
Di Jiu came to the man and the woman withdrawing the flying boat, the very kind cup one fist in the other hand asked, “Two Fellow Daoist please, and I would like to ask where is here ?How far is the nearest Divine City.”

Di Jiu’s idea is that it is best to trade a map of jade slip.

“Third Step cultivator?” After the man saw Di Jiu’s cultivation base, his eyes shined. They all thought Di Jiu was a powerful senior. Didn’t expect Di Jiu is just a Third Step cultivator. And Third Step has no perfection, at most it is in Third Step Middle Section.

The woman also feels that Di Jiu’s strength It shouldn’t be higher than her, she is also puzzled, Di Jiu is so low in strength, why dare to fly on the flying boat while cultivating with the veins?

“Yue’er, take things out.” The man no longer cares, blunt said to that female cultivator.

The woman simply did not answer, raising her hand and grabbed a pale-gold magical treasure. The magical treasure unfolded immediately, which was a giant net.

Di Jiu immediately felt that the space he was in was covered by this giant net, even if he cast Escaping Technique, he rushed into the giant net.

The giant net only restrains this space, but does not continue to shrink, but suppresses Di Jiu’s field aura.

Di Jiu face turned cold, “What do you mean by two people”

Man faintly smiled, “It’s not interesting, since you’re not Saint, you don’t even stand the Holy Word, and dare to be arrogant in front of us?”

Di Jiu slightly frowned, what does Li Shengu mean?

“But my husband and wife two people are not murderous people. You open your world. If the Dao Mai is enough, it is not impossible to let you go once. Of course, if your Dao Mai is gone, it is counted. I didn’t say it.”

Di Jiu sneered in his heart, turning out to be robbing himself. It should be that he was cultivating with flying veins on the flying boat before, and the flying vein aura bound by the flying boat was caught by these two people.

However, Di Jiu didn’t talk much, and he was very puzzled. The rules in this place are extremely complete, and it’s not a single rule under the control of a certain Saint. In other words, in this domain cultivating, everyone can find their own Grand Dao direction.

Since this is the case, the universe should not be very rare, genius? You can get the universe channel at any time even in the place of building a nest. It is even simpler to get the universe channel here. In this case, how could these two people seem to have such a longing without having seen the veins?

“Your strength should be very strong, it must be nothing to open my world. Before that, I have a question to ask. The universe is not a strange thing, why do the two must mine Cosmic Dao Vein?” Di Jiu was really puzzled.

The universe is not a strange thing?

After hearing Di Jiu’s words, these two people’s eyes showed enthusiasm, the man without the slightest hesitation took out a long spear, and the long spear rolled up hundreds of millions of spears to Di Jiu.

Dao Rhyme madly open for women’s giant net, shrouded down as quickly as possible.

Di Jiu knew at a glance that this fellow wanted to catch him alive. Obviously the other party thought that he knew where there were a lot of cosmic Dao veins.

Since I want to get started, Di Jiu is naturally an accompany.

Did not wait for Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade took out, the giant net that the girl took out had contracted sharply, and in a blink of an eye, Di Jiu’s living space was bound to the circle of feet.

Di Jiu is also a tool refining expert who can refine top grade Divine Item. He knows clearly that this giant net is waiting for his escape. As long as he charges ahead, all the Dao Principle of this giant network will bind his escape space in the shortest time.

In this giant web space, any divine ability rules will be restrained by the giant web. In other words, when the giant net covered Di Jiu’s space, Di Jiu was almost caught.

Of course, this is just the view of the woman.

For Di Jiu, no matter how high the rank of this giant net is, it is not higher than the rules of Kui and the universe. Even the Heaven and Earth Law of Kuihe Universe could not restrain him, he also grabbed several treasures, even more how this giant web is just a magical treasure made by people?

Although Di Jiu has complete assurance, the rule Escaping Technique can easily break out of this giant net. Under his Grand Dao rules, giant net simply cannot restrain his divine ability.

Di Jiu did not choose to do this, he still does not know how strong this domain is to create Transformation Realm cultivator. If the strength of the male cultivator is not weaker than him, he is likely to rush to the edge of the giant net and be blown back by the man.

In this case, he might have been caught by Juwang.

Don’t wait for this giant net to continue to converge. The years and long arrows have been taken by Di Jiu took out. At the same time, an inch of long arrows is shot.

Di Jiu has never used divine ability since Grand Dao succeeded. Two captain arrows in the years, the same is not used for a long time.

At the moment Di Jiu took out two machines in the years, and when Dao Rhyme locked the long arrow, Di Jiu immediately felt the difference. It’s a kind of control over small changes in time, no, there’s also control over small changes in space.

Junet is still shrinking space, but every fluctuation of Junet is between his mind and control.

Di Jiu secretly sighed, use the two machines to deal with this woman, it is too high to look at each other.

Seeing that Di Jiu actually took out his bow and arrow to shoot himself, the female cultivator spoke the head silently. Her giant net is a real Grand Dao magical treasure. Even if she came to the expert of the Holy Word, she could not take out divine ability in her giant net. All divine ability Dao Principle will be bound by the giant net and then dismantled.

The male cultivator saw Di Jiu’s movements, and his eyes were even more ironic. The hundreds of millions of spears that have been transformed have already been in contact with the giant net. Obviously, while the giant net is restraining Di Jiu’s, these billions of spears will also cause Di Jiu to be riddled with holes.

Di Jiu even closed his eyes. He vaguely felt that the strength of these two people was much lower than he expected. The man is not even as good as the original Beiyin Saint…

No, men are not as good as Beiyin Saint, but far worse than Beiyin Saint. The woman, hehe, is even more garbage.

Two machines, weaving life and death, two arrows everywhere, time is breaking through heaven!

The arrow has taken out, and Di Jiu is too lazy to take it back.

When the long arrow passed through the giant net, the woman was stunned. She murmured, “Come out, come out…”

Maybe she never thought about it, and someone could shoot a long arrow in her Grand Dao magical treasure. When she reacted, she felt ice cold all over her. A dead aura completely enveloped her. She had no room to resist.

“Chengshan, save me…” The woman almost tried her best to call out the four characters.

At this moment, Di Jiu punched out again!

The Dao Principle of Grand Dao of “bang!” this fist and the billions of spears rolled by the male cultivator collided together, and all the divine ability Dao Principle was reduced to debris, turning the giant net like waves.

“You can’t kill her, it’s Zhiyue Er, Dayin Divine Court…” The man’s words were only half said, and he didn’t say anything more. Yue’er’s body, Zhiyue’er, turned into a cloud of blood mist and exploded, which was obviously the end of Divine Soul’s destruction.

Hurry up, where the man still doesn’t know Di Jiu’s strength simply is not what it looks like, but it is far stronger than them. Even if he knew that Zhiyue’er was killed, he could not escape, but now he can escape first.

Feeling that my Escaping Technique has been launched, and even escaped several breaths of time in succession, and the male cultivator is slightly relaxed. As long as his Escaping Technique is launched, even if it is an expert twice as powerful as him, don’t want to catch him easily. Every time he dies, his life is guaranteed a 10% increase. As long as 10 breaths of time have passed, nothing will happen.

“Do you think you can walk away?” A dull voice came, the male cultivator Dao Rhyme in a hurry, next moment he saw Di Jiu in front of him.

(Today’s update is here, friends good night.)

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