
“I have never seen such a arrogant person, and he dare to put things here for testing, maybe he thinks he is the first in this universe.” Di Jiu left after Di Di coldly snorted, with a strong disdain in his tone.

His son was killed by Di Jiu. Until now, he couldn’t avenge his son. The kind of depression in his heart can be imagined.

Honglin Old Ancestor said solemnly, “Let all the Third Step experts in the clan participate. If anyone can ask Dao Altar refining this, the clan will ensure that it crosses into Liyan Saint and serves as the first training object for Que Sheng. “

“Yes.” Di was overjoyed, and the message without turning the slightest hesitation turned.

Generally speaking, Hong An Old Ancestor is that almost all the tribes whose interests have been encroached are ready to send the strongest Third Step cultivator. What they have to do is not only get the ranking, but also want to destroy Dao Altar, or refining, let Di Jiu come out and ask Dao Altar to filter the quota, which is a joke.

Once Di Jiu’s method is a joke, you can only follow the previous allocation plan.


“Fellow Daoist Di, if the top expert comes to ask Dao Tower, will it…” Seeing countless cultivators swarming into asking Dao Tower, the person who is most worried about is Yu Zhai. Since he stood on Di Jiu’s side, the Yun people and the human race have been closely related. Once Di Jiu fails, his Yun clan will surely be affected.

Di Jiu laughed, “Don’t worry, if someone can break my question and ask Dao Tower, maybe I really asked to worship him as a teacher.”

Ask Dao Tower to be refined after Di Jiu condense Daoshu, but it is not just a magical treasure. Any cultivator comes to ask Dao Tower, then ask Dao Tower to become the portrayal of this cultivator Grand Dao. When asking Dao Tower, you can insights and some Grand Dao Dao Path related to your own Grand Dao, but you can never go beyond asking Dao Tower.

Don’t say Third Step, that is, Fourth Step and Fifth Step come to ask Dao Tower, Di Jiu is also sure they can’t surpass this tower. Unless the local cultivation base surpasses him, the Tao tree built is still stronger than his.

He can build Daoshu, and has a relationship with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. Di Jiu doesn’t believe that there are people who can be like the three of them. Perhaps there is such a existence in the vast universe, but this universe will definitely not exist.

Although there are still some doubts, Yu Zhaiyi didn’t say anything. If anything, it was doubting Di Jiu’s strength.

Di Jiu said, “Yu Fellow Daoist, I still invite you to take me to the location of Tianduomen.”

“Tiantuo Gate hasn’t opened yet?” Yu Zhaiyi said doubtfully.

Di Jiu said, “Of course I know that it is not open, but I am worried that others will not follow the observed order and forcefully enter the Tianduomen.”

Meng Ruolou said, “Tiantuomen has a natural great array. This natural great array is a river. This river will be automatically erected when the Tiantuomen opens, otherwise no one can cross this one. The river goes to Tianshumen on the other side.”

“Yes, under normal circumstances, when all experts are open, there are experts guarding the riverside channel.” Que Sheng Fang Changsang of the Yun clan also echoed.

“So, I’m going to arrange a great array outside. Any cultivator that enters the sky gate in the future must rely on jade token to enter, otherwise, if there is quota, I can’t enter.” Di Jiu speaking in between A sample of jade token came out.

He doesn’t know how he can deal with Sixth Step here, but he is sure that no one can surpass his position here.

Yu Zhaiyi’s eyes shined, if Di Jiu’s lineup is really strong, and this can be achieved, then in the future, no matter whether Di Jiu is here, the way of entering Tianqimen will not change, nor It will be controlled because a certain race is strong.

Taihong Saint quickly said, “Brother Di, I will help you.”

Di Jiu waved his hand and said to Taihong and Haiyi Saints from the Holy Place plaza, “You go to the human race corner first, and Taihong Fellow Daoist talks about the way to enter the Fifth Step. I buried it in the human race corner. Half a pole pulse. With the opening of the sky gate, maybe in the future you can all step into the Fifth Step.”

When Fang Changsang heard this, he was unable to bear subconsciously shivering. More than ten Fifth Steps, how powerful is this? Do humans want to occupy this universe?

Haiyi heard Di Jiu said that he will not stay here for long. Since it will not stay for a long time, then the strength of the human race here is the stronger the better.

Even if he and Di Jiu think the same, he has no ability to be like Di Jiu, just leave this universe and enter the primal chaos.

Although Taihong Saint didn’t know that Di Jiu was going, he didn’t care much about telling his thoughts about stepping into Fifth Step. He is at a height that ordinary people can’t reach, even Di Jiu is not like him. He has controlled the vastness for so many eras and still maintains a complete fleshly body.

The kind of value one’s own old broom that has no benefit to him is not worth doing.

Besides, Di Jiu also took out half of his pulses, which is also very beneficial for him to stabilize his Fifth Step. So as soon as Di Jiu’s words were put forward, he agreed without the slightest hesitation.


Tianqumen is not far from the Holy City, and the ten thousand li is blocked by the protection array. The protection array is too bad, Di Jiu raised his hand and tore the protection array.

After tearing the protection array, it is indeed a river, but only a half river.

Di Jiu has seen even the sea floating in the void, and there is really no half seen river. The half of the river is only a thousand miles at most. The two ends of the river seem to be cut off by blade, disappear without a trace. The flow of the river shows that the water of the river has a place of origin and a flow direction.

“Brother Di, both sides of this river should be extended to the domain of Tianqiumen, so it looks like it has been truncated, and it actually exists. This half-cut river, also called Tiandubanhe, That is the natural great array.” Fang Changsang saw Di Jiu dumbfounded and quickly explained to the side.

“Tiantuomen is just across the river?” Di Jiu asked suspiciously.

“Yes, the Tianqiu Gate has not yet come out, so you can’t see it. After the Tianqiu Gate comes out, a tree-shaped outline gate will appear across the river. And there is a Dao Rhyme branch from across the river. The cultivator that stretches out and then enters Tianduomen can pass through the branches of Dao Rhyme.” Fang Changsang explained again.

Tree outline?

Di Jiu was in doubt, Fang Changsang continued, “No one can cross the day to fetch the half river before the Tianqiu door was opened. Who dares crossed it forcibly, there was only one way, and it fell into the river halfway. “

Di Jiu opened Dao Eye, and Dao Eye vaguely saw that there was indeed a hazy tree-shaped gate across the bank of the Tiantu Banhe…

Dao Eye feels that Dao Rhyme is circulating, and there is even a rule that transcends this side of the universe. In Di Jiu’s heart, he thought of Dao Shu immediately.

The shape of the door is similar to Daoshu? Di Jiu’s interest increased immediately, even if Hong Lin Old Ancestor and Jing Wanying did not lead him into Tianduomen, he would also go in and see.

“Yuan Fellow Daoist, you said something needs my help before, is it also related to Tianduomen?” Di Jiu turned to look towards Yuan Chang Xiao.

Di Jiu laughed, “I’m afraid he won’t come.”

After finishing talking, Di Jiu started to grab out the Array Flag and arrange the great array. From this time onwards, every time the Tianqiu door is opened in the future, it is necessary to enter the Tianqiu door with his jade token.

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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