
“You…” The male cultivator stared at Di Jiu like a ghost.

At the same level, his strength is not too strong, at most it can be regarded as medium and slightly higher. But his Escaping Technique, even the outspoken Saint, may not be able to catch up with him. Because he once got a top-level Escaping Technique divine ability, Yun Escaping Technique. With this Escaping Technique, he did not know how many times he escaped from death.

Not to mention anything else, relying on the cloud Escaping Technique this divine ability is enough for many experts to snatch it.

Di Jiu simply did not answer the other party, and Dao Rhyme was in circulation. His Grand Dao rule area has already locked this space. At this time, even if the other party wanted to escape, he could not escape.

The male cultivator finally realized that the difference between himself and Di Jiu is too far away, both in strength and Escaping Technique. He calmed down, but instead gave Di Jiu a punch, “senior, it’s not my view of Chengshan, I was blind to the dog’s eyes and dared to covet the senior’s path. As long as the senior can show mercy, I would like to view Chengshan in any condition Also agree.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “First answer my previous question, why is Daomai so precious here?”

Guan Chengshan hesitated and said a little carefully, “I can answer all senior questions, and even open my own world, just want to invite senior…”

“I have limited patience. If I continue to say nothing, I will search your soul directly.” Di Jiu tone ice cold.

Guan Chengshan felt Di Jiu’s murderous aura, and he dare to continue to hesitate, even if there is only a first-line life force, he does not want to give up Guan Chengshan.

“There are very few Dao veins here, even if it is a low grade Dao vein, it is also the existence of countless people fighting for it. I have seen seniors use low grade Dao cultivating before, so they have a black heart…”

Guan Chengshan’s words make Di Jiu frown again, and there are very few Dao veins? Why make the nest that many lines?

That’s right, it seems that the Saints on the holy plaza don’t have any path, otherwise, he can’t use ten paths to get on the primal chaos flying boat.

Where did the Dao’s veins come from? Since the universe is so precious, then this forged nest seems not simple. It’s a pity that he didn’t ask Chi Yao carefully.

“There are several types of Origin Qi veins here?” Di Jiu’s tone softened.

Guan Chengshan quickly explained, “The most inferior is low grade Divine Vein, then to middle grade Divine Vein, then to high grade Divine Vein, top grade Divine Vein. Top grade Divine Vein is followed by Dao Ve, the same There are four types of top grade and high, middle and low.”

“What about the Dao Vein?” Di Jiu thought that since God Realm has 9th Layer, the Origin Qi Vein with Dao Vein is normal.

“There is also an Origin Qi vein above the rumored Dao Vein. I just heard that there is no has seen…” Guan Chengshan’s tone is still gentle, but deep in one’s heart is getting more and more frightened. He felt that the Heaven and Earth Law around him did not belong to this side world at all, but was under the control of Di Jiu’s. What kind of existence is this restraint his cultivator?

If it is said that the other party has a long history, why should they ask themselves such simple questions? If it is said that the other party comes from a small actor, why is Grand Dao so terrifying?

“What did you mean that I didn’t even stand up to the Holy Word?” Di Jiu continued to ask.

Guan Chengshan was really stunned this time. What does that mean? If Di Jiu didn’t even know the Holy Word, he would never believe it. But since I know, why should I ask myself.

Don’t speak when seeing Guan Chengshan, Di Jiu complexion sank, “Why, can’t you answer”

“Ah, no.” Guan Chengshan said quickly, “It is possible to completely shape your Grand Dao Dao Will and form your own Grand Dao embryonic form, which is to prove the Dao’s 1st Step. 2nd Step is to gradually improve yourself Grand Dao, until Grand Dao is self-contained. When you can build the world, it is to step into the Prove the Dao Third Step. You can build a cultivator that shapes yourself Grand Dao, almost half of them can build their own world, cross Enter Third Step.

However, it is extremely difficult to enter the Fourth Step from the Third Step. Anyone who can enter the Fourth Step is a powerful one…”

“This step into Fourth Step is the holy word you said?” Di Jiu gradually understood.

Guan Chengshan’s nodded said, “Yes, senior. Only by setting up the Holy Word, can I qualify to step into Fourth Step and become a region’s Overlord. My Dao Companion’s father, Zhiyue’er, is Fourth Step’s Word Saint. Now that Zhiyue’er is killed, he must be the first to chase me because he knows that Zhiyue’er was taken by me.”

Guan Chengshan wants to tell Di Jiu that now they are online.

“What is the Holy Word?” Di Jiu reminded Guan Chengshan that he didn’t take seriously. Fourth Step He didn’t kill him, and he was killed by a blade.

Looking at Cheng Chengshan, he said that Lao Tzu knew what a holy word was. Lao Tzu had already made a say. However, Di Jiu asked, but he dared not refuse to answer, and could only say cautiously, “senior, junior is dull, it has been a million years for the Transformation Realm to be stuck, and didn’t touch to the threshold of the Holy Word, so the opposite word is sanctified. I haven’t quite understood…”

Seeing that Di Jiu’s face was not pretty, Guan Chengshan quickly said, “Although Junior doesn’t know what Shengli’s Word is, he knows that once he becomes a Word Saint, his strength will increase by hundreds of times. With Junior’s Strength, Dayin Divine Court’s statement Saint Zhi Ji Youqiong can crush the junior with just one slap…”

When Guan Chengshan spoke of a slap, he suddenly stopped talking. He thought of Di Jiu, and Di Jiu obviously also said Saint, because Di Jiu can also smash him with a slap.

If Di Jiu made a statement to Saint, why should he be asked these questions? These questions, he dare not ask Di Jiu.

Di Jiu is more puzzled in his heart. If proving the Dao Fourth Step is to say Saint, and saying that Saint really is as powerful as Guan Chengshan said, then Beiyin Saint will not be killed by his blade. The only explanation is that the Fourth Step of Beiyin Saint has water here, which is the same as his previous thinking.

“Provide the Dao Fourth Step and go up again? Is it the Fifth Step”

Di Jiu asked after staring at Guan Chengshan. If it proves the Dao Fourth Step and proves the Dao Fifth Step, it means that God Realm is a real 9th ​​Layer. Fifth Step must have proved the Dao Sixth Step.

Guan Chengshan respectfully replied, “Yes, prove the Dao Fourth Step is indeed to prove the Dao Fifth Step, but we are in a side World domain that can prove the Dao Fifth Step expert, I heard that it will not exceed Ten people. As for proving the Dao Sixth Step, because our universe rank is too low, it is considered to be a medium universe, so until now, I have not heard of the emergence of the Dao Sixth Step.”

Di Jiu can’t ask for anything again, Heaven Dancing Blade rolled up a blade glow slashed towards Guan Chengshan, and at the same time said, “Look at your answer is still perfect, I allow you to reincarnate…”

“senior show mercy, I can help senior escape from the killing of Zhi Ji and Qiong……” Guan Chengshan has been guarding against Di Jiu, but the blade of Di Jiu falls, he still feels that he has no resistance. ability. At this moment, he even doubted whether Di Jiu had surpassed the Fourth Step, and really was the power to prove the Dao Fifth Step.

“pu! “The blade screen of Heaven Dancing Blade tears Guan Chengshan. At the same time, the rules of Di Jiu’s Dao Rhyme continue to blast out. Before Guan Chengshan’s soul collapses, he tears open Guan Chengshan’s world.

What surprised Di Jiu is that the world of Guan Chengshan is within the realm, and there are seven stunning women. It’s just that these women also felt that the world of Guan Chengshan was torn apart, and they were all in panic.

Everything in Guancheng Mountain world was taken away by Di Jiu. The seven women were sent by Di Jiu out of the world to watch the mountains and fell to the ground.

Di Jiu simply didn’t wait for the seven women to react, and a ball of flame was thrown on Guan Chengshan, and then the rule of Escaping Technique was unfolded.

The other six women also reacted at the moment. The woman called Sister Quan said immediately, “We hurried away, Guan Chengshan was killed by an expert, and we are free.”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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