Shen Ziyu walked over to Di Jiu and sat on the stone. Watched Di Jiu asked softly. “Which safflower was taken to the hospital, and then I took it?”

Di Jiu nodded. “Yes, it is me.”

Safflower is not taken, but Di Jiu is too lazy to explain.

“Sorry, I only knew about it later.” Shen Ziyu sighed, even though she guessed that Di Jiu had saved her, and now Di Jiu said it, she was even more grateful. Without Di Jiu, she has never had her Shen Ziyu in the world.

After a pause, she continued, “Thank you, not yours, I am already dead.”

Di Jiu smiled, “It doesn’t matter, you paid for it.”

For Di Jiu, this is really not worth mentioning. The first thing that likes Shen Ziyu is his past life. Secondly, safflower is not what he found…

Thinking of this, Di Jiu suddenly had a sudden feeling. The fleshly body he once saw was really his past life? If it weren’t for the Bridge of Reincarnation, he wouldn’t have this awkward feeling. But the Bridge of Reincarnation has appeared, or because of the Bridge of Reincarnation, he is also illusory.

Could it be because Bridge of Reincarnation gave him this feeling of seeing his past life, and then left some memories for him?

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept out immediately, and when his spiritual sense fell on the place where he buried the fleshly body of the previous life, he was shocked. The place is empty and there is nothing.

Shen Ziyu lowered her head and she paid Di Jiu’s for that money. I am afraid that even one of the roots of safflower is not enough.

“Zimo, do you think that the gap with me is too big, so I don’t want to find me?” Shen Ziyu asked some awkward watched Di Jiu.

Is it too big for you? Di Jiu stunned and didn’t continue thinking about it. Soon he understood the meaning of Shen Ziyu’s words. Shen Ziyu should now be the real Innate expert. On earth, this expert is probably the dominant one. Just a few people who had just come down with Shen Ziyu stood far outside the ruins, and he could see that Shen Ziyu’s status was not low.

“No.” Di Jiu shook his head with a smile. “Because we are too far away, and I am now Di Jiu, I remember talking to you.”

Di Jiu is telling the truth, he is in Leser Central World, wanting to come to earth, is not a simple matter. I can get two Splitting Realm Talisman, which is a coincidence. What’s more, he doesn’t like Shen Ziyu a bit.

Shen Ziyu sighed and looked directly at Di Jiu. “Yes, but this distance is caused by yourself. I gave you a ticket to the Martial Academy. Why don’t you? Since you listen to the red dust, brave Life is in danger to find safflower for me, why can’t I eat at the Martial Academy?”

Shen Ziyu did not say a word, that is, if Di Jiu can also go to the Martial Academy, even if it is not as good as her now, as long as her footsteps follow, the distance between the two will be much shorter. She has no love for Di Jiu, but if she chooses to be alone, she will choose Di Jiu.

Di Jiu hear The ticket for the registration was a bit embarrassing. He is not about Shen Ziyu, but about Fei Qi. If he didn’t give him a ticket to You Huli, You Huli might not change, and Fei Qi might not die.

Even if Shi Jinshan had recovered under his treatment, and even began to cultivate with Qi Xiang, he still regretted giving the ticket to the Martial Academy to You Huli.

Di Jiu stood up and said, “I am leaving.”

After all, it is not the place he should stay. He plans to kill all the grade 2 above Monster Beast on earth and then leave earth.

He will return to Forgotten River Temple after his strength is strong in the future.

Shen Ziyu also stood up, she stared at Di Jiu. “I said, I will never marry again in my life. Thank you for saving my life, but now I have more important things, waiting for me to do these things. When I am done, I am coming to you. Although I have not fallen in love with you so far, I am willing to leave you a child.”

Shen Ziyu This is not a casual statement, she has been thinking for a long time. Di Jiu loves her love too crazy, but she really has no feelings about Di Jiu. Di Jiu, in order to save her, don’t even come here to find safflower. So when she wiped out the big Monster Beast, she left Di Jiu with a child and left Di Jiu.

For the current situation, an Innate expert gives Di Jiu such an ordinary mortal to leave a child, which is the first big thing in the world.

Di Jiu surprised watched Shen Ziyu, “But you just said that you don’t love me, you still…”

“I know that you have never been able to forget me. I only hope that you will not come to the Forgotten River Mountain Range alone in the future. It is too dangerous here. I am not a momentary idea, but I have thought about it for a long time. The grace of renewal.” cultivating to Shen Ziyu, she wants to find out the mystery on Innate. This is also a slight blame for Di Jiu before, asking Di Jiu why not go to the Martial Academy.

Therefore, it is totally unrealistic to have a mortal person like Di Jiu to keep his life. Have a child and let Di Jiu have one more company. Maybe one day she is old and will come back. Unfortunately, Di Jiu was invisible on that day, because after she entered Innate, her life span was two hundred years old. In these words, she did not tell Di Jiu, which is one reason why she could not work with Di Jiu.

Di Jiu quickly raised his hand and stopped Shen Ziyu’s words. “Shen Ziyu, we should have some misunderstandings. That… a long time ago, or once I was, forget it, it is a past life. Past life or I liked you, But that’s all in the past. Now I have my own things to do, here is just passing by… I saved your life, you also gave me the money, we have already smoothed out. The past things It’s gone, let’s look ahead.”

After finishing Di Jiu, he smiled and shook his fist at Shen Ziyu, and then said, “I am gone, later… well, it is hard to see again later, you take care.”

After the words of taking care, Di Jiu has stepped out of the ruins of the Forgotten River Temple and quickly moved away. When Shen Ziyu returned to God, Di Jiu’s figure seemed to disappear without a trace.

Shen Ziyu rushed a few steps, only the sound of the wind and the wormwood, and the shadow of Di Jiu’s.

Shen Ziyu stood still, but the place where watched Di Jiu disappeared, she had a strange feeling in her heart, as if she had missed something.

After a long time, Shen Ziyu came back to the people and said to the people who followed her. “With weapons, we are separated by a distance to prevent the rogue tiger from attacking.”

If Di Jiu know Shen Ziyu is to investigate grade 4 rogue tiger, it is estimated that he will be speechless. If it wasn’t upgrade 4 rogue tiger was killed by him, Shen Ziyu’s cultivation base to investigate grade 4 rogue tiger, I am afraid it is a dish.

“Shen Team, I saw a Monster Beast corpse, which is a wolf monster. It’s very likely that the mouth is grade 2…” After several people went deep into the Forgotten River Mountain Range, someone soon discovered the Monster Beast corpse killed by Di Jiu. .

“I have it here too…” The second voice rang from a distance.

Shen Ziyu stopped, she did not seem to hear other people’s words, just shocked watched under the foot was ripped off the head of the rogue tiger, there is no way to say a word.

She remembered the news she had just received last night. The grade 3 monster fox king of Measurements Thousand Li Mountain was smashed by a blade’s sharp blade glow, and now the rogue tiger is exactly the same.

This person not only casually killed the grade 3 grade 4 Monster Beast, even the priceless Monster Beast material is not taken away. She suddenly had a strong desire to see who killed the expert who killed rogue tiger?

“Shen Team, I saw that this Monster Beast should not be killed for too long… Ah, rogue tiger…” That found the man of grade 2 wolf monster did not hear Shen Ziyu answer, simply pulled the wolf monster over. Then he saw the corpse of rogue tiger.

Not long? Shen Ziyu suddenly turned and quickly rushed out, she must catch up with Di Jiu and ask this question clearly.

Di Jiu can be found even with safflower, which means that Di Jiu and Monk Hong Chen are very familiar. In this case, can she know if Di Jiu has inherited the real Immortal Dao method from Monk Hong Chen?

If Di Jiu learned to repair the Immortal Dao method, what is the strangeness of the Monster Beast here that Di Jiu killed? Shen Ziyu is more and more likely, Di Jiu has no ability, dare to come to Forgotten River Mountain Range alone, stay at Forgotten River Temple?


Di Jiu is in the depths of the Amazonian jungle. He turns around and kills all the grade 2 and Monster Beast of Earth. He stays here to restore Sea of ​​Consciousness.

One day later, Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely restored and he also planned to leave Earth.

Splitting Realm Talisman was inspired by Di Jiu. A space crack appeared in front of Di Jiu. Di Jiu, who had an experience, did not wait this time, but directly rushed into the crack of space, and the spiritual sense penetrated overwhelmingly.

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