“You…” fat cultivator This is a shocking look at Di Jiu, although he did not contribute to the slap, he knows that Di Jiu said that no effort is not to lie to him.

“How do I? Dead fatty, when the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses, your grandfather comes to you again.” Di Jiu is a kick on the fat cultivator.

This fat cultivator clearly saw Di Jiu’s ankle, and he could not escape completely, and his heart was even more shocked.

Let the Domain Lord know that he can’t do anything about it, and he definitely has no good fruit to eat. Domain Lord’s bastard is not one hundred and eighty, so that the Domain Lord comes to Lesser Central World for a blind man, which is obviously unrealistic.

This time he was miscalculated, and he knows where in the Lesser Central World there is a stick that doesn’t put the Severing Star Domain Lord in his eyes.

“Don’t you roll? Do you have to wait for me to leave some parts of your body?” Di Jiu killing potential.

Fat cultivator Where to dare to continue with Di Jiu can not tell the situation of the awkward nonsense, can only quickly retreat. He wants to go back and see if there is a chance to tell the Domain Lord about it. If there is no chance, then wait for Di Jiu to go to True Domain and then find Di Jiu to settle the bill.

Di Jiu saw this fat cultivator scared away by himself, and then turned back to the cave mansion. He really didn’t dare to take this fat cultivator. Now it’s not him alone, just run away.

“Di Jiu, you really didn’t let me down.” Huan Mingzi said excitedly, Di Jiu scared away the fat cultivator he saw with his own eyes.

Regardless of Di Jiu’s means, the strength of Di Jiu’s can definitely break into the top three.

“I was worried that the Domain Lord would come down in person.” Di Jiu, though guessing that the Domain Lord would not personally chase him, he still had some concerns. As long as it is not the Domain Realm expert, the Transforming Truth Realm cultivator comes over to find him, he will not worry at all.

Huan Mingzi waved his hand. “You don’t have to worry, every Domain Lord’s bastard has a lot. It’s impossible to waste time on the Lesser Central World for the trifling scorpion.”

Di Jiu nodded, and Huan Mingzi was afraid of the fat cultivator because he knew more about the True Domain Domain Lord. In this case, then his statement may be true.

“Brother Fu, what happened to you and Brother Bei? Why was it caught by that fatty?” Di Jiu had the opportunity to ask Fu Che and Bei Shitao.

Fu Che said a little red, “Guqing was taken by Void Sword Sect, and then died in Void Sword Sect. I and Shi Tao hurry to find you. The result was seen at the door by the fatty, he directly grabbed us two smashed. The restriction at the door, throw us in.”

“Junior Sister Liang was killed?” Di Jiu’s face is a bit hard to look at.

Fu Che and his friend are friends. When he was at Worshiping Night Lake, Liang Guqing was not enough, but he was the one who was most worried about him. This is a very serious woman. After the end of this Lesser World Star, Di Jiu planned to invite Fu Che to go to Star River School. Now Liang Guqing is killed by Void Sword Sect, and he can’t be angry.

“Yes, we have three soul cards with each other. Guqing came out of Lesser World Star first. We didn’t find her after coming out. When we wanted to send a message to her, her soul card broke, then I Asked an acquaintance, only to know that she went to Void Sword Sect. I and Shi Tao know that it is not good, hurry to find you.” Fu Che said with a bite.

Liang Guqing and Fu Che were all joined by Void Sword Sect because of Burning Divine Grass by Worshiping Night Lake, and now Liang Guqing was killed by Void Sword Sect.

“excuse me Senior Huan Mingzi can be?” A clear voice sounded outside, while the restriction at the door was pulled.

Huan Mingzi opens the restriction and walks in from the outside to a handsome, handsome man, Life Tribulation Realm 5th layer cultivation base.

Fu Che first gave a sound transmission to Di Jiu, “Brother Di, this person is Void Sword Sect’s Ge Shibing, his father is Void Sword Sect’s Transforming Truth Elder Ge Shu.”

Fu Che’s sound transmission obviously did not escape Ge Shibing’s spiritual sense. His gaze swept Fu Che, which said to Huan Mingzi, a cup one fist in the other hand, “Void Sword Sect Ge Shibing has seen Heavens Secret Island Senior Huan.”

Huan Mingzi’s grades are even larger than Ge Shibing’s father Ge Shu. Even Ge Shibing is the Life Tribulation Realm 5th layer. Seeing Huan Mingzi is still called senior.

“Is not already in Heavens Secret Island, I don’t know what you are looking for?” Huan Mingzi just heard Fu Che’s words, obviously know Ge Shibing came here with Fu Che and Bei Shitao. The reason for mentioning Heavens Secret Island is that he is in disguise warning Huan Mingzi that his Huan Mingzi is not the Pavilion Lord of Heavens Secret Island.

However, Huan Mingzi did not care about it at all, and he would not attack for this little thing.

Ge Shibing took out a jade box and said, “This is a Hundred Rainbows Soul Fruit found by the junior at the Lesser Central Star, which is dedicated to the senior.”

Di Jiu Some doubts, Hundred Rainbows Soul Fruit is the top grade of the Grade 9 Spirit Fruit. The value is not lower than ice radish, but the applicability is not as good as ice radish. This is the Spirit Fruit that repairs Origin Spirit. What does Ge Shibing mean by sending this Spirit Fruit? Could it be that the Senior Huan Mingzi Origin Spirit was damaged?

Huan Mingzi laughed, “Nothing is unreliable, your message is well-informed, and you know that an Origin Spirit has been damaged.”

Really, Di Jiu immediately thought of the infighting of Heavens Secret Island, which is estimated to be in the fight, Huan Mingzi heavy injury, but he did not say it, it seems that he does not want to worry about himself.

Ge Shibing didn’t have the Hundred Rainbows Soul Fruit, but put the jade box aside. “Fu Che and Bei Shitao are my Void Sword Sect disciples. They violated the sect Law and the junior wanted to take them away.”

Huan Mingzi indifferently said, “I can’t do this for the Lord. You need to ask Fu Che and Bei Shitao this person.”

Ge Shibing said in his heart, and quickly said, “many thanks Senior.”

Huan Mingzi This is obviously a plan that is not hands-on, as long as Huan Mingzi doesn’t do it. As Di Jiu started to do with him, he wouldn’t want to. As long as Di Jiu hands, Void Sword Sect’s Transforming Truth expert will come over soon, then open and aboveboard to kill Di Jiu.

“Fu Che, Bei Shitao, you and me go, sect things are solved internally.” Huan Mingzi ice cold’s eyes fell on Fu Che by Bei Shitao.

“Get out of the way.” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation is a kick out.

Ge Shibing has been paying attention to Di Jiu. When Di Jiu came to this ankle, he was desperate to discover that he could not escape Di Jiu even if he stared at Di Jiu.

“Hey!” The foot was sturdy on Ge Shibing’s chest, and Ge Shibing squirted a blood arrow, and then felt that the whole body was not under his control.

The restriction at the hole was once again opened by Ge Shibing, and Ge Shibing fell outside the cave mansion.

To Ge Gebing’s horror, he found that his vein was broken and Dantian broke.

“Di Jiu, I want you to die…” Ge Shibing just said a few words, and a figure quickly rushed over and rolled him away.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in the Void Sword Sect’s sect encampment Assembly Hall.

“Sect Master, father, why don’t you do it?” Ge Shibing shouted, and it was good for Di Jiu to do it for him, Sect Master and his father all started. That Hundred Rainbows Soul Fruit is for everyone to see, as long as Huan Mingzi hands, Void Sword Sect will stop Huan Mingzi.

What makes Ge Shibing completely puzzled is that he made such a big sacrifice, why does Sect Master not do it? Sect Master doesn’t do it, that’s all, my father doesn’t do it. I knew that Di Jiu could be crippled by his feet, and he would never pick up this errand.

“Shibing, your wound will be cured for you. Di Jiu we have to kill, but not now.” Ge Shu’s face was blue.

Ran Bushang said solemnly, who was once on the side of Di Jiu heavy injury, “Junior Brother, we just got the news, Di Jiu single handed heavy injury. Immortal Accumulation Sect’s Sect Master Cheng Ji. Not only that, Kun Sect Sect Master Shu Haolan It is also determined to be killed by Di Jiu.”

When Ge Shibing, who was originally angry and anxious, heard this, he immediately became stagnant. If Di Jiu can raise injury Cheng Ji, you can kill Shu Haolan. That’s all the voids of Void Sword Sect here, and I can’t kill Di Jiu and Huan Mingzi. What’s more, Huan Mingzi also has a Xian Ze of Transforming Truth 3rd layer?

Ge Shu took a breath and said, “The Di Jiu should have been possessed by the body. The only thing I don’t understand is how he entered the Lesser World Star…”

“So, isn’t he going to get the quota into Immortal World in the True Domain Great Competition of Geniuses?” Ge Shibing completely forgot his injury and said with shock.

Once Di Jiu got the quota into Immortal World, what else?

Ran Bushang sneered, “True Domain Battle of Geniuses is not just about the age of the test, but also the age of the Origin Spirit. If you are over two hundred years old, don’t want to participate in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses.”


“Senior Huan, since it is the Void Sword Sect coming to the door, don’t be polite with him.” Di Jiu pointed out that the jade box that was not taken away by Ge Shibing said that his spiritual sense was just checked, that is true. It is a Hundred Rainbows Soul Fruit.

Huan Mingzi nodded. “I know, I just suggest that you should not go to the Void Sword Sect. The gentleman is not too late to revenge. Now your strength is not enough. With your cultivation speed, you can quickly go to Void Sword. Sect.”

Di Jiu said, “I know, I am going to the auction now, and I will give it to senior.”

Di Jiu Didn’t tell the truth, is it not too late for a gentleman to revenge? He has a hatred and will only fight for the day. In order not to affect the auction to be held on time, he will definitely start after taking True Accumalating Fern Fruit.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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