“Senior, I only know the general direction of Brother Jiu.” Geng Ji even caught in the hurry and was caught by Xian Ze, and he understood that Xian Ze’s strength was stronger than he thought.

Xian Ze eased from the initial excitement and let go of Geng Ji. “What do you mean by this?”

Di Jiu’s is related to whether he can qualify for Immortal World. Whether it is public or private, he is eager to see Di Jiu. A genius like Di Jiu, if you miss it, you may never see it again.

“Yeah, Senior Geng, nephew and we are all eager to find the whereabouts of Big Brother Di.” He Tai said quickly.

Don’t look at Geng Ji’s age and his similarity. When Geng Ji and Di Jiu were together, when they were worse than he is now, they dared to go to the Qi Family House of Commerce. This can be done by few people.

“嫂子?” Geng Ji doubted watched He Tai.

Before he even explained to Jing Moshuang, He Tai said, “Senior Sister Moshuang is the wife and children of Big Brother Di, don’t you know?”

He was very puzzled. Jing Moshuang and Di 90% should have known Geng Jihua before Di Jiu met Geng Jihua.

Xian Ze is very annoyed. He Tai has nothing to say. Are these words important? waste time. However, he thought that it would not be bad for a while, and he couldn’t resist interrupting He Tai.

Jing Moshuang is because after knowing Di Jiu fallen, he wants to remember Di Jiu’s kindness forever, and he wants to be Di Jiu. I just didn’t think that Di Jiu was still alive, which made her not know how to explain it to everyone. I can’t say that since Di Jiu is alive, I have said what I said before.

“Yes, yes, I know that Senior Sister Moshuang and Brother Jiu have been in love.” Geng Ji nodded quickly.

To his doubt, Brother Jiu and he said that his marriage with Jing Moshuang is fake. And Senior Sister Moshuang is certainly not taking it seriously, otherwise…

No, Senior Sister Moshuang If you don’t take it seriously, can you take Brother Jiu to Silent River City? Her mother told him when he was a child. When he was looking for a wife, don’t try to guess the wife’s thoughts. The woman’s thoughts are the most complicated. Brother Jiu must be like him, without understanding the ideas of Senior Sister Moshuang. Senior Sister Moshuang and Brother Jiu, although they were fake parents, later fell in love with Brother Jiu.

Senior Sister Moshuang is so good that only Brother Jiu can match her.

For Geng Ji, Jing Moshuang is not ugly and beautiful. He only knows that when they can’t find sect, Jing Moshuang can also enter Star River School. This is excellent.

Jing Moshuang, after hearing what He Tai said, wanted to explain why she said it was Di Jiu’s wife and children, and suddenly she asked, “Senior Brother Geng Jihua…”

Geng Jihua quickly said, “Senior Sister Moshuang, you are my nephew now, call me Geng Ji directly, I changed my name.”

Jing Moshuang’s face was hot and quickly asked, “I want to ask why you suddenly left Star River School with Senior Brother Di.”

Geng Ji said, “Of course it is for you, Brother Jiu hears someone stealing your storage pouch, and is going to help you out. Later, Brother Jiu heard that this is Ouyang Tao behind the ghosts, ready to go to Ouyang Tao to settle accounts. I didn’t expect Ouyang Tao and Qiao Sa to follow you out of the sect and want to kill you outside the sect. I caught up with Ouyang Tao with Brother Jiu, then Brother Jiu killed Ouyang Tao and the Qiao Sa…”

Geng Ji said that he was bowed his head and touched the back of his head. “I don’t have the skills, I can’t help a little.”

Even if it is suspected that Di Jiu is helping behind, this has allowed her to escape the chase of Ouyang Tao. Now that Geng Ji has heard it, Jing Moshuang’s eyes are still red.

She has never enjoyed any concern since her birth. Yes, just sell her out. She did help Di Jiu. To be exact, it was counted, and it was not helpful. However, Di Jiu was chasing Ouyang Tao because of this little incident and risking a small life.

She didn’t know how Di Jiu killed Ouyang Tao, and imagined that the scene would be extremely thrilling. Di Jiu, but there is no cultivating. To kill a cultivator like Ouyang Tao, can you simply?

After killing Ouyang Tao, Di Jiu still faces the inability to stay at Star River School and even face a Golden Core expert.

But Di Jiu is still taking action without any concerns, because he does not take action, she is going to die. The reason for Di Jiu take action is simply because she took Di Jiu to Silent River City by the way.

She didn’t have Di Jiu’s Enlian dripping, plus Di Jiu in Heaven Screen to save him almost fallen, Di Jiu gave her more than the spring…

Jing Moshuang, who wanted to explain, did not explain it anymore. She did not intend to marry the second person anyway. Regardless of whether Di Jiu wants her in the future, she only recognizes Di Jiu alone.

“Well, Geng Ji, you continue to talk about where Di Jiu is.” Xian Ze, who had long been unable to wait, patted Geng Ji’s shoulder.

Geng Ji said quickly, “I cultivating and went around looking for the whereabouts of Brother Jiu. Until two months ago, my communication bead vaguely felt the location of Brother Jiu…”

“Your communication bead shows me.” Xian Ze said immediately.

Geng Ji took out his communication bead and handed it to Xian Ze. Xian Ze knew that this communication bead knew that this was the lowest level thing. However, the contact restriction is not bad, but barely reached the level of grade 4.

“My communication bead didn’t receive the message, I felt the restriction echoed, but unfortunately I don’t understand Array Dao. The direction of my response should be in the far west state.” Geng Ji explained.

Xian Ze nodded. “You’re right. The communication bead is better than the communication bead. The restriction is touched. This bead should be Di Jiu refining, and the restriction should be Di Jiu engraved? A low level communication bead cannot receive a message after a certain distance. However, if the person who refines the bead arranges an array that corresponds to the restriction in the communication bead, as long as the communication bead is close to the certain range of the array, Restriction.”

After saying that Xian Ze handed the communication bead to Geng Ji, “You lead the way, we will go to West Accumulation Continent now. With this communication bead, we can easily find where the Di Jiu arrangement echoes the array. The closer it is, the restriction touches The clearer the definition, the more accurate the positioning.”

“Junior Brother Geng, how come you cultivating to Origin Soul Realm so quickly?” Jing Moshuang had decided at the moment that no matter whether Di Jiu wanted her or not, she did not intend to explain it. Since she did not intend to explain, she simply agreed to Geng Ji’s words, called Geng Ji Junior Brother.

Geng Ji has no idea of ​​hiding. “I found a Spirit Marrow Pond…”

Spirit Marrow Pond ? Even the watched Geng Ji of Xiang Ze is moving, this thing can not be simple.

“I spent three years at Spirit Marrow Pond cultivating to Origin Soul Realm. I was looking for Brother Jiu after I came out. Later I got the general position of Brother Jiu and I was ready to come back to make a mark. If Brother Jiu came back I saw my mark and knew where I went…”

After listening to Geng Ji, Xian Ze said, “Geng Ji, a Spirit Marrow Pond, that is invaluable. Di Jiu left an echo, which is just a possible destination for Di Jiu’s. Several of your cultivation bases are still too low. So, I will take you to the Spirit Marrow Pond cultivating, and I will go to West Accumulation Continent with Geng Ji’s communication bead. Once there is news, I will come back to pick you up.”

Spirit Marrow Pond This kind of thing, in Lesser Central World, is definitely a treasure. It is a waste of this kind of thing to stay here.

Jing Moshuang is most worried about seeing Di Jiu’s. She only needs Di Jiu to be fine. After Xian Ze said it, the first one stood up and said, “All told by senior.”

Jing Moshuang is Di Jiu’s wife and children, she talks, and the rest agree. Spirit Marrow Pond, this is the treasure they never dreamed of.


Di Jiu stopped, and in front of him was a closed door.

The door does not know what material is made, there is no trace of any array, and the spiritual sense is that it does not penetrate.

Di Jiu walked to the door and True Origin gathered and pushed.

“Hey!”, the door opened, and the strong Spiritual Qi came to the fore. Di Jiu’s eyes wide open, and some can’t believe the watched front.

He did not have had seen the world, but he has never been seen in front of him. Two feet of feet with long feet and feet are suspended in the air. Below these two vein veins is a large piece of Spirit Grass Garden.

In this Spirit Grass Garden, the lowest level is grade 8 spirit grass. Even the king of grade 9 and Seven Colored Immortality Peach have seen it. Unfortunately, these spiral grasses are all withered, and none of them are alive.

Under the bright light array, a light falls, giving the impression that this is an independent world.

Di Jiu has also arranged a variety of arrays. In general, arrays are implanted with underground veins. This place is against cultivation. Two muscle veins are suspended in the air. It can be seen that the felt here is definitely a top grade. Array Dao expert.

The only thing that Di Jiu doesn’t understand is that Spiritual Qi is so strong here, why is the Spirit Grass of the Spirit Medicine Garden all dying?

Di Jiu’s gaze again on the two muscle veins, the Spiritual Qi of the two spin veins is thicker than the Spiritual Qi of the dozens of muscle veins he brought from the Heavenly Blade Sect. These two spirit veins are most likely top grade spirit veins.

Anyway, this is definitely a good place to stay cultivating here. When Di Jiu turned back and prepared to close the two doors again, he found that the two doors that he had pushed open were automatically closed.

Di Jiu An open hand, the Heaven Dancing Blade falls into the hands, and the spiritual sense stretches to the maximum.

This door material is very weird, without any restriction and array, but it can hinder the spirit vein Spiritual Qi here. There are also two doors that don’t have any array protection, but they can be closed automatically. This is a bit weird.

At the end of the spiritual sense, there is a small lake that is dry, and there are some top grades in the lake. These plants are all withered without exception.

Di Jiu was convinced that there was no problem and went a few steps forward. When he walked between the two muscle veins, a heat wave suddenly came, Di Jiu still did not react, a void force swept over and divaned Di Jiu.

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