Zhuo Wenshu opened her mouth and she suddenly had the idea of ​​lifting a rock and rubbing her own feet. She said that only the Opening Sea Realm 7th layer is not for anything else. She is worried that Di Jiu thinks her cultivation base is too high to cooperate with her.

It’s absolutely impossible to divide it into Di Jiu. If you think of it here, Zhuo Wenshu once again said, “Well, after we get in, we can rely on our skills, who gets who is how, how?”

“Good.” Di Jiu naturally agreed with Zhuo Wenshu with the slightest hesitation.

It’s not his greed, but because he wants to be a Grade 7 Pill King, he has to get a lot of high level spirit grass, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Zhuo Wenshu is very satisfied with Di Jiu’s. “Let’s go, you are behind me, remember that once you get inside, you should be careful to under the foot. I am ugly in front. If something goes wrong, I am not able to save you. “”

Di Jiu nodded and said.

Desert River Forbidden Land As its name suggests, Di Jiu followed Zhuo Wenshu and was everywhere. Di Jiu is grade 10 spiritual sense and cannot cover the entire Desert River Forbidden Land.

The higher the temperature of the two people, the more Di Jiu suspected that the temperature is at least one or two hundred degrees Celsius, and the temperature is still rising.

Zhuo Wenshu just took out a positioning disk magical treasure and walked all the way. After an hour, she stopped and turned back to watched Di Jiu. “It is here, you see if you didn’t find it if you didn’t lead the way?”

Di Jiu had to admit that if Zhuo Wenshu didn’t lead the way, he couldn’t find it here. But after coming here, he soon discovered the difference, there seems to be a vague space array trace.

His spiritual sense grade 10, Grade 9 Array King, can be seen that there is no strange space array trace. However, Di Jiu wants to see the disc in the hands of Zhuo Wenshu, and actually finds a concealment array here. If the disc is found in any concealment array, it is really a top grade treasure.

“I have been here once, but every time I need to consume nearly a few million high grade spirit stone, the place is what I found, you are also my take action to save, you have no problem with the spirit stone.” Zhuo Wenshu thought long ago Di Jiu is not a straightforward person. When Di Jiu is reluctant to take out the spirit stone, she takes out the spirit stone. When she opens the Spirit Medicine Garden and snatches the spirit medicine, she will naturally be soft. Di Jiu is also embarrassed to say that she has taken too much.

What Zhuo Wenshu didn’t think was that Di Jiu didn’t even think about it. He directly threw out five million high grade spirit stones. “It’s not enough, not enough for me.”

Zhuo Wenshu said, “Enough, then I will come.”

Di Jiu thought that Zhuo Wenshu would throw out some Array Flags and open the concealment array door. What Di Jiu didn’t think was that Zhuo Wenshu only inspired the disc in his hand, and the a-light spot on the disc fell like a star point on the sand. Zhuo Wenshu quickly grabs an Array Flag with one hand, and these Array Flags fall exactly where the spots and sandstones are in contact.

After the Array Flag fell, it quickly disappeared.

“bang bang bang!” There was a roar of space, and soon a Space Array Gate appeared in front of Di Jiu and Zhuo Wenshu.

“Come on with me, the Space Array Gate is unstable, and the interest will disappear…” Zhuo Wenshu speaking in between has entered the Space Array Gate.

Di Jiu is naturally following the slightest hesitation.

Obviously it is to enter the Space Array Gate, Di Jiu seems to cross a threshold, after the feet fall on the ground, there is no sense of a little difference.

“It’s here.” Zhuo Wenshu said the bright array of crystal balls in front of him.

Di Jiu can clearly see the green spiral grass in the bright array, indeed, as Zhuo Wenshu said, all are higher than grade 7’s top grade spirit grass.

“You saw the spiral grass in this Spirit Medicine Garden? This Crystal Array needs Yin and Yang Blood Sacrifice to open. There is a blood sacrifice slot on each side of the Crystal Array… Yes, are you a crown man?” Zhuo Wenshu suddenly remembered a very important thing, this blood sacrifice great array must be bloody.

Di Jiu know The meaning of Guan Man is just a virgin. When he was in the Pearl City, he did not lose his virginity. This is thanks to Zhen Man, because at that time he had only one Zhen Man in his heart. Later, things changed, but they fell on the cultivating.

“Forget it, my request for you is too high. If you are not a male, then you should use blood essence, don’t use drop of blood blood sacrifice.” Zhuo Wenshu did not wait for Di Jiu to answer, he waved himself . Di Jiu has cultivating to the Opening Sea Realm 4th layer. She also asked Di Jiu to be a virgin. It is indeed a request that is too high.

Di Jiu didn’t care about Zhuo Wenshu, but frowned at the crystal great array. This great array, he always feels a little familiar…

“The preparation is over. Once I drop the blood, you will immediately drop it with the blood essence.” Zhuo Wenshu walked to the edge of the blood sacrifice on the right side of the groove.

“Wait…” Di Jiu stopped Zhuo Wenshu, seeing Zhuo Wenshu’s doubted watched himself, Di Jiu said, “I seem to have seen the array here, it seems…”

After digging for a while, Di Jiu suddenly thought about it. “Congealing Origin Hemp, I am indeed the trace technique of has seen this place.”

After waiting for Di Jiu to finish, Zhuo Wenshu said with a sneer, “It is absolutely impossible. Do you know what Desert River Forbidden Land is? The Desert River Forbidden Land refers to this whole desert. This desert is like the vastness of the river. In this vast desert, there are countless ruins, Secret Realm, cave mansion, natural legacy…”

Having said that, Zhuo Wenshu deliberately walked up to Di Jiu. “Do you understand what it means? It means that every place in the area is unique. There are countless people here, and there are countless treasures. Of course, there have been countless people who have died, but there are no two identical treasures.”

Di Jiu tranquilly said, “Whether you believe it or not, I am the one who has seen the array, and I also played with her. I almost died in her hands. But I saw the top grade spirit grass, all It is withered.”

Zhuo Wenshu waved his hand. “You don’t have to make excuses. Even if you don’t help me today, I have a way to force it to open. It’s a big deal to lose a treasure. That’s all. You don’t have to think about finding someone else. Without me, you are looking for someone. I can’t come here anymore. Moreover, you also said that he played with him once, even if you can play with that person, I naturally do not fear.”

As he said, Zhuo Wenshu patted the disc in his hand.

Di Jiu know Zhuo Wenshu didn’t believe his words, he said, “If you don’t believe it, then follow your statement.”

He has Spiritual Sense Escapee, and even if he has crossed the void crack, he doesn’t believe that this place can trap him.

“This is like a word.” Zhuo Wenshu walked to the right groove to watched Di Jiu action.

Di Jiu walked to the left and did not speak. Zhuo Wenshu cut his finger, a blood line fell on the groove, and Di Jiu had to drop a few drops of blood into the groove.

Didn’t wait for Zhuo Wenshu to warn Di Jiu to use blood essence, the crystal ball in the middle gave a crack of ka cha. Strong’s Spiritual Qi swept out, and a verdant Spirit Medicine Garden appeared in front of Di Jiu’s.

As Di Jiu expected, the two top grade spirit veins floated over the Spirit Grass Garden, the same thing he saw under the snow mountain. The only difference is that the Spirit grass of the Spirit Medicine Garden under the snow mountain is all dead, and the spirit grass here is very long.

This place and the snow mountain are absolutely arranged by one person, and the fell of the arrangement must be the female cultivator with only the Origin Spirit.

“A lot of spirit grass!” Zhuo Wenshu screamed, with the slightest hesitation rushing in.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense was swept a few times and it was determined that there was no problem before he began to harvest grade 7 spirit grass.

This Medicine Garden is too big. Zhuo Wenshu, who is madly harvesting the grass grass, saw that Di Jiu was not robbing her like her. It was a little embarrassing to ask, “Di Jiu, don’t you say that you want to divide into five or five? You are like this. I am afraid that after I harvested 90%, you may not have a layer.

Di Jiu said with some dignity, “Congealing Origin Hemp, although I didn’t find any difference here, I feel that we need to leave here as soon as possible. And the spirit grass here doesn’t seem to be harvesting too much. Too much I worry about the problem. ”

He is just a Grade 9 Array King, and Di Jiu is sure that the Origin Spirit female cultivator that he killed should be an Array Dao expert that goes beyond the Grade 9 Array King. If the other party has arranged an array that he can’t see here, then he is afraid that he is dead and he does not know that he is so dead.

“You guys are too small, forget it, don’t bother to tell you. The remaining spiral vein will be given to you. It is the benefit of your help.” After Zhuo Wenshu finished, he continued to harvest the spirit grass and rolled away. A spirit vein.

Di Jiu hadn’t had time to harvest the muscle vein, and there was a roar of under the foot.

No, Di Jiu turned to an escape, and then he found that his spiritual sense was suppressed to the extreme and could not stretch out.

“quickly ran!” Zhuo Wenshu also felt the problem. Her face changed in the next moment. She and the physical sense of Di Jiu were also suppressed, not only the physical sense was suppressed, but her True Origin could not release a little. .

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