
When Di Jiu arranged the protection array outside the Tiandu Banhe, the Dao Tower outside the Wanzu Holy City was already famous.

Because this question asks Dao Tower is a real question about magical treasure, not just a tool for games. The cultivator you enter can not only ask the heart, but also ask your own Grand Dao, and even feel the lack of your Grand Dao in Dao Tower, thus perfecting your Grand Dao and taking it one step further.

Many cultivators have forgotten to continue climbing, and as a result stayed in the first floor for too long and was sent directly, resulting in a low score.

The cultivators that were accidentally sent out will naturally not stop there. They have turned to ask Dao Tower again and want to enter again. However, no matter how strong the strength is, once you have entered it once or if the cultivation base exceeds the Third Step, you will be asked Dao Tower to block it.

The genius cultivator of some tribes began to emerge, and many tribes who had never entered Tianduomen were shaking with excitement.

At the same time, the news that asked Dao Tower to select and enter the Tianduo Gate has spread to almost all corners with cultivator.

Many cultivators who are too late to come are regretful and almost going crazy. Those who are too late are desperate to escape to Holy City. I missed this opportunity and regretted that it would be light all my life. Who hasn’t heard of Tianduomen? For ordinary cultivators of ordinary tribes, and even marginal cultivators of tribes, that can only be regarded as legend. Now, as long as you have strength, this legend is likely to fall on yourself, can you not be excited?

Several millions cultivator is concentrated in Holy City, which is already a lot. Just because of Di Jiu’s selection method, in just three days, tens of millions of cultivators flocked to the Holy City of Wanzu. What they are asking for is that’s all of the more than 800 quotas.

The Qihuangren Realm is almost all the Third Step cultivator, and even the 2nd Step came to the Wanzu Holy City to climb and ask Dao Tower.

Three days passed quickly, and all the cultivators in Dao Tower were sent out, and the quota on the huge array technique outside Dao Tower was fixed.

In the top 830 cultivators, Divine Race ranks first with a total of nearly 100. In addition to Divine Race, Honglin, Yun, Blood Race and other large families are among the best.

The Terran won 31 quotas. Although the quotas obtained were okay, the rankings were not looking enough. They were basically between 800 and 400.

The human race can get so many places, that is because the human race cultivator from the wasteland is almost the main battle strength. The human race does not have several Fourth Steps. Once it meets the powerful existence, it can only be stacked with the life of the Third Step cultivator. In the long run, many Third Step cultivators have become powerful.

Holy City is still a joyous place. Compared with the human race, there are more small families who have almost never had an opportunity to show up, and this time they have won one or two quotas.

Don’t look at quotas very rarely. For those tribes, this is an extremely rare opportunity. As long as there is an expert, this race has a chance to stand up, at least to survive in this universe.

“Because the door of Tianduo is about to open, please pick up the cultivator of the jade token at the human race corner. Please move directly to the outside of the Tianduo Banhe. The top 830 geniuses on the array technique screen can be collected. It belongs to your Tianduomen to enter the jade token. Please remember that all jade tokens that enter the Tianduomen cannot be led and cannot be resold. Otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences.” After closing, Haiyi first landed on Battle Method Stage, loudly said.

According to Di Jiu’s original idea, in order to enhance the prestige of the human race, those who asked Dao Tower to obtain a quota cultivator must go to the human race corner to collect the jade token. After Di Jiu laid out the protection array outside Tianqimen, he directly changed his mind.

He is here now. Everyone goes to the human race corner to collect the jade token, which really enhances the prestige of the human race. Once he left here, this behavior was to increase the pressure on the human race.

After hearing Haiyi’s words, whether they were ranked or not, they all rushed to the sky to take the river.

According to the time, the Tianduo door will also open.


Tianto Banhe has long been invisible, replaced by a huge plaza, at the end of which is a double-fish-shaped disc, and Dao Rhyme circulates on the disc, which is the entrance that Di Jiu arranged not long ago.

Some latecomers, especially the cultivator from the remote tribe, although they have won the ranking, they are a little uneasy. They got the ranking, but there was no other information except to ask the Dao Tower’s array technique in front of the big screen for a name and which race they came from.

And the name on the array technique display soon disappeared, which means that if the expert who controls the quota says that your quota does not exist, you can only admit your fate.

Lian Yanhao is such an existence. In this selection of Dao Tower, he won the 320th place.

To be honest, this rank is high. As an insignificant tribe from the Qisheng tribe, don’t say 320, even if you get 800, it is also a surprise.

After hearing Haiyi’s words, he almost immediately wanted to rush to the sky to fetch Banhe. But he had just rushed out of the plaza outside the Holy City of Wanzu and was stopped by the two. Both faces were dark, and they looked like they were pouring out of a mold. But Lian Yanhao still felt it, and one of them should be Fourth Step.

“Are you called Lian Yanhao?” The black face cultivator of that Fourth Step is talking.

Lian Yanhao is grateful for a cup one fist in the other hand, “It is Lian Yanhao, has seen the two Fellow Daoist.”

Speaking cultivator nodded, “You are a Qisheng tribe, my brother is from Hanyue tribe.”

When hearing the Hanyue clan, Lian Yanhao was chilling behind him. Compared to the Hanyue tribe, the Qisheng tribe is a small race that cannot be smaller. The first expert of the Hanyue tribe holds the Zuoling, although it is the initial stage of Que Sheng, but the relationship between the others and the Old Ancestor of the Honglin tribe is also not trivial. Offending the Great Family like the Hanyue Clan, the Qisheng Clan may have to wait for the annihilation.

“I hope I can borrow your quota. Of course, we will not treat you badly. If you don’t want it, I’ll never say it. By the way, my name is Lu Zhen, and next to me is Brother Lu Fei. “Lu Zhen’s tone is very plain, it seems that if Lian Yanhao really does not borrow, they will not care.

Lian Yanhao felt a burst of ice cold killing intent aura. He was sure that if he didn’t borrow it, even if he had nothing now, the Qisheng tribe would be finished in the future. His purpose here is not to let the Qishengs die, but to make the environment of the Qishengs better. Moreover, he must not borrow, and he has something to do now.

“senior, it’s not that I don’t borrow it. Haiyi senior said, this quota cannot be borrowed, everyone must go by himself, and…”

Wait for Yan Yanhao to finish his speech, Lu Zhen interrupted Lian Yanhao’s words with his hand, “If you are willing to borrow, then you can directly take out your blood essence with the Grand Dao brand, and then permeate a trace of soul. Enter, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Oh, it doesn’t matter, you have to go with us too. If something goes wrong, you stand up and explain it, saying you gave it to my brother.”

In Lu Zhen’s opinion, he is also a Fourth Step. Di Jiu’s asked Dao Tower that he couldn’t figure it out, but he entered the little tricks of asking Dao Tower, he was too clear. The big deal is the memory blood essence and the Grand Dao brand that’s all, which at most penetrates the soul aura.

As long as his brother gets the brand of Lian Yanhao’s Grand Dao that penetrates the soul and blood essence, there is more than 80% chance that he can get through. More than 80% chance, you can try. Moreover, in case of failure, it is said that Lian Yanhao took the initiative, and they will let it out.

Lian Yanhao’s face brushed up at once, not only to take his quota, but also to ruin his foundation.

Speaking of this, he paused his words, and after a long time again, he sighed again, “Seventh Step, Saint…”

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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