Ji Xing immediately said, “Yes, it’s true that my Axe King Hall got the good Sir Love of Red Tassel Young Master, Second Brother…”

Mi Helong quickly took out a ring and handed it to Di Jiu, “Red Tassel Young Master, this is the 100 million spirit stone borrowed by Xu Bai. It is still only today, it is…”

Di Jiu’s unwelcoming withdrawal ring, continued, “There are two remaining things. If the first thing is going on today, I will remember everyone here. Second, my Junior Sister arm was cut by Ji Rui. If Axe King Hall can provide me with True Accumalating Fern Fruit in the shortest possible time, I and Axe King Hall’s grievances will give up.”

Ji Xing heard Di Jiu’s words, and my heart was tight. Di Jiu and Axe King Hall’s grievances didn’t even kill Huang Chuanlun and Ji Rui.

“Red Tassel Young Master, I know there will be a True Accumalating Fern Fruit at this auction…” Mi Helong said eagerly, he had to be anxious. Axe King Hall is memorized by an expert like Di Jiu, which is in danger everywhere.

Axe King Hall is 8-star Sect and is not qualified to bid for True Accumalating Fern Fruit, so I told Di Jiu about it.

Di Jiu’s eyes fell on Mi Helong and sighed, “You should go to the mortal world to be an Authority of a Minister instead of choosing cultivating.”

After saying this, Di Jiu turned around with Geng Ji and Zeng Beizi.

What do you mean? Mi Helong’s puzzled watched Di Jiu left the back. But soon he remembered what he should do, his eyes were long and the old body swept over, said solemnly, “Red Tassel Young Master getting ice radish can never be revealed, otherwise it is my Axe King Hall Disaster.”

“Di Jiu, Lesser World Star has been closed. Heavenly Gold Domain Lord is no longer in charge of this matter, I would like to know what excuse you are using now.” Di Jiu Three people just got out of Axe King Hall’s encampment and they were Cheng Ji stopped.

When Cheng Ji wanted to kill Di Jiu and was swept out by Heavenly Gold Domain Lord, it was because Lesser World Star was about to open. Now that Lesser World Star is closed, no matter what happens, True Domain’s Domain Lord will not come out.

“Geng Ji, you bring Junior Sister Beizi back first, cultivating, don’t understand, please ask Senior Huan.” Di Jiu said to Geng Ji.

“Good.” Geng Ji said to Di Jiu’s words, Brother Jiu easily get rid of Axe King Hall’s Three Hall Lord, can you fear trifling pretty boy?

Although Cheng Ji is a Transforming Truth 6th layer, it is very handsome and looks like a pretty boy.

“many thanks Big Brother Di is for me.” Zeng Beizi has only had a chance to thank Di Jiu until now.

“You’re welcome, everyone comes from a place, I will buy things back at the auction in the evening.” Di Jiu waved his hand.

After Geng Ji and Zeng Beizi left, Cheng Ji was indifferently said. “You thought that pulling Huan Mingzi out, I Cheng Ji need to be afraid? You don’t have to wait for Huan Mingzi to save you, Huan Mingzi just got yours. If you send a letter, he won’t come out. As for the auction at night, I am afraid you have no chance to participate.”

Cheng Ji is telling the truth. Before looking for Di Jiu, he has asked another expert of the Heavens Secret Pavilion to stare at Huan Mingzi. After killing Di Jiu, he would not be afraid of Huan Mingzi. Huan Mingzi can now represent the Heavens Secret Pavilion. His Immortal Accumulation Sect is also a top grade 9-star Sect. Can you fear a Huan Mingzi?

“Do you want to do it here?” Di Jiu reacted. He called Geng Ji to ask Huan Mingzi and let him think he was asking for Huan Mingzi. In fact, he really asked Geng Ji to ask Huan Mingzi. As for the help, Di Jiu believes that if he can’t beat it, it is not very useful to ask Huan Mingzi for help.

“If you don’t dare go with me, it’s fine to do it here.” Cheng Ji said lightly, the imposing manner has locked this space.

Di Jiu laughed, “What are you doing here? Take the lead in the front, don’t delay the time that this Young Master will participate in the auction in the evening.”

Cheng Ji was shocked by Di Jiu’s words, and immediately thought of what he was worried about?

“Well, it’s a bit discouraged, let me go. Don’t think about using Escape Talisman to escape, your space is locked by my True Origin, and your Escape Talisman can’t go away.” Cheng Ji said, turn around and leave. He really does not worry about Di Jiu running away.

Apart from his airlock locking, no Escaping Technique and flight are allowed around the entire Lesser Central Star.

Di Jiu was taken away by Cheng Ji and was not seen by anyone. Even the preparation to stop Di Jiu’s Ju Qi stopped. Eversky Star’s Immortal Accumulation Sect is not as weak as Kun Sect, taking Di Jiu’s Cheng Ji is Immortal Accumulation Sect’s Sect Master, Transforming Truth 6th layer cultivation base, which is also the presence of Transforming Truth.

His Kun Sect is to find Di Jiu trouble, but also to wait for Di Jiu to come back. If Di Jiu can’t come back, it can only be that’s all. Di Jiu As long as he can’t come back, it must have been killed by Cheng Ji.

“Elder Ju, Elder Tan lets you wait, don’t look for the Red Tassel Young Master for a while…” When Ju Qi was still upset, a Kun Sect’s inner sect disciple rushed to speak.

“Why?” Ju Qi asked subconsciously.

“Elder Tan lets you see him in the past.” The inner sect disciple didn’t say the reason, but conveyed Elder Tan’s words.

Elder Tan is the strength of Kun Sect’s Inner Sect Elder Tan Ku, Transforming Truth 4th layer, which is much higher than Ju Qi. Now Tan Ku is looking for him, and Ju Qi naturally does not dare to neglect.

When Ju Qi arrived at Kun Sect encampment, he found that Encampment Assembly Hall was filled with Kun Sect’s Outer Sect Elder, and Kun Sect’s two Transforming Truths were here.

“Elder Ju, you should find a position to sit down.” Tan Ku said to the incoming Ju Qi.

After Ju Qi sat down, Tan Ku whispered, “I just told you that my Kun Sect Sect Master is missing. I guess many people are confused. Now I need to tell everyone the truth, my Kun Sect Sect Master is not missing, but falling…”

The silence in the temple, Kun Sect Sect Master Shu Haolan fallen, almost guessed in the sitting. It’s just that Sect Master fallen and it’s too big to deal with Kun Sect’s.

Tan Ku’s voice is even lower. “I and Supreme Peng Yun chose to say this because the power of the opponent is no longer a single person can kill…”

I heard it here, Hall is noisy. What does Elder Tan Ku mean, who is the murderer? Who dares open and aboveboard kill Kun Sect Sect Master ?

Tan Ku signaled everyone to be quiet, and said with murderous aura, “Now we are almost certain that my Kun Sect Sect Master is Di Jiu…”

“Elder Tan, this is unlikely, what is the cultivation base of Di Jiu?” An Elder said something that he could not believe.

Not only did this talking Elder didn’t believe it, the rest of Elder did not believe it. Di Jiu cultivation base Progressive and big, can kill them Kun Sect’s Sect Master? Not to mention Kun Sect Sect Master disappeared a few years ago, when Di Jiu’s cultivation base should be lower.

Tan Ku took out a crystal ball and said, “You can see this crystal ball.”

In the crystal ball, Di Jiu is almost pressed against Kun Sect’s Inner Sect Elder Yue Henghe, and even Yue Henghe is inspired by Di Jiu after inspiring the Domain Spirit Sword Intent.

After reading this crystal image, all Elder couldn’t believe it.

Yue Henghe is not yet a Life Tribulation Realm, but Yue Henghe is proud of Kun Sect’s, Cauldron List is the second, the general Life Tribulation Realm cultivator does not dare to fight Yue Henghe. What’s more, Yue Henghe also has a big killer, which is a Domain Spirit Sword Intent. This Domain Spirit Sword Intent, Transforming Truth cultivator did not dare to face it, Di Jiu actually escaped, and then shot Yue Henghe.

See everyone was shocked by Di Jiu’s strength, Tan Ku continued, “Di Jiu’s combat power I believe everyone saw it, definitely Life Tribulation Realm expert, not the usual Life Tribulation Realm. He is killing my Kun Sect Elder After Yue Henghe, he also suffered a Void Sword Sect’s Ran Bushang.”

Ju Qi heard this and finally understood why Elder Tan Ku did not let him go to find Di Jiu alone. Ran Bushang, but Life List expert, Life Tribulation Realm 7th layer, Di Jiu and Ran Bushang are both heavily injured. He went to find Di Jiu, and that is to find death.

An old man who had to be whitened stood up. “Elders, I think this Di Jiu has some evil. Fortunately, he also has a serious injury to Ran Bushang. I think we can work with Void Sword Sect to deal with him…”

There is also a Huan Mingzi behind Di Jiu, which cooperates with Void Sword Sect to deal with Di Jiu, which is originally the idea of ​​Tan Ku and Peng Yun.

Not just Kun Sect, the same news is now spread all over the sects of Lesser World Star Plaza.

In addition to Kun Sect and Void Sword Sect, 7-star Sect Star Gathering Mountain and 8-star Sect Heavenly Medicine Valley took the initiative to bring Di Jiu with 100 million spirit stones. I followed Di Jiu to climb the top ten of Five Lands Dao Tower, not just Xu Bai of Axe King Hall, Xin Qilun of Heavenly Medicine Valley and Le Qiongyu of Star Gathering Mountain.

Di Jiu’s power in the Lesser World Star has long since spread. Although Axe King Hall did not send any Di Jiu’s things, Di Jiu went to Axe King Hall, Star Gathering Mountain and Heavenly Medicine Valley.

Di Jiu heavy injury Ran Bushang, killing Yue Henghe, Star Gathering Mountain and Heavenly Medicine Valley disciples who dare to owe Di Jiu’s 100 million spirit stone?


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