“You want to take this Young Master away from Lesser Central Star plaza?” Di Jiu stopped at the edge of the Lesser Central Star plaza.

Cheng Ji stared at Di Jiu and snorted. “You just can’t go. If you take my little world from Biqun and hit my daughter Bijun, your life and death is not your own. If you want Delaying the time, or forget it, even if you delay one day, Huan Mingzi will not come out.”

As long as Di Jiu dares not to say it, he will start immediately. Hands-on at the Lesser World Star Plaza did make his Cheng Ji reputation bad, and even the Immortal Accumulation Sect was affected. For his Cheng Family’s Small World, everything else is secondary, and he suspects that the Flame of Heaven Screen may have been taken away by Di Jiu.

Di Jiu watched Cheng Ji sighed and said, “You want to find this Young Master trouble, and you have to do whoe don’t want to be known, why not just bring this Young Master to your temporary encampment. So you whore did The memorial arch is also standing.”

Cheng Ji is murderous, and as long as Di Jiu does not escape, he will not do it. Thinking that Di Jiu is about to die, he is too lazy to care about Di Jiu. “Good, go to my cave mansion.”

Immortal Accumulation Sect had encampment at Lesser World Star Plaza. In Di Jiu’s opinion, he took the initiative to follow Cheng Ji to Immortal Accumulation Sect encampment. In Cheng Ji’s opinion, he came to Immortal Accumulation Sect encampment with Di Jiu.

Immortal Accumulation Sect Despite being 9-star Sect, because it is not 9-star Sect of Lesser Central World, the encampment is not big, and there are not many disciples here.

When Cheng Ji brought Di Jiu to Immortal Accumulation Sect’s own cave mansion, he was no longer the pleasure of getting Di Jiu back to Small World, but was amazed.

Di Jiu, why dare he come to his cafe mansion of Immortal Accumulation Sect?

“This should be your site. You can’t see that you are going to kill me. If you have any fart, let it go.” Di Jiu did not intend to take the initiative to kill Cheng Ji.

Cheng Ji’s face was a little gloomy. Di Jiu was not an idiot in his opinion. Why did he dare to come to Immortal Accumulation Sect encampment and dare to open and aboveboard into his cave mansion?

“My Cheng Family’s Small World Did you take it?” Originally, I wanted to directly restrain Di Jiu’s Cheng Ji, but instead suppressed my killing intent.

In any case, Di Jiu came here under his control. Since Di Jiu looks like a fearless look, he wants to see what Di Jiu is so daring.

Di Jiu went to the main seat and sat down, disdainfully said, “You Cheng Family’s Small World? You have to face your face? I really got a Small World at Fairy Maiden Star. When did you become your Cheng Family? ”

“Fairy Maiden Star? Isn’t Heavenly Astral Star?” Cheng Ji said subconsciously, when he became a group, he went to Heavenly Astral Star to try it out. How did it become Fairy Maiden Star?

Di Jiu is a move, he really saw a Heavenly Astral Palace in Fairy Maiden Star, but he was too lazy to explain to Cheng Ji.

Cheng Ji just said a word, then he stared at Di Jiu and said, “What is your ambition? Don’t you fear that I will kill you?”

“Haha?” Di Jiu laughed. “You Cheng Ji trifling Transforming Truth 6th layer is not qualified to kill me. If you have no other nonsense, then this Young Master will leave. If you have other nonsense, then Shu Haolan is Your foresight.”

Di Jiu Affirmed that his strength broke out, Kun Sect should be able to guess that Shu Haolan was killed by him. Anyway, it is a sure thing that he and Kun Sect become enemies, knowing.

“Shu Haolan is your kill?” Cheng Ji was shocked. Shu Haolan’s strength would not be worse than him. Di Jiu can kill Shu Haolan?

Before Ji Ji answered, Cheng Ji knew that Di Jiu should be cheating on him. How long did Di Jiu debut? And a few years ago, I went to Heaven Screen, and cultivating was no longer qualified to kill Shu Haolan. Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Di Jiu.

Space was quickly transformed into a personal territory of Cheng Ji under the grasp of Cheng Ji. Regardless of the background of Di Jiu, Cheng Ji decided to restrain Di Jiu and take his Small World.

When Cheng Ji saw that Di Jiu was not bound by a half, the direct grab of the long blade was a blade chopped, and the heart was almost shocked.

Although he is not Domain Realm, under his True Origin Domain, there is absolutely no way to break free under Transforming Truth. Di Jiu seems to have broken his Domain without half-effect, and that blade…

Di Jiu, the blade chopped, instantly condensed a vast blade momentum, killing intent in the blade momentum, a blade intent that fully charged the death aura.

At this time, where did Cheng Ji dare to think of Di Jiu as an ant? Snow Glass Sword rolled up a large snowflake overwhelming volume to Di Jiu.


The blade glow collides with Snow Glass Sword’s Snow Flower Sword Intent, and the Rupturing Blade’s blade intent tears open, and the endless snow flutters under the Rupturing Blade’s blade intent.

Ka! Cheng Ji’s cave mansion is still smashed apart even if there is an array barrier. If it is not the cave mansion outside the Irmoral Accumulation Sect’s array, this time Cheng Ji and Di Jiu’s battle has been exposed to everyone’s attention.

Cheng Ji only felt that the blade intent that was blown up by his Snow Glass Sword was still turned into a subtle blade glow, each with a terrifying tearing aura.

At this moment, Cheng Ji can only see his Transforming Truth Domain as if it were a rag, Di Jiu chopped’s split blade intent, and his Domain can’t stop it.

Cheng Ji madly offered a round shield. Before he had his shield fully deployed, a blade glow fragment had torn his defense and slammed into his chest.

“Hey!” Blood mist blew open on the chest, and Cheng Ji felt that his internal organs had to be transformed into nothing in this blood mist.

Fortunately, his round shield finally blocked the Di Jiu’s blade, and the whole person retreated to the broken cave mansion door.

Cheng Ji did not dare to continue to work, but the horrified watched Di Jiu not far from calm, my heart is turbulent. Di Jiu’s strength is actually stronger than him, not a little stronger. He is the 17th in the Transforming Truth thirty-sixth king. He is also a Transforming Truth 6th layer.

“I haven’t used all my strength yet, you can’t hold it anymore. It seems that your Immortal Accumulation Sect is going to be destroyed today.” Di Jiu played the Heaven Dancing Blade in the bullet, and said the tone is not too slow.

In fact, Di Jiu did not intend to destroy Immortal Accumulation Sect, which is Cheng Ji and he did not intend to kill. His main opponent, Five Great Sect’s Sect Master, was killed by him, leaving four. The hatred of him and Immortal Accumulation Sect is not as big as it is. It is unwise to kill Eversky Star’s 9-star Sect Sect Master at this time.

Of course, if Cheng Ji dares to let another Elder come to encircle and kill him, then don’t blame him for killing. His spiritual sense has long been swept here and there is also a Transforming Truth expert, which should also be Immortal Accumulation Sect. At this moment, the spiritual sense of the Transforming Truth expert is always locked on him, and seems to be stunned by his power.

Cheng Ji is sluggish watched Di Jiu, suck in a breath of cold air.

At this time, he would never doubt what Di Jiu had said before, and Shu Haolan must have been killed by Di Jiu. If Di Jiu just said that the previous blade has not yet made its full force, Di Jiu can indeed kill him today, of course, the premise is that he should not escape, and do not elder take action to help.

He is an 9-star Sect’s Sect Master, fleeing under Di Jiu’s blade, how can he meet people in the future? Immortal Accumulation Sect is also unable to maintain Eversky Star’s 9-star Sect status and will fall to the end.

As an 9-star Sect’s Sect Master, Cheng Ji is not an idiot. Di Jiu did not continue to win the battle, he knew that Di Jiu is probably because of Kun Sect great war, so he did not intend to avenge his Immortal Accumulation Sect. However, if he dares to do it again, it is estimated that there will be no such stopovers.

“Red Tassel Young Master, this thing is my Cheng Ji’s mistake. That Small World is indeed my son lost in Heavenly Astral Star, Brother Di said right, this Small World is what I came from, since then If you lose it, it is not my Cheng Family. I Cheng Ji is too reckless and greedy, I Cheng Ji apologizes to you. If Red Tassel Young Master is willing to turn it into a jade, I Immoral Accumulation Sect must be compensated.” Cheng Ji immediately lowers The posture.

How big is Di Jiu? It is possible to defeat him Cheng Ji, and it is certain that Di Jiu will be able to exist in the future. He chose to besiege Di Jiu today, as long as he can’t kill Di Jiu, Immortal Accumulation Sect must be finished. As an 9-star Sect’s Sect Master, this kind of temperament and trade-off is still there.

Seeing Cheng Ji’s interest didn’t continue, Di Jiu nodded. “If that’s the case, then I will forgive you once. As for compensation, I only need one thing. As long as you can find such things for me, even if you go to Extreme Night Continent I can also set aside the issue of Senior Xian.”

Cheng Ji was shivered, and he thought that Di Jiu would still have a legitimate reason to continue to work. Di Jiu and even Shu Haolan dare to kill, will never dare to kill him Cheng Ji. Think of this, Cheng Ji a cup one fist in the other hand, “Brother Di please say that as long as I Cheng Ji can do it, then there is no problem.”

“Okay,” Di Jiu said. “I need a Splitting Realm Talisman. As long as you can get a Splitting Realm Talisman, you can do it for me, and I can always pursue the pursuit of Senior Xian Ze. If you can’t find it. If you get there, don’t blame me for not talking about it in the future. Remember, Splitting Realm Talisman must give it to me within three years.”

Cheng Ji said that if there is Splitting Realm Talisman, do I need to spend a few years on the road? He really didn’t want to be a metamorphosis with Di Jiu. He could only say one bite. “In three years, I must find a way to get a Splitting Realm Talisman.”

“Very good, three years later, send Splitting Realm Talisman to Star River School.” Di Jiu finished, turned and left.

Lesser Central Star Where is a Star River School? Cheng Ji is still thinking about where Star River School is, Cheng Bijun has rushed in from the outside, “dad, is this?”

She saw that his father’s cave mansion had been turned into slag.

“This will be said later, what do you have?” Cheng Ji just want to leave here early to find Splitting Realm Talisman.

Cheng Bijun reacted and said quickly, “The Red Tassel Young Master Di Jiu not simple, I heard that he just killed the Kun Sect Cauldron List second Yue Henghe, and also a blade heavy injury Void Sword Sect Life List Thirty-seven of Ran Bushang.”

When I heard my daughter, Cheng Ji knew that he had guessed it. Is this Red Tassel Young Master going to offend major sect? No wonder there is no more to start with him.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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