
Compared with Wanzu Holy City, the bustling Sanyi Holy City can only be regarded as a remote town.

When there are ten severe tens of thousands of li from Holy City, there are silhouettes of cultivator everywhere. If it were not forbidden to fly here, I am afraid everywhere all is a flying silhouette.

Di Jiu spiritual sense swept out, and immediately knew that it was similar to the city of fortune’s word, there was an outer city and an inner city, and the scale was many times larger than that of the fortified city. Di Jiu has already felt the vast array of defense array and Trapping Slaughter Array outside. Although this great array is arranged by concealment array flag and various Law of Space means, there is still no secret in Di Jiu’s eyes.

In terms of battle, Di Jiu has never lost to anyone.

“Brother Di, there is a hidden Great Trapping Slaughter Array here, and then go in, we are equivalent to holding our heads in our hands.” In the hidden Great Trapping Slaughter Array surrounding, Hai Yi Saint still reminded Di Jiu carefully .

Di Jiu nodded, Dao Will is already portraying the Law Array Flag, and at the same time said, “Since you are here, go in and see.”

He portrayed the Law Array Flag, but he didn’t want to use it, but once he met the fierce person, he could walk away with ease. If it is a general fellow, it is really not worth his use of positional means.

The two entered the outer protection array and walked around ten thousand li again, and saw a huge plaza. The plaza is about a hundred miles away. The front of the plaza is the entrance of the Wanzu Holy City, but there is no road that enters the Wanzu Holy City through the plaza. All cultivators that enter the Holy City of Wanzu must go around from both sides of the plaza.

“In the Wan Clan Holy City, there is also an approximately large plaza.” Haiyi visited Wan Clan Holy City once, and walked to Di Jiu while introducing the situation in the Wan Clan Holy City.

When the two entered the city gate of the Ten Thousand Tribes, Di Jiu was puzzled that no one even received city fees. He also paid the city entrance fee in Sanyi Holy City. Doesn’t it cost him to come to this place? Doesn’t it mean that the Human Race cultivator here has a lower status?

“We hurried to find a family house to stay, otherwise, someone will soon trouble us.” Saint Haiyi once came and said in a low voice as soon as he entered the city.

Di Jiu said puzzledly, “There are a lot of Human Race cultivator here, aren’t they all on the street?”

Haiyi hasn’t spoken yet. An extremely thin cultivator suddenly stopped in front of Di Jiu and Haiyi. His eyes were blankly staring at Haiyi Saint, after a while then said, “You, that… …”

This thin cultivator just said two words, his face changed, he turned away without the slightest hesitation, and then disappeared into the crowd.

As soon as this thin cultivator is gone, Haiyi Saint is also a complexion greatly changed. He immediately said, “Brother Di, I know what happened. When the red robe chased me out, this fellow should know that now I am back, red robe has not come back, he must have guessed something, we will soon have trouble…”

The words stopped, Hai Yi Saint watched Di Jiu, he meant to leave here quickly. However, Di Jiu didn’t move, but watched not far away, a woman covered with blood Dao Rhyme disordered rush came.

Behind this woman, there is a short male cultivator chasing and killing. The woman’s cultivation base should have just stepped into the Third Step. The man is also the Third Step, but it is the Third Step perfection.

Di Jiu knew at a glance that this woman was a Human Race cultivator, and that male cultivator… With Di Jiu’s fighting experience with two red Lin cultivators, the short male cultivator was also from the Red Lin.

Although the woman is a Human Race cultivator, apparently not the Saint who came with him. Saint, who came with him, is the Fourth Step.

There are many cultivators on the street, although there are many cultivators on the spacious street, but it’s not strange, at most it gives way. Cultivation base is powerful, and even too lazy to let.

“Brother Di, you can’t see it. Once you look at it, you will be angered immediately. It’s normal to kill Human Race cultivator here. You see those people who weren’t killed are repaired on the streets of the Holy City of Wanzu, then Are all expert domestic servants or slaves…”

“pu!” Saint Haiyi had not finished, a blood light exploded not far away from him, it was a slightly later Human Race cultivator, at the moment he had been chased by the woman Dwarf male cultivator beheaded with a blade. It can be seen that being an expert’s domestic servant, life here is not necessarily safe.

next moment, a killing intent aura has slashed towards Di Jiu. In the Human Race cultivator, Di Jiu and Haiyi are the only ones who retreat a bit slower. Haiyi also took a few steps back subconsciously. Di Jiu didn’t move. Not only did he not move, but instead he took a step towards him. If he didn’t kill Di Jiu, he really thought his Red Lin tribe had a good temper.

Di Jiu doesn’t even take out Heaven Dancing Blade, and the killing intent that greets this person is punched out.

“bang!” The terrifying killing intent under Di Jiu this fist is like snowflakes meeting an erupting volcano, disappearing in a blink of an eye. Following a burst of blood mist, this short cultivator didn’t even have time to ask for mercy, and was punched into pieces by Di Jiu.

The reason why Di Jiu didn’t open the other party’s world is because this is Wanzu Holy City. There are definitely many opponents he has to deal with next. Once the opponent’s world is opened, his strength will be partially exposed. apart from this, a world of Third Step cultivator, whether or not Di Jiu doesn’t care too much now.

“Brother Di, you killed him…” Haiyi Saint finished his sentence and calmed down instead.

Since you are killed, you can only face it, but you can’t just die. There is nothing to be afraid of. He is also a Saint who controls the vast countless eras. What scene has not been seen.

Di Jiu hehe said, “I don’t kill him, do I have to invite him to dinner.”

That woman covered in blood saw Di Jiu stunned the Third Step perfection of a Red Lin clan with a punch. One is to shock Di Jiu’s strength, the second is to shock Di Jiu, a Human Race cultivator who dares to kill the Red Lin tribe.

She did not continue to escape, but swallowed a medical pill and came to Di Jiu to perform a first ceremony, “Meng Ruolou many thanks Senior rescued, but only tired of senior.”

Although Di Jiu rescued her, sooner or later he will be dead end. The only difference is that that’s all one hour later.

Di Jiu laughed, said indifferently: “Nothing, with my temperament, even if you are not tired, you will offend these fellows here.”

The woman didn’t speak. She knew that Di Jiu said it was true. The Human Race cultivator dared to be so arrogant in the Holy City of Wanzu. That’s not true. Even without her, Di Jiu will have an accident sooner or later.

The surroundings are quiet. Some cultivators of the Red Lin tribe immediately sent a message instead of the cultivator of the Red Lin tribe. When they saw a Human Race cultivator who dared to start with the Red Lin tribe, they all stood by and prepared Look hilarious.

The dwarf who was able to kill the Red Lin clan with one punch, apparently was Fourth Step’s statement Saint. Human Race’s proposition Saint rarely came to Holy City, just to protect the feathers. Human Race expert has not been to Wanzu Holy City, but after coming, it is difficult to want to leave the whole body.

Today came a Human Race and made a statement to Saint, and also killed the cultivator of the Red Lin tribe. Everyone wants to see the result.

Don’t say one hour, not even 2.5 minutes of time, the four Daoist shadows fall from void.

Di Jiu also sighed that none of the 10,000 tribes Holy City allowed void flying, but the Red Lin tribe can, showing how strong the influence of the Red Lin tribe is here.

“It’s true have guts, dare to kill me the children of the Red Lin clan in Holy City, hehe…” In the voice of hehe, a male cultivator with a very tall figure leaped in front of Di Jiu. As long as you can feel from the Dao Rhyme imposing manner surging around this fellow, this is a proposition Saint who has already entered the Fourth Step.

Di Jiu simply ignored the hehe’s follow, instead his eyes fell on another fair-skinned, handsome-looking man, indifferently said, “Rubu, he escapes quickly, and heals quickly. Ah. I have been waiting for you in Sanyi Holy City for so many years. I don’t see your trail. I thought you were dead. Didn’t expect to see you here. Off.”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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