
Two Saints who just took out magical treasure and wanted to attack Haiyi, saw Di Jiu slashing Beiyin with a blade, and both flew out in horror.

“Fellow Daoist Di, killing people on the primal chaos flying boat, this is a little unreasonable.” An indifferent voice came, following Qin Ji Saint and Tai Hong Saint at the same time, and Qin Ji Saint was speaking.

The Haiyi Saint has already reacted, and immediately transmitted the sound to Di Jiu, “Fellow Daoist Di, this primal chaos flying boat started to be arbitrarily killed many years ago, even more how Beiyin also attacked you… “

The sound transmission of Haiyi Saint was stopped in time, almost at the same time that the sound transmission of Haiyi Saint was stopped, and the powerful spiritual sense of Qin Ji Saint and Taihong Saint came with them. Di Jiu immediately felt that the spiritual sense of these two Saints had already brought their own World Rule. If the sound transmission of Haiyi Saint did not stop, it would be informed by Qin Ji Saint and Taihong Saint.

Di Jiu secretly sighed in the heart, these fellows, no matter how high or low the cultivation base is, are elaborate and cannot be described in words.

Di Jiu laughed, “The two Fellow Daoist, Beiyin directly attacked my protection array. Could it be that I let him attack and could not kill him? Or, on this primal chaos flying boat, only I Di After Jiu is deceived by his head, can’t he still do it?”

At this moment Di Jiu has guessed that before the flying boat swayed violently, there should be constant Saint hands. The shaking of the flying boat did not subside, but became stronger and stronger. It can be seen that Qin Ji Saint and Taihong Saint may have lost their ability to restrain many flying boat Saints.

Qin Ji Saint immediately blamed Di Jiu for his murder on the primal chaos flying boat. Obviously, Di Jiu didn’t know the changes on the flying boat before he first impression was the strongest. After all, Di Jiu starts seclusion as soon as he comes back. It is normal to know that the flying boat has changed a lot.

Now when Di Jiu’s asks, Qin Ji Saint and Tai Hong Saint will know that Di Jiu already knows the changes on the flying boat.

Although the primal chaos flying boat has not completely collapsed at this moment, let’s say that it attacks other people’s protection array. Even if you order your own protection array, you may be killed.

Taihong Saint embarrassed laughed, and then watched Youyuan Saint and Xingtang Saint said, “What can the two Fellow Daoist do?”

After seeing Di Jiu and Blade and killing Beiyin Saint, Youyuan Saint and Xingtang Saint had no plans to stay here. As for Beiyin Saint not at all attacking Di Jiu’s protection array, they never thought of it. Beiyin has fallen, Di Jiu’s strength is probably better than Qin Ji Saint.

Biography Di Jiu has been to the vast primal chaos. Now Di Jiu is so powerful. Obviously Di Jiu realized the new way in primal chaos. They are here to offend Di Jiu, hehe, unless they are mentally disabled. Experts like Di Jiu are too late to make friends.

Now Taihong Saint asked, the two cup fist in the other hand almost at the same time and said, “We are passing by here too, and leave now.”

After finishing, the two quickly retreated and turned away disappeared.

“Haha, just came with Fellow Daoist Di cracking a joke. Actually we have been waiting for Fellow Daoist Di to get out of the gate. Today, Fellow Daoist is out of the gate. I don’t know if I can be free. Let’s talk together? As soon as Tang Saint left, Tan Jing Saint said laughed.

As for the killed Beiyin Saint, nobody mentioned it at the moment.

Di Jiu slightly smiled, “Of course, two people please.”

Taihong Saint is also smiling and said, “At the beginning, I and Duo Saint Saint knew that it was Fellow Daoist Di who arranged the trapping array in the Holy Place plaza. Discuss major events together.”

The meaning of Taihong Saint is obvious, that is, I knew what you did at the beginning, but I be magnanimous did not move you. Now your strength has risen by a large margin, but you have to take a look at this relationship.

For the personal feelings of Taihong Saint and Tan Ji Saint, for Di Jiu simply nothing. He was about to speak, and he heard a bang, the primal chaos flying boat was like an earthquake, almost turned over.

Qin Ji Saint and Tai Hong Saint at the moment where there is still thought and Di Jiu talking, almost immediately rushed over.

“Let’s go and see.” Di Jiu finished talking to Haiyi Saint and rushed over.

simply don’t need to rush to the front, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense has seen everything clearly. The protection array on the primal chaos flying boat is all shattered, and the spiritual sense is unobstructed.

The flying boat hit a huge mountain, breaking the mountain in half. The spiritual sense swept across the broken mountain peaks, boundless and endless, everywhere is the strongest to the extreme Heaven and Earth Origin Qi.

“It ran out of primal chaos, there is a real domain outside of primal chaos…” Saint Hai Yi behind Di Jiu kept mumbling, his whole body was shaking, he had done the worst Intended, didn’t expect every cloud has a silver lining.

Qin Ji Saint and Taihong Saint were dullly watching the scene in front of them. From their slightly trembling fingers, you can see how excited they are now.

primal chaos flying boat In primal chaos, it seems that there will be few years of survival, but at this time, primal chaos flying boat rushed out of primal chaos.

All the Saints left on the flying boat rushed out, even if the flying boat is a bit broken at the moment, all Saints are also excited and difficult. No one rushed down the flying boat first, everyone’s eyes longed for, everyone knew what was going on.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense scans, and the maximum number of Saints found is no more than 1,300. It can be seen that in just a few decades, hundreds of people have fallen on the flying boat. The most ridiculous thing is that most of these hundreds of people were killed among the primal chaos except for a few.

Di Jiu built the Dao tree, and the spiritual sense can be extended to 1000 meters in the primal chaos. It can be said that above this flying boat, there is really no spiritual sense of Saint Saint that can surpass Di Jiu’s. At the moment Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept away from the hundreds of thousands, but did not find a cultivator. Not to mention cultivator, even Divine Beast only occasionally saw one or two.

But one thing Di Jiu can be sure is that the Heaven and Earth Law in this place is definitely higher than the original Kuihe universe, and even higher than the new universe built by him and Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. However, the new universe they build will continue to grow, and Heaven and Earth Law of this universe should not grow.

Maybe this place is where the Fourth Step really comes in.

“Just Saint-Jun did it just now, he seemed to be desperate when he came out of seclusion, and even forcibly ditched the flying boat protection array, and then used a cosmic pole to tear the primal chaos flying boat apart Chaos, here I am…” A Saint without fleshly body came to Qin Ji Saint and Taihong Saint, and said that the flying boat could tear the primal chaos.

“Associate Saint?” Taihong Saint frowned, and he hadn’t remembered what he looked like after the Saint body possession.

The speaking Saint has raised his hand to draw an image. A handsome and suspicious man clearly appears in the image, and the man has a heroic face, giving a impression of righteousness and awe.

Xiang Chenchen? Di Jiu immediately recognized this person as Xiang Chenchen. Xiang Chenchen should have been banned by this Saint body possession, really…

No, Di Jiu felt it right away. He had a grudge against Xiang Chenchen, and Xiang Chenchen also moved hands. This dusty image Di Jiu has a problem at first glance. A cultivator that is possessed by the body is absolutely impossible and has the same look.

The only possibility is that Xiang Chenchen not only was not possessed by the body, but instead, like him, get rid of body possession, his associate Xun Saint. Before, it turned out to be the little-looked Fellow. If it weren’t for the chance to be Chi Yao Saint, Xiang Chenchen was afraid to actually step into the Fourth Step, and finally control the fellow of the Kuihe universe.

“Where did you go to Saint Xun?” Taihong Saint asked quietly.

“As soon as the flying boat rushed out of the primal chaos, he immediately disappeared. Now I want to use the burning great array of the primal chaos flying boat to tear the primal chaos, I am afraid he has already thought about it.” Saying the tone of Saint’s answer Still with respect.

What’s afraid of thinking long ago, this is obviously a long-planned thing.

Qin Ji Saint suddenly said aloud, “Fellow Daoists, although no cultivator has been found here, but I am sure that the Heaven and Earth Law here is stronger than the vast universe we have established before. Everyone will be separated, if fated will meet again in the future. everyone must remember, although we are all saints who control the vast universe, but in this place, maybe we are nothing.”

After hearing Tan Ji Saint’s words, many Saints came to greet and say goodbye.

“Please enlighten me.” Di Jiu is also a cup one fist in the other hand, Qin Ji Saint and Tai Hong Saint until now are more polite to him, although coveting his line, after all, there is no snatching is not.

Qin Ji Saint continued, “I suspect that the Fourth Step of our cultivating is a pseudo Fourth Step. This place Heaven and Earth Law is more expansive. Perhaps it is the place where I wait to enter the Fourth Step or even higher.”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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