
“Why hurried away? No one here, we can’t come if they come?” Di Jiu simply didn’t mean to hurriedly left, he had planned to go to the Wanzu Conference and wanted to fight anytime accompany.

After seeing the so-called saints here, it is also absolutely this that’s all. It is said that Saint is so, Fifth Step expert must not take him how.

Haiyi Saint startled, and he immediately woke up, of course his strength is to hurry. Di Jiu killed the red robe cultivator as soon as it was blade, and there was no need to escape.

Seeing that Hai Yi Saint is no longer anxious, Di Jiu said with a smile, “Say, why was it pursued by a Fourth Step to say that Saint was chased? Is it your Dao vein?”

Haiyi Saint remembered the important things, and said anxiously, “Brother Di, we actually have accumulated enough. Every Saint from the Holy Place plaza has enough strength to step into Fifth Step or even higher level. .Because we all have the foundation to control the infinite universe of the vast universe, we can also clear the Grand Dao cycle of comprehension.

It can be said that the only thing we are missing is the narrow limit of the low level universe, that’s all. Because of this narrow limit, we can only look at the Fourth Step from the perspective of the universe we have built, and therefore we can only be bound to the Fourth Step , Or the Fourth Step we built ourselves. This is an intermediate universe, with the Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth that allows us to develop the Grand Dao…”

Di Jiu said doubtfully, “Brother Hai, you mean the vast universe world that you built, perfected and controlled in 9 Heavenly Layer. It is limited to the level of the universe and can only be limited to Third Step. Even if it is Fourth Step is also because you have controlled countless years of the vast universe, and the reincarnation of the clear comprehension of all things, you have built an incomplete or unstable realm. I understand it, is it correct?”

“Yes, yes, that’s what it means. Any Saint, as long as he can concentrate on seclusion here, will eventually clear comprehension one day, as long as he cuts out his own Insights’ Four Step, and then re-uses the Universe Rule here. Into the new Fourth Step. This new Fourth Step is the statement Saint said here. Once stepped in, the strength will definitely be stronger than the statement Saint here.” Saint Hai Yi said quickly.

On hearing the words of Saint Hai Yi, Di Jiu realized how powerful his Grand Dao was.

Because his Grand Dao is neither in the low level universe where 9 Heavenly Layer is, nor in the so-called mid-level universe here, but in the real vast primal chaos. Di Jiu affirmed that no matter whether it is a low-level universe, an intermediate-level universe, or even a high-level universe, it was born from the vast primal chaos.

How many times did you fumble, this last time finally stood in front of others.

Di Jiu is very grateful to Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. Without Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, he would not be able to clear comprehension and build a real universe in the vast primal chaos. Not even constructing the universe world, let alone that the condense belongs to his own tree.

He was able to form his own Dao tree, mainly because of the insights gained by constructing New World in the vastness of primal chaos.

In the future, if there are other people in the vast universe that can achieve the same as him, it must be Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, because the three are all from the same starting line. He can build his own tree among the vast primal chaos, Ye Mo can do it like Ning Cheng.

Seeing that Di Jiu did not speak, Hai Yi Saint thought Di Jiu understood, and then said, “Brother Di, you should know why the red robe cultivator wanted to kill me. He didn’t want to kill me, but to Grab me back, strip off my Dao Principle of Grand Dao, and then insights Fifth Step Que Sheng.”

Di Jiu was shocked, and then clear comprehension came over, “You mean Saint from the plaza of the Holy place, all…”

Hai Yi Saint’s heavy nodded, “Yes, it’s the expert’s most eye-catching cultivation resources here. As long as you grab a Saint Saint from a plaza, it’s equal to stepping into Fifth Step. I have heard that there are at most ten Fifth Step Que Sheng here. There is no Sixth Step expert, I don’t know yet. Even if there are, I estimate that there will be no more than three.”

Di Jiu finally understood, murmured, “No wonder somebody wants to auction the secret of the Advance Fifth Step. It turns out that they want to refining the people from the Holy Plaza and strip off their Grand Dao Dao Rhyme.”

Haiyi Saint said heavily, “Yes, even if we understand this truth, it will take many years to cut off the original Fourth Step Dao Rhyme and make a new word of sanctification. I am worried that these years , Saint, who came out of the plaza, is probably about to be hunted down.”

“Did Tianyuanyu’s owner Tianyuan discover?” Di Jiu suddenly wanted to kill this Tianyuan.

Haiyi Saint was very puzzled and watched Di Jiu, “How can you know Brother Di? I just heard about this news and was chased. I heard that Tianyuan discovered this secret and started Wanzu Holy City sells this secret.”

“Did you buy?” Di Jiu doubted watched Haiyi Saint. Haiyi Saint had a line, or he gave it, could it be that Haiyi Saint used this line to buy the secret?

Haiyi Saint sighed, “Even if I have a Dao Vein, I will not use a Dao Vein to buy this secret. I just knew about the flaws of my Fourth Step at that time and was preparing to find a land seclusion Holy. But someone bought this secret, and then the person was brave, and the secret was divided into multiple times and then sold again. Tianyuan thought he was Fifth Step Que Sheng, there was no who dares to sell his secrets. However, the fact hit him in the face. As a result, Tianyuan Wantonly Slaughter is estimated to be still chasing.”

“You also bought a copy because of this?” Di Jiu asked.

Haiyi replied, “Yes, this news is now worthless, and it can be bought everywhere. That day the source is overbearing, no matter how strong, it can’t kill everyone. After I bought this news, immediately I left to prepare to send the message to you, and then to find the land. The red robe cultivator found that I am the one who can let people step into the Fifth Step, and you are understood behind…”

Di Jiu is silent, he is not thinking about getting into the Fifth Step, he is thinking about the mid-level universe and the low-level universe. Since there is an intermediate universe and a low level universe, then there must be a high level universe. If it is said that the mid-level universe can only enter the Sixth Step, then in the future, if it is to enter the Ninth Step, is it not necessary to go to the high level universe?

“Brother Hai Yi, do you know there is a high level universe above the mid-level universe?” Di Jiu asked. He has been hitting the Third Step perfection by seclusion all these years, so the news he got may not be as great as Saint Hai Yi.

Haiyi Saint quickly said, “I know, the news I heard is that there is no high-level universe. The vast primal chaos, the strongest universe that has evolved is the mid-level universe. Even how big is our domain, No one can figure it out yet.”

Di Jiu hehe said, “The vast primal chaos boundless, not even the vast primal chaos, but impossible to travel all over the vast primal chaos. Why dare to say that there is no high level universe? Haiyi, I plan to go to Jiujiayu See, do you want to go with me?”

Haiyi said, “Brother Di, you should have heard the most of the Human Race cultivator in Jiujiiyu? In fact, I originally got this news because I went to the Holy City of Jiujiiyu. You know me What is the result? Human Race is at the lowest level like a pig and a dog. And the lowest cultivation base is usually Human Race, so in the Jiu Ji domain, the slaves are basically Human Race cultivator. Among the Wanzu Holy City , Killing is not allowed, but if you kill Human Race cultivator, it will be fine.”

“What tribe did you kill before?” Di Jiu thought of his encounter in Holy City, because he is Human Race, so he has to pay the city fee, but other races don’t need it. By comparison, Sanyi Holy City is still good for Human Race.

Di Jiu laughed, “Pats Haiyi Saint’s shoulder, well, since that’s the case, then we will go to the Holy City of all races. No matter which race, if you want my life, you will exchange it for your life.”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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