The auction of Lesser World Star Plaza will take at least two days, but Di Jiu has no plans to stay for a long time. He will leave the auction as soon as he purchases True Accumalating Fern Fruit.

As for the spirit stone on his body, he believes it is enough. When leaving, Huan Mingzi gave him another 200 million high grade spirit stone, which was sent by Star Gathering Mountain and Heavenly Medicine Valley. Le Qiongyu of Star Gathering Mountain and Xin Qilun of Heavenly Medicine Valley also owe him 100 million spirit stone. In fact, this spirit stone Di Jiu is not going to ask for it. Because his offer was too high, the rest of the people did not take it seriously, or did not really intend to return Di Jiu, the billion spirit stone.

Star Gathering Mountain and Heavenly Medicine Valley are estimated to hear that he went to Axe King Hall to kill Three Hall Lord Huang Chuanlun and feared that he would find them, and then he took the initiative to send the spirit stone. Since it was sent, Di Jiu did not intend to go back. One hundred million spiral stones are awkward for an 7-star Sect. These two sects can take the initiative to send the spirit stone, which is definitely scared.

Auction Hall is a huge venue temporarily set up at Lesser World Star Plaza. Di Jiu just wants to buy a True Accumalating Fern Fruit and naturally won’t spend money on what to do.

When Di Jiu arrived at the auction, the auction had not yet begun, and the tickets for the auction were almost sold out. Fortunately, he did not come too late, and finally bought a post-ticket.

Di Jiu sat in the seat for more than half an hour, an old man went to the auction floor, Di Jiu is equivalent to the spiritual sense of Grade 11, he immediately felt the old cultivation base, Transforming Truth 4th layer.

It seems that this auction will have some top grade spirit grass out, otherwise it will not send a Transforming Truth 4th layer expert to host the auction.

“This auction was hosted by the Heavens Secret Pavilion. Because the Heavens Secret Pavilion has a lot of things lately, I am hosting it. Many Fellow Daoist know me, I am Elder Min Yongliang of the Five Lands Pavilion. Spirit grass as the master, except for a few rare grade 8 spirit grass, all others are Grade 9 Spirit Grass. If someone wants to send a photo, you can still find me directly. Not much nonsense, the auction will start now. “”

Min Yongliang spoke very simply. After speaking in a few words, he took out a beautiful jade box and raised it. “The first piece to be auctioned is an Origin Essence Mushroom, the value of Origin Essence Mushroom. I believe everyone knows this. It is the spirit grass that can refine True Essence Pill. The price of this Origin Essence Mushroom is 100,000 high grade spirit stone, and the price increase must not be less than 5,000 high grade spirit stone. Now it is starting to bid…”

“One hundred and ten thousand……”

“One hundred twenty thousand……”

There are a lot of people competing for Origin Essence Mushroom. If it weren’t for Di Jiu who had a few Origin Essence Mushrooms, he would definitely bid, and Origin Essence Mushroom is the main spirit grass for refining True Essence Pill. True Essence Pill is not simple, this is the grade 9 Spirit Pill for the Transforming Truth cultivator to heal and restore True Origin.

This is the Lesser Central World without the Grade 9 Pill King. If the Lesser Central World has the Grade 9 Pill King, Di Jiu estimates that the price of the Origin Essence Mushroom will be more than ten times.

Finally, the Origin Essence Mushroom was sold at a price of 260,000 high grade spirit stone.

Although the value of Origin Essence Mushroom is more than 200,000, everyone knows that without the value of Grade 9 Pill King, the value of Grade 9 Spirit Grass will be greatly reduced.

Min Yongliang is satisfied with an Origin Essence Mushroom shooting 26,000. He once again opened the hand and grabbed the second jade box from the void. “The second one to be auctioned is the Grade 9 Spirit Grass. Bloody fruit…”

Di Jiu simply closed his eyes and raised his eyes. He came out of the Lesser Central Star. In addition to the rare and rare spiral grass, he had a lot of high level spirit grass.

Most of the participants who came here to participate in the auction did not go to Lesser World Star, or some representatives of House of Commerce. Di Jiu doesn’t care about these spirit grass, but other competitors are very competitive. Almost every kind of Grade 9 Spirit Grass comes out, and it will be upgraded several times.

“The next thing to bid is a True Domain Battle of Geniuses qualifying token…”

I listened to the spirit grass auction for one or two hours. This time it was not a spirit grass. Di Jiu did not intend to have this qualification token. Huan Mingzi Since he is representing the Heavens Secret Pavilion, it means he is eligible to participate…

No, Di Jiu suddenly remembered that there was a problem with Heavens Secret Island, and Huan Mingzi is still not qualified to represent the Heavens Secret Pavilion.

“Although this qualification token is not very useful for our Lesser Central World, it is good to see the World with this qualification token. The reserve price of this qualification token is 100,000 high grade spirit stone. Not less than 10,000…….”

“Eleventh!” Di Jiu offered the offer of the slightest hesitation after thinking that Huan Mingzi might not be able to get the quota for True Domain.

True Domain Battle of Geniuses’s qualification token is really not very useful for Lesser Central World. Lesser Central World The most powerful genius to go to this Battle of Geniuses, I am afraid that can not enter the first thousand, True Domain Battle of Geniuses only the top ten is valuable. Even if you can’t get in the first thousand, what about the qualification token?

So after Di Jiu reported 110,000, there was no second offer.

Looking at the price on the quotation screen, Min Yongliang said with helplessness, “Since no one quoted, I will report it…”

“One million!” A hoarse voice sounded, followed by a huge price on the screen.

Don’t say Di Jiu, that is, the rest of the people are somewhat puzzled. Lesser Central World Going to True Domain to participate in the Battle of Geniuses quota is not that much, it is useless because it is gone. As Min Yongliang said, with this jade token, it’s just a matter of going to True Domain to see the world, nothing more.

As for the geniuses of True Domain, will they miss a qualification ticket? This fellow opening is one million, is the brain of the spiral stone more? This is the qualification token, which can be obtained up to 200,000.

“One hundred and ten thousand!” Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation price increase, since going to the competition, or first get the qualification token to get a little insurance.

“Two million!” The hoarse voice with a hint of disdain.

“Two hundred and ten thousand!” Di Jiu didn’t bother to say that he wrote a price of 2.01 million directly on the quotation screen.

At this time, the talents at the auction site understand that not to mention 200,000 spirit stones, that is, two million spirit stone, this qualification token can not be obtained.


The auction finally got warm, a ribbed qualification token, and the price of millions of people. Is there really a genius in Lesser Central World? No, since it’s two people bidding, is it that two geniuses fail?

“Ten 10 million.” The hoar voice was finally tempered by Di Jiu every time the price was increased by 10,000. The price of the table was increased by 10 million, and then the voice said with a killing intent. “I will look at the who dares to increase the price.”

Even if a temporary auction, this kind of blatant disregard for the auction of Law’s fellow, the auction should also be under the Union Lord. Di Jiu saw that Min Yongliang didn’t mean to swear, and knew that if Min Yongliang knew that fellow not simple, it would be that this kind of temporary auction would not matter whether the guest was attacking or not, as long as you had a spirit stone.

“One thousand and ten thousand.” Di Jiu raised the price again.

The auction is full of spiritual sense restrictions, even grade 10 spiritual sense can’t spy on others. These spiritual sense restrictions are directed against others not for Di Jiu’s. In Di Jiu’s eyes, these restrictions are furnishings. His spiritual sense easily passes through these spiritual sense shields and falls on this angry cultivator.

This hoarse cultivator is just a bearded teenager, which sounds incredible. Under Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, this bearded fellow is a boy. With Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, he is sure that this bearded cultivator will be no more than twenty years old, most likely around the age of sixteen.

And the cultivation base of this boy is already Transforming Truth 5th layer…

Di Jiu took a breath, and he was sure that the boy was being possessed by the body. Can you participate in the True Domain Battle of Geniuses? Di Jiu Some people don’t believe that if they are involved in the Battle of Geniuses, the Battle of Geniuses is too big.

“No matter who you are, as long as you withdraw from the competition now, this one can be used for the past. If you dare to increase the price, don’t blame this one for ruthlessness.” This bearded boy is in the box, he just looked out outside, but he does not know who and He competes for the qualification token.

After saying this, the quote on the big screen became 11 million.

Di Jiu without the slightest hesitation’s fare increase to 11.1 million. Don’t say that the other party doesn’t know who he is, that is, who is he? A body possession of the Transforming Truth 5th layer, he really does not look at it.

The price on the quotation screen finally calmed down, and the threat to Di Jiu’s beard boy did not speak again. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense can clearly see that he is keeping his eyes closed, it seems that he was not attacking him.

The cultivators in Auction Hall are all sighing Di Jiu have guts. Don’t look at this kind of auction, it’s ostensibly not revealing the information of bidders. But as long as there are benefits, anything can be leaked. After the auction, Di Jiu’s information is likely to be sold by the auction to the fellow who competes with Di Jiu.

Min Yongliang still has no expression. After the qualification token transaction, he took out a jade box made of orange warm jade. “The next thing to bid is a Grade 9 Spirit Fruit, True Accumalating Fern Fruit. ……”

Di Jiu has a spirit, and what he needs is finally here. Just grabbing the jade token of the True Domain Battle of Geniuses, it was just a matter of hand. This True Accumalating Fern Fruit is what he wants most.

“The bottom price of True Accumalating Fern Fruit is one million high grade spirit stone. The price increase must not be less than 10,000. Now start bidding…”

As Min Yongliang’s voice fell, the price on the quotation screen quickly began to jump.

When it comes to value, True Accumalating Fern Fruit is higher than other Grade 9 Spirit Grass, but it is also less than tens of times higher. The price of True Accumalating Fern Fruit is rising continuously because True Accumalating Fern Fruit can be taken directly without changing the pills success.

A Grade 9 Spirit Grass is to be a Grade 9 Spirit Pill to be worthwhile, and the prerequisite is to have a Grade 9 Pill King.

Now there is no Grade 9 Pill King in Lesser Central World, and the True Accumalating Fern Fruit without the pill success drug is naturally high.

(See the monthly ticket support!)

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