
“How many of you have opinions?” Di Jiu turned his attention to Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor.

Jan Wanying said indifferently, “Since everyone has no opinions, I naturally have no opinions on Divine Race.”

Yu Zhaiyi, a Yun clan, does not fear, but with the addition of a mysterious Di Jiu, it is not that he was shocked by Wan Ying and You Mingjin Qiao. Even more how, this time Di Jiu’s words are taller, standing on the stand of more races, he can’t resist if he wants to resist.

Hong Lin Old Ancestor several people also said, “I naturally follow your opinions.”

You can’t resist, you can only follow.

Di Jiu took the initiative to step aside for Zhai Yi’s nodded.

Yu Zhai one after another cup one fist in the other hand, said aloud, “First of all, on behalf of the Wan Clan Holy City, I welcome all races here to participate in the Wan Clan Conference. At the same time, I also thank Fellow Daoist Di Jiu, Contributed a lot to this Wanzu Conference. Congratulations to the rise of the Terran again, and to contribute more power to guarding our universe.

Everyone’s purpose in attending the Wanzu Conference is clear. I’m not talking nonsense. The first thing in this Wanzu Conference is to negotiate the quotas of the sky. Tiantousmen is about to open, there are a lot of top treasures, but unfortunately quota is limited…”

Although everyone knows that they should continue to listen to Zhai Yi, it may involve the quota of Tianduomen. The many cultivators on the plaza are still unable to bear. Some excitement.

Yu Zhaiyi continued, “Every time I enter the quota of Tianduomen, there are only a thousand at most…”

There are so many? Di Jiu was stunned. He really didn’t know how many quotas entered the door. But he heard that one Que sage allocated ten quotas, and there should be only a dozen Que sages on this side of the universe. In this way, three-four hundred quotas, that’s all, didn’t expect, and one thousand quotas .

Plaza was quiet again, only Yu Zhai’s voice spread throughout the plaza, “Because when you enter the Tianduo Gate more than a thousand, it will be popped out immediately, so this thousand quotas cannot be increased. In order to be fair and just, strive for more excellent cultivators to enter Tianqimen. The quota allocation of Tianqimen is as follows…”

Speaking of which, Yu Zhai paused, his eyes fell on Jing Wanying, “Fright Daoist, how many Que Sheng participated in the allocation of quota this time?”

Wan Wanying said, “How do I know this kind of thing? You, who preside over the conference, should know better than me.”

Yu Zhaiyi is nodded. “It’s the same thing.”

After he finished speaking, he was too lazy to continue to be surprised, but said aloud, “There are Que Sheng races. A Que Sheng can get ten quotas. Every ethnic group reports the Que Saint counts, if they don’t, they should be given up. Que Sheng got the quota to enter the door of the sky. Now let’s start with me, I have two Yun Sheng Que Sheng.”

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation said, “Three of our people are Que Sheng.”

He is not a Qu Sheng of Fifth Step, but he can even crush Qu Sheng, just as he is a Qu Sheng, who can refute? In addition to him, Taihong Saint and Yuan Chang Xiao are also Fifth Step.

Hong Lin Old Ancestor quickly said, “I have two Que Sheng in the Red Lin tribe…”

Where can I still support the Zuoling of the Hanyue clan, and quickly said, “I am the Hanyue clan…”


The races with Que Sheng have reported Que Que quota, and Wan Wanying also had to report the Que Saint number of Divine Race. Not reporting is equivalent to giving up, can he jump into the sky? In the final statistics, there were seventeen Que Sheng.

After all the races with Que Sheng were reported, Yu Zhaiyi continued to say, “In addition to the one hundred and seventy quotas, there are eight hundred and thirty empty quotas…” p>

“Brother Yu, by convention, half of the eight hundred and thirty spare quotas are to be given to the Divine Race and the Red Lin tribe who have the late stage of Que Sheng…” A Que Sheng could to bear whispered A sentence. He was worried that Yu Zhai had been missing for a long time, and he was not clear about the allocation of quota.

“Why is Divine Race and the Red Lin tribe have bigger faces, or are they contributing more to the universe? Or does the Wanzu Conference agree to do so?” Di Jiu’s faint voice sounded, the powerful Dao Rhyme aura squeezed it down, so that the talking stage Saint initial stage unable to bear shuddered, did not dare to continue.

Jing Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor complexion sank, they knew they were wrong against plot. But at this time, facing so many big clan, they really dare not make this request, this is to anger the public.

Di Jiu’s words made Yu Zhaiyi understand that he continued without the slightest hesitation, “The remaining eight hundred thirty quotas are all derived from the fighting method…”

“Fellow Daoist Di, you must leave a few quotas, because the key to Sixth Step is also Tianqimen. If all the quotas are taken out, we will not be able to enter Tianqimen.” Honglin Old Ancestor is no longer able to bear, hurry up and say.

Yu Zhaiyi also paused the topic, he looked towards Di Jiu, “Brother Di, how can this fight be arranged?”

“The rest of me is here.” Di Jiu motioned to Zhai Yi to step back and walked to the middle of the Battle Method Stage.

Everyone is watching Di Jiu with anticipation, “Every Third Step cultivator wants to know if he hopes to get a quota.”

Di Jiu said aloud, “friends, as far as I understand, Tianqiumen can only be opened for a few days at most. If every one of us has the opportunity to enter Tianqiumen, then the fight will take at least several months or even longer. …”

There was silence on plaza, and everyone knew that Di Jiu was telling the truth. As usual, the door is opened, most quotas are occupied by the clan, and it is simply not possible for the clan to come. In the end, there were dozens of quotas to compete, and it ended quickly. Therefore, the Wanzu Conference will not be held just a few months before the opening of the Tottori Gate.

Now Di Jiu’s means to distribute more than 800 quotas, then there will be more opportunities for everyone. However, if the distribution method of Di Jiu is the same as before, the distribution of 8,000 is also the same as before.

Di Jiu motioned everyone to get down from the Battle Method Stage, then raised their hands and waved, a huge tower-shaped treasure appeared in the middle of the Battle Method Stage. The tower rises to the sky, simply cannot see the top.

Just when everyone didn’t understand what was going on, Di Jiu said again, “Fellow Daoists, this is a piece I made by myself and asked Dao Tower, this tower has 81 layers. All under the Fourth Step Cultivator, you can enter this and ask Dao Tower. Before entering the tower, you need to write your origin and name outside the tower.

When you ask Dao Tower, there is a score for each step forward, so the higher you ask Dao Tower, the higher the score. On the outside of the tower there is a large screen of array technique. This large screen will expel all the results of entering Dao Tower cultivator. We will take the first 830 quotas and enter the Tianduomen. “

The plaza outside the Wanzu Conference was a sensation. Di Jiu’s method is what everyone needs most. This method is the most fair and fair, no one can cheat, and no one can override others.

If Di Jiu is still on the Battle Method Stage, many people will rush to ask Dao Tower.

Although Di Jiu knows clearly, this Wanzu conference is definitely not a matter of heaven, but in his eyes, there is only a matter of heaven. What other things have to do with him?

Seeing that Di Jiu simply didn’t care about quota, Hong Lin Old Ancestor came to Di Jiu again for a cup one fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoist Di, what I said is true, we have to enter the sky to take Door, so we can find the opportunity for Sixth Step or even Seventh Step.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Since that is the case, then go in. As for quota, we have ten quotas for a sage, can’t we get a quota for us to enter?”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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