
Di Jiu felt a hehe in his heart, he had long felt that all Saint Fourth Step have some problem in the Holy Place plaza, but it could not be said to be a pseudo Fourth Step.

The Saints in the Holy Place are all in control of the vast existence, and the universe built is vast and boundless, with countless living creatures.

After the Third Step reaches Peak, as a vast controller, it will naturally touch the higher level Grand Dao, which is the Fourth Step. Because everyone’s Grand Dao is different, and everyone’s aptitude is also different, so after advance Fourth Step, the details are the same, that is, the strength gap is too large.

Compared to the vast universe they control, this Fourth Step is not fake, but it can’t be true anymore. But the Fourth Step is a bit pseudo compared to the higher level rules. Qin Ji Saint also sensed the Heaven and Earth Law here, and felt that his own Fourth Step could be perfected again, so he was reminded.

Despite knowing, in the face of Qin Ji’s reminder, Di Jiu took a punch, “many thanks Qin Ji Saint, we’ll meet again some day.”

After finishing, Di Jiu took out a ring again and handed it to Hai Yi Saint, and said, “Hai Yi Fellow Daoist, we’ll meet again some day.”

“many thanks, many thanks Brother Di…” Haiyi Saint didn’t even use spiritual sense to scan, and knew that Di Jiu gave him a vein. If it is not that he really needs this line, he might have refused.

See Di Jiu disappeared, Hai Yi Saint also greeted Qin Ji Saint and Tai Hong Saint. No matter what domain this is from, everyone is on their own.

“Di Jiu should have been in primal chaos for a hundred years before. It is very possible to find a means of survival in primal chaos, even cultivating in primal chaos, definitely not hiding in flying boat protection array A hundred years ago, he killed Beiyin Saint as soon as the blade was proof. Brother Huan, why not leave his communication bead?” After Di Jiu left, Taihong Saint asked Qin Ji Saint.

Qin Ji Saint’s common name is Qin Huan, but he is qualified to call Qin Ji Saint Huan Brother. I’m afraid there is only Taihong Saint.

Qin Ji Saint said with a sigh, “I originally wanted to exchange a communication bead with him. After seeing his expression, I canceled this plan. If I didn’t guess wrong, he should be the Fourth Step Somehow, he is very strong.”

Taihong Saint is secretly sighed in his heart. Qin Ji Saint and Di Jiu said Fourth Step means to give a favor to Di Jiu. Now that Di Jiu knows the Fourth Step, this relationship is gone. In fact, Tan Ji Saint did not say a word, if Di Jiu really survived in primal chaos, instead of a hundred years on the edge of the flying boat protection array, it means that Di Jiu may live in primal chaos for a long time. Longer.

There is no time in primal chaos, Taihong Saint knows the same. Di Jiu can survive in primal chaos for so many years, and can find the primal chaos flying boat again, more than one strong explanation. Imagine a fellow who can stretch out the spiritual sense among the primal chaos and can also cultivate… The Taihong Saint dare not continue to think about it.

Sure enough, Tan continued to say, “With Di Jiu’s ability, can’t he see that we are looking for him for the sake of the universe? If I continue to exchange communication bead with him, I’m afraid that this person is just annoying that’s all. Forget it, let’s go, this place will definitely not be someone else’s universe, but the real domain bred by primal chaos.”

Qin Ji Saint also felt Di Jiu’s terrifying.

No one doubts Qin Ji Saint’s words, they are the power to control the vastness of a party without knowing how many years. It has always been in control of the universe and let others survive under their universe. If they enter other people’s universe, they will feel it even if there is only one breath.


The Saint here knows that there is no one else’s universe, and Di Jiu knows it naturally. He not only participated in the construction of the vast universe, but also built the Dao tree, and even derived three Grand Dao branches. If he is in someone else’s universe, he must immediately find a way to break here again and return to primal chaos.

Heaven and Earth Law are clear here, and Heaven and Earth Origin Qi is also extremely strong, but Di Jiu believes that there is life here, and there is also a normal cultivator, which is a feeling of Heaven and Earth Law.

He is cultivating Grand Dao Law. As soon as he entered this domain, he felt all the rules here. The rule level is higher, including life force, language, reincarnation, etc. rules are all there.

Di Jiu escaped for almost a month, and still did not see a silhouette. The only difference was that Monster Beast was slightly more.

Di Jiu was secretly surprised. With his current Escaping Technique, how much territory can’t be reached within a month? Now he hasn’t even passed the desolate area of ​​this domain, so it can be seen how wide and huge this domain is.

After a few days, Di Jiu did not continue to perform the Escaping Technique. Since it is impossible to escape this unmanned area in a short time, don’t waste time and energy. He took out a top grade Divine Item flying boat very simply, but after setting up a flying array, let the flying boat fly him. But he wants to use this period of time to step into the creation of Transformation Realm.

Let Di Jiu regret that he got a lot of Innate Treasure and Chemical Treasure, but he didn’t have a flying Innate Treasure, let alone a flying chemical Treasure. Otherwise, he would not fly with a top grade Divine Item.

The flying boat follows the direction set by Di Jiu. After automatic flight, Di Jiu immediately arranges the cultivating place and simultaneously grasps two cosmic veins. Fortunately, his top grade Divine Item flying boat is big enough, otherwise the two top grade arteries can’t be put down.

As Di Jiu started cultivating, Dao Shu condense became a substance above his head. The three Grand Dao branches were surrounded by strong Da Qi vein Origin Qi, Dao Rhyme was very clear.

In this place, Di Jiu has made a clear truth. Whether it is the top grade god spirit vein or the Dao vein, they are extremely useful Heaven and Earth Origin Qi veins. In other places, the progress of using this top Origin Qi cultivating cultivation base is not really related to these Origin Qi veins, but to the level of the universe.

Di Jiu is not well known in this place. From cultivation speed Di Jiu, you can be sure that the level of this place is not low.

The time passed so quickly. In just a few years, the flying boat where Di Jiu was located was wrapped in strong Qi, Origin Qi. It is just that Di Jiu arranged the beam great array, and these Origin Qi can’t leave the flying boat anymore, and can only gather around the flying boat.


Dayin Divine Court.

In this domain, Dayin Divine Court is not a strong place. If it is strong, Dayin Divine Court will not choose Divine Court in the north, which is almost close to no man’s land.

Dayin Divine Court was originally on the edge of an inhabited domain, and at the moment, a man and a woman and two cultivators were flying fast on the edge of Dayin Divine Court. Seeing their heading, they seem to be entering the unmanned area from Di Jiu.

The man dashing eyebrows has long hair, tall figure, and handsome face. Bright eyes looked towards the woman next to it, but with a soft affection.

The woman is petite, but delicate and pretty, with a sense of nobility and elegance.

“Chengshan, look there…” The woman stopped suddenly and pointed in a direction in amazement.

The man also stopped. He was as shocked as ever, but he muttered to himself, “That’s Dao Rhyme Origin Qi of the universe, who is this big gut, dare to fly?” Cultivating with the help of the cosmic Dao vein……”

The man is fully charged with an extreme desire, even with some madness.

Cosmic Dao Veins, even the lowest-grade Universe Dao Veins, are very precious here. Now they actually saw someone blatantly cultivating the cosmic Dao veins, still on a walking flying boat.

“Chengshan, can’t pass.” The woman saw the desire and madness in the eyes of the man. “Dare to cultivating the cosmic Dao during the flight, can it simply exist”

Yes, people who dare to openly use the cosmic Dao during the flight, it is strange to be simple.

As soon as the spiritual sense of the two fell on Di Jiu’s flying boat induction great array, Di Jiu sensed it, and he immediately stopped cultivating and opened his eyes at the same time.

When someone’s spiritual sense is swept over, it means they met someone. Di Jiu hurriedly withdraw the veins and landed on the flying boat deck. At the same time, the spiritual sense also fell on the man and the woman.

The woman said rather quietly said, “We don’t have to worry, although I escaped, my dad is also in control of Divin Court anyway, even if it is a senior, it won’t take us anyway.”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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