When Di Jiu feels that he can’t control this power, True Origin is all over the body, and the spiritual sense is always against his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Hey! Di Jiu landed on the ground.

Nothing? Di Jiu looked up and looked around. It was a closed house, and the house seemed to be made of the same material as the door. Standing here, the spiritual sense can’t be completely swept away.

There is a pool in the middle of the house, and there is still water in the pool…

Wait, this doesn’t seem to be water. Di Jiu is just a spiritual sense that falls on it and feels a cool. The name of a spirit item appears abruptly in Di Jiu’s mind, cleansing spirit and marrow.

Is this cleansing spirit and marrow? Di Jiu Something unbelievable to infiltrate his spiritual sense again, and surely there was another burst of coolness in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, he is sure, this is definitely cleansing spirit and marrow.

A drop of cleansing spirit and marrow is an invaluable treasure, and there is a pool here. Cleansing spirit and marrow is almost the only spiritual item in Culture World that can wash Sea of ​​Consciousness. This kind of thing can wash away all the impurities in Sea of ​​Consciousness and purify Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Originally, the top grade spiral item of Culture World is grade 9, and cleansing spirit and marrow is considered to be something that exceeds grade 9. It is also considered to be the only non-hierarchical spirit item in Culture World.

The value of this pool of cleansing spirit and marrow is more than a few times more expensive than the two top grade spirit veins outside…

Thinking of the outer muscle vein, Di Jiu suddenly woke up, and he was inexplicably sent here, something was wrong.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense and Sea of ​​Consciousness are grade 8 and are the king of grade 8. His spiritual sense condense is probably stronger than the few Transforming Truths.

Now his spiritual sense can’t find any traces in this closed room, even how he came in is not clear.

It is said that his sudden awkwardness has been brought here. It should be the power of space transmission. In fact, he did not feel any trace of space array here.

Cleansing spirit and marrow Again, Di Jiu will not move now. He has a lot of good things, World Book and small gray stone, which is no more precious than cleansing spirit and marrow?

Now for him, how to get out of here is the valid reason.

No traces were found, Di Jiu directly presented the Heaven Dance, and the Heaven Dancing Blade turned into an azure glow on the wall of the closed house.

Ka! With some crisp sounds, Di Jiu was surprised to find that his Heaven Dancing Blade only chopped a trace on the wall without causing any harm.

What is this material? Stretching your hand on the wall, the spiritual sense penetrates.

A thick aura came, Di Jiu released his hand and stared at the black wall. Is this the Earth Core Mark Metal?

Earth Core Mark Metal is an extremely difficult Artifact Material, similar to cleansing spirit and marrow, and each piece comes out of the top grade expert.

Earth Core Mark Metal’s refined magical treasure, which minimizes the sharp sense attack, is also the most suitable material for refining armor. This kind of refining armor, the defense ability increased by 30%.

If this is really the Earth Core Mark Metal, Di Jiu is a bit speechless. How rich is the fellow built here? Or how many defeats do you have? So many Earth Core Mark Metals are not used for tool refining. Instead, they are used to build a house and a door…

This house is used to protect the cleansing spirit and marrow, which can be said in the past.

Earth Core Mark Metal’s Heaven Dancing Blade is definitely inseparable, at least now his Heaven Dancing Blade can’t be broken. His Heaven Dancing Blade is a low grade spirit item. To break the Earth Core Mark Metal, the minimum level of advancing to top grade spirit item.

Di Jiu is not worried, he also has Dao Fire. His Dao Fire is already a grade 6 flame. This flame burns the Earth Core Mark Metal slowly. With patience, you can definitely tear the Earth Core Mark Metal apart.

The black Dao Fire Illuminating Starry Sky came out and Di Jiu heard a groan.

“Who is it?” Di Jiu asked in amazement. He only heard the sound but could not see anyone. His spiritual sense was also swept past, confirming that there is no second person here.

“It’s me, you actually condensed Dao Fire? How did you do it?” A slightly hoarse female voice rang behind Di Jiu.

Di Jiu suddenly turned around and made him horrified by the sudden appearance of a white figure in front of him. Just now his spiritual sense was swept away, and there was no point in it. Where did this person just hide?

“You brought me here, want to have my body possession?” Di Jiu watched the white figure of the vague in front of him. Look at this figure, it should be a woman.

The figure disdainfully said, “You are such a garbage aptitude, the Spiritual Root vague is unbearable, and it is worthy of my body possession? But your garbage Spiritual Root can also condense Dao Fire, which surprised me.”

Di Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, a cup one fist in the other hand said, “I don’t know where this is a senior, senior please open this room, I will leave here immediately.”

This fellow is unfathomable, even if it is just a meta divine body, Di Jiu does not dare to stay. The other side’s spiritual sense and Array Dao are definitely far more than him. Otherwise, he has already swept with the spiritual sense.

“Leave is OK, but since it is here, I have to give it to me by one thing.” The white figure said that the tone is a matter of course.

Di Jiu calms down, this place is sealed with Earth Core Mark Metal, which can block the physical sense and Spiritual Qi. He can’t get away unless he uses Splitting Realm Talisman. But his Splitting Realm Talisman has only two, each of which is useful, and will the other person give him time to use Splitting Realm Talisman?

“Here is a Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond. You are advanced to wash your Sea of ​​Consciousness and spiritual sense, otherwise I feel sick.” The figure is indifferently said.

Although cleansing spirit and marrow wash the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it is more beneficial to yourself. Di Jiu didn’t plan to enter this Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond. First, his Sea of ​​Consciousness was clean. The lightning in the small gray stone is very powerful, just aura, so that he has no impurities in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Second, he couldn’t see the danger in the Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond. The strength of the other party was terrible. Whether it was the transmission array that sent him here or the hidden means of the other party, it was far better than him. In the face of such an expert, Di Jiu’s big guts did not dare to enter this Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond.

“Then please let me go here, Your Excellency can’t be bothered and not bothered.” Di Jiu said without hesitation.

“Unfortunately, what I want to borrow is your Sea of ​​Consciousness. My Sea of ​​Consciousness is broken. Over the years, I have used countless spiral items. I still can’t fix it. I can only borrow your Sea of ​​Consciousness for the time being. Although your Sea of ​​Consciousness is disgusting, who makes me have no choice.” Origin Spirit’s voice is taken for granted.

Di Jiu is furious, Heaven Dancing Blade emits burst intent, this old bastard actually wants his Sea of ​​Consciousness, what is the difference between killing him?

“You want to do it to me?” The Origin Spirit figure was not a little nervous, and the tone was still very flat.

“Old Turtle, let this Young Master leave, otherwise you will die, you don’t want to move this Young Master’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.” Di Jiu estimates that he is far from the opponent of this old bastard, he has already planned, before dying Also blew the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Origin Spirit sighed. “Since you disagree, I have to endure nausea and do it myself…”

When it comes to the last word, a terrible sword qi directly rushes into Di Jiu’s eyebrows.

Di Jiu knows that a sword qi comes over and he has no way to resist it. Di Jiu is cold, this woman’s spiritual sense is too strong, definitely exceed grade 10. This is also that’s all, the other party can also use the spirit sense to attack, how strong it is.

“ka ka 咔…” Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness The rings are broken, the eighth, seventh and sixth floors…

Di Jiu wants to block, but he has no ability at all.

“Hey!” A force was rolled onto Di Jiu and Di Jiu was blasted into the Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond. “Advanced to wash the Sea of ​​Consciousness, with a dirty man’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, think it is disgusting. “”

Almost as soon as Di Jiu fell into the Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond, the word glow that rushed into his Sea of ​​Consciousness broke the Di Dao Pattern of the Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness. Seeing the word glow is about to tear apart Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness. The last dao Pattern Ring, the small gray stone hidden in the eighth Dao Pattern Ring burst into a golden ripple, and the sword glow meets these golden ripples and gradually collapses. , disappeared without a trace.

This golden ripple is constantly swaying, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was torn by the Origin Spirit silhouette, is repaired one after another. In the blink of an eye, all the broken circles in the Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness are restored again.

Di Jiu was relieved and he was not in the Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond.

The cleansing spirit and marrow in Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond continually scoured Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, although Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness has no such impurities, and it is washed in the Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond, and his Sea of ​​Consciousness is still Come to the clearer spirit.

Di Jiu knew that when the woman thought his Sea of ​​Consciousness was thoroughly cleaned, he would be rolled out of Cleansing Spirit and Marrow Pond.

Di Jiu doesn’t know how this woman gets his Sea of ​​Consciousness away, but he can’t really try it. What he thought was how to attack this woman.

The best time for sneak attack is when the woman thinks his Sea of ​​Consciousness is clean and rolls him up. After the comparison, Di Jiu decided to attack with the Rupturing Blade. This woman’s Origin Spirit is so strong that he can’t stand it in his Rupturing Blade.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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