Because of the experience, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense was swept out to the maximum extent as soon as it entered the void crack of Splitting Realm Talisman. He had to find Aaron Continent’s position as early as possible and then rushed past as quickly as possible.

Each domain flickers away from Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, and Di Jiu avoids the endless wind blade in the void while looking for the correct heading.

Di Jiu did not find Aaron Continent’s position, and to his surprise, he found the direction of Lesser Central World. When Di Jiu went crazy to Lesser Central World, another domain familiar with aura appeared on the edge of his spiritual sense.

Heaven Screen, that’s definitely Heaven Screen.

Thinking of Shudi still at Heaven Screen, Di Jiu is even thinking about whether to go to Heaven Screen first. At this time, his spiritual sense edge swept to a Daoist shadow and rushed to the direction of Heaven Screen.

Di Jiu still has a tight heart, even though it is only the edge of the spiritual sense. He feels that the figure is far stronger than him, even more powerful than Shu Haolan. And he felt that the figure noticed him, and at this time Di Jiu dared to go to Heaven Screen. He directly applied the Spiritual Sense Escapee.

This time Di Jiu’s luck was not as good as before, a terrible space twisted aura volume to Di Jiu’s waist, the distressed Di Jiu madly avoided. He avoided the bad luck of his waist, and his leg was still easily cut off by the twisted space.

Fortunately, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is grade 10. He also had time to grab his broken leg and grab it. Then he used his split power of Splitting Realm Talisman to tear the front domain and rushed out.

“Hey!” At the moment when Di Jiu disappeared, the Daoist shadow stopped. Compared with Di Jiu, he was more comfortable in the void crack. At this moment he stared at Di Jiu’s disappearing position and said, “Is it the Spiritual Sense Escaping Technique?”


“Hey!” Di Jiu landed on the ground and splashed the sand.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was torn apart by the Bridge of Reincarnation not long ago, was torn again. Di Jiu resisted the Sea of ​​Consciousness and the pain of the body and took the broken leg up.

He is fascinating to see through the void domain. If there is no special reason, he should never use Splitting Realm Talisman until he is not strong enough.

Not his grade 10 spiritual sense, he is not a leg, the space distortion is obviously to tear him into two, his grade 10 spiritual sense feels in advance, and then save him again.

Once or twice is luck, this kind of thing is much, and sooner or later he will die on it. Once the fleshly body is destroyed in the void crack, there is only one Origin Spirit left, and Di Jiu doesn’t know what to rely on to live.

I don’t know how long it took, Di Jiu was awakened by the stun of Monster Beast. He struggled to climb and the broken leg had not recovered. The Sea of ​​Consciousness is still split and the bones are covered with cracks.

Di Jiu still sighed and saved a small life.

He would like to stretch out the spiritual sense and want to know what Monster Beast is, but this time his spiritual sense is worse than when he last fell on Measureless Thousand Li Mountain.

“Are you okay?” A black clothed woman standing outside the bunker where Di Jiu came out, she looked down and looked at Di Jiu.

Di Jiu spiritual sense disappeared, there is no way to see her cultivation base, but Di Jiu can feel the blood qi on her body. The sly Monster Beast was probably killed by this woman.

“Do you think I look like nothing?” Di Jiu struggled to sit up.

Black clothed The woman nodded, “also.”

After finishing these two words, she rolled a hand and a black ribbon rolled up Di Jiu and landed outside the bunker. Then she took out a medicinal pill and handed it to Di Jiu. “This is for you.”

Is this grade 7 Spirit Pill? Di Jiu pill refining No, the vision is first-rate. This pill medicine was recognized in his hand, and the woman gave him the absolute 7 Spirit Pill, which looks like Raining Life Pill.

“many thanks.” Di Jiu did not hesitate to swallow this pill medicine directly. As soon as he swallowed, Di Jiu knew he was right, and it was really Raining Life Pill.

Grade 7 Raining Life Pill But the most top grade healing medicinal pill, Di Jiu is suffering from a serious injury at the moment. Can this medicinal pill refuse?

Sure enough, after Raining Life Pill swallowed, it immediately turned into 汩汩spirit liquid, and the fleshly body and bone of Di Jiu heavy injury recovered quickly. In a short time, Di Jiu’s body recovered almost. It’s just that Sea of ​​Consciousness is hurt, not a short time to recover.

“Hey, you are the Body Refining cultivator, and you rarely use medicinal pill to break through the realm? Your aptitude should be the most top grade.” The black clothed woman saw Di Jiu almost used Raining Life Pill to the extreme, some surprised questions Road.

Di Jiu stood up, a cup one fist in the other hand said, “many thanks this Senior Sister’s medicinal pill, my aptitude is okay, because there is not much spirit stone, can’t afford medicinal pill, so the use of medicine More thorough.”

The black clothed woman took out the grade 7 Spirit Pill and saw that she was born rich and expensive. Now that Di Jiu’s injury is recovering, he can vaguely feel that the woman’s cultivation base is stronger than him.

“My name is Zhuo Wenshu. How can you appear on the Desert River Forbidden Land? You are seriously injured. If you don’t meet me, it is estimated that you will soon be eaten by the sand monster.” The black clothed woman said.

Di Jiu is speculating that this woman should be easy to read. I heard that it was Desert River Forbidden Land. He quickly asked, “This is Desert River Forbidden Land?”

Di Jiu has been in Lesser Central World for some time, and Desert River Forbidden Land knows it. This place is here for the Transforming Truth cultivator. Once in the most dangerous places, there are also deaths without life.

“You don’t know if this is Desert River Forbidden Land. How did you come here?” The black clothed woman asked in amazement.

“I was chased and fled here.” Di Jiu did not say that he used Splitting Realm Talisman, he only opened Sea Realm cultivation base. A cultivator of Opening Sea Realm cultivation base can use Splitting Realm Talisman, which must be suspected.

“With Raining Life Pill, are you hurting? How can I not see your cultivation base? If the injury is not cured, I have medicinal pill here.” Zhuo Wenshu continued to ask.

Di Jiu swings his hand. “No, I am Opening Sea Realm 4th layer cultivation base. My injury is still recovering. My cultivating cultivation technique is very weird. If you are seriously injured and you don’t recover, you really can’t see my cultivation. Base.”

Zhuo Wenshu clap his hands. “Not bad, actually Opening Sea Realm 4th layer, it’s amazing, it’s amazing. I have something to do with your help… Yes, I don’t know what your name is.”

“My name is Di Jiu. What do you ask me to do?” Di Jiu asked casually.

Zhuo Wenshu said in a low voice, “I found a good thing at Desert River Forbidden Land. Unfortunately, I have no way to get it. You have a good condition and help me get started. I will give you some time. “”

Di Jiu had to say, “When I get better, let me talk about it. I am healing first.”

Di Jiu spiritual sense didn’t recover, but he couldn’t agree with anything. He barely grabbed a spiral item cave mansion from his ring, then went into the cave mansion and grabbed a black Burning Divine Grass to swallow and started running Forging Spiritual Sense.

One day later, Di Jiu’s Sea of ​​Consciousness resumed, presenting the cultivation base in the Opening Sea Realm 4th layer, and then came out with the cave mansion.

At this moment, Di Jiu can see clearly, Zhuo Wenshu is already the Life Tribulation initial stage. A Life Tribulation initial stage, I also said that I actually opened the Sea Realm 4th layer, this is simply…

“Recover the cultivation base so soon, I will help you guard for a day.” Zhuo Wenshu is like Di Jiu does not know her credit,

“Congealing Origin Hemp, many thanks to your medicinal pill. It’s just that my cultivation base is too weak, and going to Desert River Forbidden Land with you, I’m afraid it won’t help.” Di Jiu now just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

Zhuo Wenshu said with a frown. “You are really ungrateful. I took grade 7 Spirit Pill to you and helped you guard. I just asked you to do me a favor, and I will give you some benefits…”

Di Jiu didn’t talk, grade 7 Spirit Pill’s spirit stone, he still has it, and he will give it back to Zhuo Wenshu. As for guard, his cave mansion is only a low grade spirit item, but his cave mansion is a grade 9 protection array. There is no Zhuo Wenshu guard, but it doesn’t really matter.

See Di Jiu don’t talk, Zhuo Wenshu has to say, “Desert River Forbidden Land is boundless. The place I found this time is a top grade Spirit Medicine Garden with not only the various Grade 9 Spirit Grass but also Ten Thousand. Years Stalagmite Marrow. You are not Opening Sea Realm 4th layer now? Let me tell you, you have to go into Mounting Cauldron, you have to go in, there is Kun Mounting Pill’s main spirit grass, Kun Radish Mushroom. It’s Lesser Central World, you should know that Lesser Central World Kun Radish Mushroom is extinct.”

Di Jiu hear Zhuo Wenshu, I guess that Zhuo Wenshu is probably not Lesser Central World. However, his words to Zhuo Wenshu are really heart-warming. What he lacks is a lot of top grade spirit grass.

Recently, he has become more and more aware of the usefulness of top grade medicinal pill. If there is a top grade medicinal pill, he can stay in the void for healing. You don’t need to find a place to heal every time you are seriously injured.

I want top grade medicinal pill, and I can’t afford it because I can buy it. He has to be a Pill King above grade 7. It is estimated that it is a joke to change to Pill King above grade 7. Di Jiu knows that he can do it, mainly because he has a golden lightning, and that a golden lightning seems to be a terrible Law. Once he has problems with pill refining, he can use golden lightning insights Dao of Alchemy Law.

“Furthermore, my cultivation base is not much higher than you. I only opened the Sea Realm 7th layer. Natural resources is to find out for yourself, where is the sky falling?” Zhuo Wenshu was hesitating when Di Jiu hesitated Added one sentence.

Di Jiu sneered, Opening Sea Realm 7th layer, that is estimated to be the cultivation base of yours decades ago. A cultivator in the Life Tribulation Realm initial stage, in front of him said only the Opening Sea Realm 7th layer. If it weren’t for Di Jiu does not fear this woman, he might have found an excuse to go.

“How to distribute?” Di Jiu didn’t care about Zhuo Wenshu’s lies, and he was somewhat tempted by those of the Grade 9 Spirit Grass.

When I heard Di Jiu’s, Zhuo Wenshu knew that Di Jiu was heart-warming, carelessly said, “You just have to help me with some little help, I will divide you into two things.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Either five or five, or each.”

“You are crazy? I found the place, and you have a Opening Sea Realm 4th layer and I will be divided into fives?” Zhuo Wenshu has some sluggish watched Di Jiu.

Di Jiu laughed, “You are not much higher than me, Opening Sea Realm 7th layer.”

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night! By the way, ask for a monthly pass.)

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