
Di Jiu arranged the array core of Pisces outside the half river, and there are already nearly a thousand people at the moment.

In addition to asking the Dao Tower for the existence of the top 830, these nearly 1,000 people also have more than 100 quotas distributed by the Wanzu Conference. The difference is that there are jade tokens in the hands of more than 100 quotas distributed by the Wanzu Conference.

At this time, everyone is outside the array core of Pisces, waiting for the door to open.

At the plaza outside of Tengban Banhe, the cultivator is also packed at the moment. When the Tianduo Gate was opened, unqualified cultivators could not be near here. And now, as long as you want, you can come to see the fun. Even more how, this time there are many tribes that have never participated before, and some experts of these tribes have also come to guard to participate in the discipline.

Sounds of roar came, and everyone saw the mist-shaped barrier behind the array core of Pisces disappeared, and Tenri Banhe appeared in front of everyone. Then a branch emerged in the middle of the Tengban River, and one branch was placed on the surrounding core of the Pisces array core, and the other fell on the opposite bank of the Tottori River.

On the opposite side of Tiandu Banhe, a huge tree-shaped gate emerged, and the branch was the tree-shaped gate that extended. Although it is not clear what is inside the gate, the circulation of Dao Rhyme makes people feel extraordinary at a glance.

“The door of the sky is opened…” There was a commotion in the crowd, and all the people stared at the tree-shaped door with excitement.

It would be nice if everyone could go in, but it’s just a delusion that’s all.

The cultivators outside the array core of Pisces have all set their sights on Di Jiu. This time the obvious thing is no longer that the Divine Race’s Jing Wanying and the Red Lin’s You Mingjinqiao are the masters, and It is this newly emerged human race expert Di Jiu who is in charge.

Everything here is also arranged by Di Jiu. As long as Di Jiu gives an order, then everyone can step into the Pisces array core and enter the sky gate.

When Di Jiu was about to speak, a Daoist shadow rushed across the array core of Pisces as if it were electro-optical. Here Space Rule is locked and can still have such a fast speed, showing how strong the opponent’s Escaping Technique is.

Forcibly go to the sky? Many cultivator eyes are bright. Someone was ready to start immediately. They are not going to stop the barriers, but intend to join them. As long as there are a few more forcible barriers, they will follow along to fish in troubled water.

Jian Wanying and Hong Lin Old Ancestor were also stunned, and then a sneer appeared, and there was no meaning of take action at all.

Di Jiu also has no take action, and even expressions all has not changed.

“Bang!” The cultivator that turned into electro-optic just crossed the array core of Pisces and was blocked by a layer of invisible ripples.

Before he landed on the ground, a wave of killing intent swept over, and a blood light exploded. The cultivator of this level did not even hum, directly transforming into nothingness.

Some cultivators who want to go through the gates and enter the door of the sky are all suck in a breath of cold air, subconsciously retreating from the footsteps they just stretched out.

If someone didn’t force it through, they really didn’t know that there was such a terrifying Great Twisting Slaughter Array behind this Pisces array core. This Great Twisting Slaughter Array not only can’t see it, but with no difficulty, they killed a Fourth Step to make a statement to Saint. This statement says that Saint has no ability to resist. How strong is this Twisting Slaughter Array?

After a few people from Jing Wanying burst into coolness, they are also preparing to enter the sky gate with Di Jiu, and let others destroy the protection array and entrance array arranged by Di Jiu.

Before Di Jiu destroyed the protection array they arranged, they didn’t say anything, and they didn’t need to tell Di Jiu what to do. Now it seems that they are underestimating Di Jiu’s position. Just now that rippled Great Twisting Slaughter Array killed a Fourth Step statement Saint, they didn’t even see how this Great Twisting Slaughter Array was launched.

Some cultivators eager to enter the Pisces array core have also subconsciously tightened their pace.

Di Jiu’s faint voice came, “Everyone enters the Pisces array core according to their ranking, and then obtains the jade token, and then enters the Tianduomen.”

The 1st place is a Third Step expert from Divine Race. After hearing Di Jiu’s words, he first stepped into the Pisces array core.

An aperture in the Pisces array core went from top to bottom. After sweeping him all around, a jade token fell. The cultivator excitedly grabbed the jade token and stepped out of the Pisces array core, and then lifted the jade token in his hand, and easily crossed over.

Before simply strangling a Fourth Step and stating Saint’s strangling barrier, it seemed like there was no such thing. The Divine Race’s Third Step cultivator, with no difficulty, jumped on the branches above the sky to take the half river. Under the eyes of all eyes, they crossed the Tiantuo Banhe, and the first one entered the Tiantuo gate, which was disappeared.

As the first person entered, the people behind followed one by one, and entered the sky gate faster and faster, and hundreds of people passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Fei trembles into the Pisces array core, and the first time he enters the Pisces array core, he will inspire the whole body of Lian Yanhao’s soulful Grand Dao blood essence, while fully converging his Grand Dao Aura. Although he told himself more than once, he wanted to be calm. However, after the strong word Saint that was forced to hang through the Great Twisting Slaughter Array, he calmed down does not raise.

Lian Yanhao of the Qisheng clan in the distance is staring at Lu Fei with his fists clenched. This was his position, but he had to give up this to Lu Fei of the Hanyue clan. Not only that, but also a trace of soul.

A white light fell from Lu Fei’s head and disappeared from him under the foot.

The excited Lu Fei hold out hands to receive jade token, because the cultivator before he has seen received the jade token like this. But he waited for three interest times, and no jade token appeared.

Did it fail? Lu Fei just thought of this, a terrifying killing intent swept over.

Lu Fei was shocked in his heart and screamed, “This jade token was sent by someone…”

Before a sentence is finished, the terrifying killing intent wraps Lu Fei whole person, the next moment a group of blood mist explodes, followed by Lu Fei disappear without a trace.

It was quiet outside, and everyone knew that Lu Fei was recognized by the Pisces array core and strangled.

“Who is the 320th place?” Di Jiu’s calm voice sounded.

Lian Yanhao quickly stepped forward and bowed to salute, “has seen senior, junior Lian Yanhao, from the Qisheng tribe, is the 320th.”

“Fellow Daoist Di, this quota was forcibly given to Lu Fei by Lian Yanhao. He just hurt my brother.” Lu Zhen’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t think that even if he had no chance to dispute, Lu Fei was hanged.

“…” Lian Yanhao opened his mouth, he wanted to rebut, but thought of Lu Zhen’s terrifying threat, he didn’t dare to rebut.

“Why do you forcibly give away the quota that entered Tianduomen to others” Yun Zhai Old Ancestor Yu Zhaiyi stared at Lian Yanhao coldly snorted.

Where did Lian Yanhao dare to keep hiding, he quickly said, “I don’t have…”

Di Jiu waved his hand, “Okay, you go in.”

After saying this, Di Jiu raised his hand and slapped it. Lu Zhen didn’t even have the room to resist. With his brother Lu Fei, transforming into nothingness.

“Fellow Daoist Di, you are indiscriminate, even if you don’t even ask clearly, just kill me two cultivators of the Hanyue tribe. Could it be that the Hanyue tribe is so bully?” I had to stand up and speak.

Di Jiu hadn’t had time to speak before hearing a cold chirping voice, “Who killed my Han Yue Clan? Do you think my Han Yue Clan is bullying?”

With this chilly sound, a crushed aura, which seems to come from the vast ancient, rushed down and rushed directly to Di Jiu.

(Today’s update is here, friends good night!)

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