firmly, “Yes, it is absolutely heavenly body.”

The excitement in Jie Yixuan’s eyes flashed away, and he tried to calm his tone, saying, “Fang Leng, I’m on the edge of Grand Dao, and a woman with a heavenly body is very, very important to me …”

After hearing this, Fang Fang’s face was cold and pale, and his blankly watched Ding Yixuan didn’t even know what to say for a while.

“Ping Elder, where is Yan Yan now?” The voice of Ju Yixuan seemed a little urgent, and he would definitely go to the next floor to get a woman with heavenly body. And the benefit of such a woman is more than just going to the next floor at Immortal Emperor perfection.

Ping Elder was just a little surprised, and he calmed down. This is normal. He respectfully said, “The Yan Yan is cultivating in a cave mansion. I have sent someone to lock her cave mansion, and I can bring her at any time.”

“Bring Yan Yan right away,” Jue Xuan said without hesitation.

Fang Fang coldly heard Ping Elder’s words, but instead secretly exhaled. Yan Ye has a top-level broken array symbol on her body. As soon as Yan Ye finds out that this protection array is locked, she can leave. There isn’t any trapping array in Kuei Yuexing that can trap the charm in Yan’s hand.

“Yes.” Ping Elder took out the communication bead and sent a message out. After just a few breaths, his communication bead lit up again.

Seeing the news on the communication bead, Ping Elder’s face was hard to look.

“What’s going on?” asked Yixuan frowning.

“This woman has gone with the aid of a rune, but no one on Kui Yuexing can escape the sight of my duel.” Ping Elder calmed down quickly.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

(That’s all for today, good night friends!)

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