
Di Jiu stepped out of the cave mansion and refreshed. After an inch of injury, he has been healing for a while. At the moment the injuries were gone, Di Jiu was naturally spirited. He intends to make a trip to the Holy City. With his current strength, Zhan Yiji wants to keep him, which is almost impossible.

Grand Dao has traces. Di Jiu estimates that the fellow hasn’t fixed it so quickly. Even if the opponent has repaired, don’t try to trap him in the trapping array of the Holy City. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the trapping array that created the Holy City trapped him, with the might of the second machine, he could tear the trapping array apart.

Di Jiu ’s journey to the Holy City is only Qin Mu heaven knows, and the rest of the cultivator of Human World are crazy repairing the deficiency of Grand Dao in seclusion.

After so many years of wandering the universe, I finally found a place to perfect Grand Dao. Everyone knows what to do.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

Creation of the Holy City, not at all changed slightly due to the appearance of a crack in the Grand Dao. Di Jiu came here again. This is still the most prosperous place in the universe.

Di Jiu stood outside the city of the Holy Spirit, with his eyes still on the five characters outside the city of the Holy Spirit.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

No, there is a ladder above these five large characters. This ladder leads to a huge void plaza. The hazyness of plaza is not very real for Di Jiu.

Why didn’t you see this plaza when you came here for the first time? Maybe it has something to do with your cultivation base?

Di Jiu was looking for someone to ask, but saw a brunette cultivator using long spear to walk out of a youthful lute bone with only realm.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense fell on this youth and immediately felt the familiar aura. This is another cultivator from the Five Elements universe. Although not killed, this kind of long spear through the lute bone is apparently ready to be executed.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

Di Jiu didn’t evade, and walked directly to the brunette cultivator who crossed the youth with long spear, “drop this youth and sign up yourself.”

This brunette cultivator was astonished watched Di Jiu, after a while then said, “Did you just let me drop off the prisoners of the Five Elements universe and sign up?”

“You haven’t lost your ears. Your Grandpa did say so.” Di Jiu speaking in between spiritual sense is already sweeping out.

Restriction of some shields that created the Holy City. He is afraid to tear open and aboveboard now, but his spiritual sense does not need to be as cautious as when he first arrived, cautiously.

Some cultivators stopped to hear Di Jiu’s words. Some cultivators have recognized Di Jiu, and they all understand it.

Who is Di Jiu? When he came to the outer city of the Holy City, he dared to lock up a lunatic who was in prison. It is not amazing for such a person to say this.

The brunette cultivator obviously also remembers who is in front of him. He didn’t let down the youth picked up by long spear, but instead said a cup one fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoist Di, this called Ning Jiang Prefecture It is the fifth plan that the Vice City Lord named to nail the entrance to the outer city of the Holy Cause. Although I admire Fellow Daoist Di, I cannot do this. “

Brunette cultivator is very polite. As long as the cultivator who has spent the fortunes in the universe knows who the fifth Vice City Lord is. The fifth Vice City Lord who created the Holy City is powerful, not to mention the strength of the City Lord, and also the Universe Dao Lord of the Kaihe Universe.

It can be said that as long as you are creating the Holy City, whether it is the outer city or the inner city, there is no who dares provocative planning, unless you do not want to live.

“Roll!” Di Jiu kicked after drinking a roll of words.

He and the brunette cultivator are far away from several feet. This one used to be that the brunette cultivator had no ability to escape. This foot struck directly on the chest of the brown cultivator. The brunette cultivator opened a blood arrow and felt that the internal organs were completely broken, the meridian was also cracked, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness began to collapse.

He dare to stay here for a while now, Di Jiu didn’t mean to kill him, he was too clear, and quickly called Jimo to come together and return

The brunette cultivator fell backwards, Di Jiu opened his hand, and the long spear had fallen off. Before waiting for the youth to fall to the ground, Di Jiu took a hand, and a Jie Dao fruit fell into this youth’s mouth.

The life force of Hejie is inestimable, but after Di Jiu opened several worlds that created the expert in the Holy City, this kind of Dao is really nothing to him.

The youth has not been fatally injured. Now Di Jiu took action in time to rescue him, and he soon woke up.

It only took a moment for him to understand what was going on. Even if he was in a coma and what happened around him, he still had some perception.

This youth quickly stood up and bowed to Di Jiu: “junior Ning Jiang Prefecture, many thanks Senior graciousness of life-saving.”

Di Jiu waved his hand. “Everyone is from the Five Elements universe. Take action is the way it should be, so don’t be polite.”

“Senior is also from the Five Elements universe?” This youth was pleasantly surprised. He did not expect that the Five Elements universe had such experts in addition to father and Uncle Ye and Zixiao senior.

Di Jiu nodded, “Yes, why did the fifth Vice City Lord catch you? If you do n’t kill after you arrest, you will be nailed up?”

Ning Jiang Prefecture hurriedly said, “It was because my father killed a son of the fifth Vice City Lord planner, and the junior was accidentally caught by the planner. The planner was trying to nail the junior to the Cause of Creation. Outside the city, lead junior father. “

Di Jiu wants to ask who is the father of Ning Jiang Prefecture. It’s very domineering, even the fifth Vice City Lord’s son dare to kill. Just before he asked, a hehe’s voice sounded, “Di Jiu, 臬 Vice City Lord gives you face, I can’t tell who you are, who dare to hurt me, you are courting death …”

speaking in between A huge handprint has been photographed from the void of the universe. When this palmprint was photographed, the surrounding time and space were all bound by the palmprint at this moment, and finally focused on the point where Di Jiu’s was photographed.

This mighty power, anyone who has been filmed, also has a deaths without life situation.

Di Jiu immediately felt the terrifying of this slap. The strength of planning and milling was obviously stronger than Chi You. But this slap is not to look down on Di Jiu, but Dao Rhyme’s fingerprints to suppress him with the help of Trapping Slaughter Array, which created the Holy City.

If Di Jiu tried everything to avoid it before Formation Dao didn’t improve, there was only escape.

But at this moment, Di Jiu doesn’t mean to retreat at all. Heaven Dancing Blade took out, rolled up the blade screen, and a blade strike fall. The calculation and milling with the help of the Formation Dao was easily broken by the rules of Di Jiu’s Formation Dao, and half of the points did not affect Di Jiu.

Mr. Dao Rhyme’s palmprint is still void, his eyes are frozen. He knows the strength of Di Jiu, but it’s just a bit better than that of Ping Ping. As for Chi You, planning and milling have not really been considered. Ji milling thinks that Chi You’s reputation has always been greater than his strength, and he cannot be compared with him. His palm Dao Rhyme relied on the power of the trapping array to create the Holy City. Under this powerful suppression, even if Di Jiu wanted to resist, he had to protect himself before he said it.

However, Dao Rhyme’s palmprint has no effect on Di Jiu. Di Jiu’s long blade blade is fierce and fierce. Not only has he not been restrained by him, but he has a tendency to be a guest as the master.

The Trapping Array of the Outer City of the Holy Road can’t have any impact on Di Jiu. Di Jiu ignored his Dao Rhyme repression, and immediately understood what was going on. He withdrew his fingerprints, retreated madly, and wanted to leave Di Jiu’s blade intent killing potential within the shortest time.

“pu!” A blood light exploded, and the huge palms were torn half by Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade.

Counting and milling also used Di Jiu to split his palm, and withdrew from the scope of Di Jiu’s blade momentum.

Day, I ca n’t look any more! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

(That’s all for today, good night friends!)

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