
“Come on, I’ll take you out of here.” Ning Cheng caressed Yan Yan’s long hair, and felt the fate of Yan Yan’s fate. Whether it is the last life or this life, it is the same ups and downs. If it hadn’t been for the discovery of Yan Yan by accident, I’m afraid it would be his eternal regret.

“Yeah.” Yan Yan murmured, not wanting to say any more. Until a long time passed, she suddenly remembered, and quickly said, “I want to go to the house before leaving.”

Wait for Ning Cheng to ask, Yan Yan continued to say, “When I was seclusion, the deceased person trapped my trap mansion with a trapping array. If it weren’t for me having a top-level broker array, I’m afraid there would be no Chance to see you … “

Ningcheng coldly snorted, “This gut is a big gut, let’s go, I will accompany you to make this grit into a scum.”

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest update.

Grateful? Ning Cheng watched Yan Yan confused.

Yan Yan explained, “I went to the house of the deceased person to sue the individual. I can live to this day in Kui Yuexing, and the deciduous person helped me a lot. Although I never took him for nothing. Anything, but I still owe him. The broken array symbol was also obtained in a relic. When I got the relics, the determined party coldly found that not only did he not rob me of things, he also took action helped me once. I was trapped in a cave mansion by the family, and I’m sure Fang Leng didn’t know about it.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“What? Yan Yan came to take the initiative?” Jue Yi, who was still standing in the main conference hall, stood up abruptly, repeating it almost unbelievably.

He looked for Yan Yan everywhere. After Yan Yan escaped, he didn’t stay away, but came to the house again. Is this courting death?

Fang Fang’s face turned pale, he suddenly stood up and watched Yanly, “Yan Yan, what are you doing?”

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Fan Leng confronted Fang Leng slightly, and said apologetically, “Fang Leng Big Brother, many thanks for taking several actions to save me. I will leave Kui Yuexing with my husband. Fang Leng Big Brother takes care. “

“You’re leaving?” Fang Fang asked coldly and suddenly clear comprehension came over to the meaning of Yanhuan, and he was surprised and watched Ning Cheng, “Yanhua Junior Sister, do you mean he is your Dao Companion?”

Yan Yan nodded and shook the head, “Fang Leng Big Brother, my husband is different from Dao Companion. My husband is my company for life.”

Feng Fang half opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but immediately knew that what he said was meaningless.

“You guts are not small, dare to make Yan Yan’s idea. Hehe, since you are here, you don’t have to leave …” Jue Xuan stared at Ning Cheng coldly, with a calm tone. While talking, Immortal Origin’s fingerprints were caught.

Ning Cheng ’s cultivation base looks vague. He feels that he has n’t reached the level of Immortal Emperor yet, it ’s probably a concealment cultivation technique.

In fact, even if Ning Cheng doesn’t have a concealment cultivation technique, he doesn’t even care about it. No matter what cultivation technique Ning Cheng is cultivating, the highest realm is nothing more than Immortal Emperor perfection that’s all. This is where the duel is located. Ningcheng’s cultivation base is similar to him, and he can’t get out of the duel.

But soon Yixuan ’s handprints were frozen in void. At this moment, he felt that time and space did not belong to him. He was imprisoned by void and could not move at all.

Jie Yixuan is not an idiot. He instantly understood what was going on. He was horrified and watched Ning Cheng. He wanted to say something for mercy, but he couldn’t even say it for a while.

What is this realm? He was restrained by the realm. He didn’t know that it wasn’t the realm that restrained Ning Cheng, but controlled the rules of his space.

Ning Cheng said indifferently, “I’ve heard of someone who has been called a house without a trace. I don’t know if this person came out of your house.”

Jie Yixuan said quickly, “Senior’s mercy, no trace must be the descendant of my deceased family, Old Ancestor. The senior knows that there is no trace to my deceased family. The senior offends the senior, which is unintentional. … ”

Ning Cheng’s nodded, “You’re right, No Trace is indeed the son of No. Ya. It was abolished by one of my friends. I heard that No No Trace has a good character …” >

After hearing this, Ju Yixuan felt relieved.

Just before waiting for his slowly slowly recovers, I heard Ning Cheng say again, “It ’s just that after the third step, the temperament changed so much that he wanted to avenge my friend, hehe …”


Ning Cheng is too clear about the past of this incident, Ye Mo told him. For the sake of selfishness, Jie Ya nearly turned a Cultivation World into a fine powder. In other words, if it wasn’t for Ye Mo’s take action to help, Jueya had abolished a Cultivation World.

Ye Mo abolished Jueya, because it is not bad to have no trace, so he did not kill it all.

After the gate of good fortune opens, the perfection of the perfection also enters the door of good fortune. This is nothing, it is the cultivator of the Five Elements universe by itself. Entering the gate of fortune is only good for the Five Elements universe.

I never expected that I would worship a mysterious expert who created the universe as a teacher and stepped into the third step in the shortest time. Then the strength soared all the way, and even the rules of the cultivation technique were completely changed.

It is irrelevant to worship who is a teacher, even if it is not for the Five Elements universe, it is just a personal act that’s all.

But this person actively leaked the Five Elements universe cultivator to gather in Blue Star after he became a teacher. In fact, this is nothing. The Five Elements universe cultivator uses Blue Star as its base camp, and sooner or later it will be known to the Holy City. The point is that before leaving Blue Star, the array core of the Blue Star protection array was leaked.

Blue Star’s protection array array core itself is very secretive, because the protection array was mainly arranged by Zixiao, Ye Mo and Ningcheng. The Formless Dao is absolutely amazing. It also helps to refine the Array Flag and arrange the auxiliary array. Such a great array is arranged. Even if the Formation Dao expert who created the Holy City is no matter how strong, Blue Star’s protection array cannot be broken in a short time, causing Blue Star’s cultivator to be seriously injured.

However, if you have no intention, you will know where the array core is. As a result, Bluestar ’s powerful protection array will be smashed in the shortest time, and Bluestar cultivator will be seriously injured.

“senior …” Jue Yi-hyun was shocked when he heard Ning Cheng’s words. He never imagined that Old Ancestor, the deceased, was hostile to the senior in front of him.

Ning Cheng will no longer talk nonsense with Jie Yixuan and start soul search Jie Yixuan directly. When Ning Cheng found that Jue Yixuan wanted to use Yan Yan as a human furnace, he immediately became furious.

“Senior’s mercy, I have a treasured stone banner… ..”

Before finishing Yi Xuan’s words, the decision Fang Leng exclaimed in exclamation, “father, Feng Shiqi is …”

Just that Fang Leng just said a few words, he could no longer utter half a syllable. He was as scared as watching Ning Cheng, and with his strength, Kuei Yuexing was already the group at the highest level. But Ning Cheng’s strength gave him a kind of despair that could never be touched by eternal life, which was a kind of crushing on his Grand Dao.

“As long as you are in the same universe, Feng Shiqi can find the location of anyone in my bloodline …” Jue Hyun said quickly.

The reason why he was sure to find the deceased family Old Ancestor was with Feng Shi Banner.

Ning Cheng’s heart moved, this stone banner was useless to him, but if you can use this stone banner to find no trace, can you also find the person behind it.

When he returns to the universe, it will be his revenge.

As soon as Ning Cheng opened his hand, he grabbed a stone flag from the depths of the house. All the people in the duel watched Ning Cheng in horror. No one could move this flag. Ning Cheng just grabbed it by raising his hand. This terrifying strength.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

(That’s all for today, good night friends!)

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