“Hey!” Li Jian can clearly hear the sound of his body being broken, and there is a fear and remorse in his heart. When he wants to come, he is definitely not as strong as Di Jiu, but the spiritual sense and the other party are too different. Di Jiu’s spiritual sense is likely to exceed grade 10… his thoughts have stopped here and his Origin Spirit has fallen into the dark.

Di Jiu open hand caught Li Jian’s ring in his hand, and the spicy sense quickly landed on the ring, but it didn’t break open.

Di Jiu is not shocked, the general ring restriction, even the Transforming Truth cultivator’s ring restriction, his physical sense can also be easily broken. Since it can’t be broken, it means that this ring needs him to spend time to refine. A ring takes him to spend time refining, most likely at the bottom of the Incined Elegant Snow Mountain, which is only True Spirit World by the Origin Spirit female cultivator.

Compared to True Spirit World, Small World is a slag. Although Cultivation World Small World is not common, it is quite a lot. True Spirit World, that’s absolutely rare.

Di Jiu did not continue to refine the True Spirit World, his eyes caught the battle between Chang Xiao and Ju Miao. Ju Miao’s strength is not as good as Chang Xiao, and the injury is still heavier than Chang Xiao. At this moment, Chang Xiao is pressing, and Di Jiu is estimated to be more than a dozen breathing time.

Sure enough, Di Jiu just thought of it here, Chang Xiao’s Wan Hao whip wrapped Ju Miao’s magical treasure, and then cut the Ju Miao into two halves. Chang Xiao has been through the battle array, and he has not waited for Ju Miao’s Origin Spirit to overflow. Once again, Ju Miao is gone, and even for mercy is not enough.

“Many thanks Red Tassel Young Master take action.” Chang Xiao did not take Ju Miao’s ring for the first time, but for Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand.

Di Jiu is also a cup one fist in the other hand. “Pavilion Lord Chang is polite. It should be that I thank you. If it wasn’t for Pavilion Lord Chang, I was afraid to escape.”

Di Jiu didn’t say anything, don’t watch him kill Li Jian. It’s actually Li Jian injured, and he didn’t expect his spiritual sense to exceed grade 10. This is only succeeded by his plot. If the other party knows that his physical sense exceeds grade 10, I am afraid there is still some battle to kill Li Jian.

Of course, I am afraid that he is not afraid of Li Jian.

“I was seclusion and was attacked by Li Jian and Ju Miao. Li Jian is a shameless occupying of Heavens Secret Pavilion. I have been hiding and looking for opportunities. If it is not Red Tassel Young Master, I am still not aware of Chang Xiao’s revenge. I want to hide someday, maybe I have no chance, so please ask Red Tassel Young Master for my thanks. The person I killed is called Ju Miao, an expert who has entered Domain Realm, and his ring also invites Brother Di. Accepted.” Chang Xiao said very sincerely.

If Huan Mingzi said this, Di Jiu might have accepted Ju Miao’s ring. This Chang Xiao, people look more daring, Di Jiu always believes in Huan Mingzi. Huan Mingzi was frustrated to leave the Heavens Secret Pavilion. It was a ghost of Li Jian, and it was estimated to have something to do with Chang Xiao.

Chang Xiao is now lighter than Li Jian and Ju Miao. Actually, there is no need to disappear. The fall of the fellow let Huan Mingzi deal with the death of Heavens Secret Island alone. It should be the idea of ​​letting Huan Mingzi do the cannon fodder. Huan Mingzi didn’t look for Chang Xiao afterwards. She was afraid to see through Chang Xiao’s thoughts and lost her heart.

Chang Xiao hides on the edge of Heavens Secret Island’s array and sees that he is qualified to block Li Jian. He uses him with the slightest hesitation. This character is nothing special. It is estimated that in Chang Xiao’s heart, he was also killed by Li Jian. As long as he can block Li Jian for a while. I just didn’t think of it, but in the end, Li Jian was killed.

Such a person, Di Jiu does not believe that the other party will give him a ring of Domain Realm expert.

“many thanks Pavilion Lord Chang, I have a ring myself, and Ju Miao is also killed by Pavilion Lord Chang. I can’t take this ring.”

Di Jiu said to Di Di and Tian Ku who had already come out, “Uncle Tian, ​​Di Di, we are gone.”

“Wait…” Chang Xiao suddenly stopped Di Jiu.

Di Jiu’s face sinks, the red tassel behind the Heaven Dancing Blade is windless, and a cold murderous aura is diffused from Di Jiu’s body.

Chang Xiao didn’t see how Di Jiu killed Li Jian, but Di Jiu could kill Li Jian before he killed Ju Miao. The strength should not be worse than him.

Now Di Jiu murderous aura is overflowing, he said quickly, “Brother Di is not going to misunderstand, I have a ruthless request…”

Di Jiu sneered in the heart, since it is ruthless, then you still say a fart?

Seeing that Di Jiu didn’t pick up himself, Chang Xiao had to continue. “Second Pavilion Lord Li Jian plot took my ring when I pressed against me. I hope Brother Di can give me Li Jian’s ring. Of course, Brother Di Despite the conditions, except for Ju Miao’s ring for Brother Di, all of my Heavens Secret Pavilion, as long as Brother Di is open.”

Di Jiu hear Here, a lame remorse said, “This is a good eight, so I know that I am burning some of my own blood essence, and I can’t let his Origin Spirit escape.”

Chang Xiao’s face changed and he said, “Brother Di, did Li Jian escape?”

Di Jiu sighed and said, “Yes, I blew his fleshly body, but I didn’t expect him to have an Origin Spirit Escaping Technique. His Origin Spirit rolled up at the moment the fleshly body broke open. Ring escape, I have no fighting experience, I didn’t stop him for the first time.”

Although Chang Xiao’s strength is far stronger than Di Jiu, his spiritual sense is far less than Di Jiu. In the battle, Di Jiu can not only fill the great array and then attack Li Jian, but also the physical sense can observe the battle between Chang Xiao and Ju Miao. He clearly knows that Chang Xiao is in a battle with Ju Miao, and the spiritual sense can’t take care of the things around him. So he said that Li Jian had escaped, even if Chang Xiao didn’t believe it, he couldn’t be sure.

Chang Xiao’s face changed a few times. After a while, he said, “Hey, it looks like there are more things in Heavens Secret Island. Brother Di, is it better to go to my Heavens Secret Pavilion?”

Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand , “many thanks Pavilion Lord Chang , I made an appointment with my friend and I will have a chance to disturb the Pavilion Lord later.”

After that, Di Jiu’s eyes fell on the youth and middle-aged man who had been nailed to the memorial arch. The middle-aged man had been paying attention to Di Jiu and saw Di Jiu’s eyes swept over and eagerly shouted. , “Pavilion Lord, that woman…”

Where Di Jiu will let him finish his words, the two blade glows fly directly. The sound of the middle-aged man is a sigh of relief. That youth is also nailed by Di Jiu’s a blade glow, no bit of interest.

Chang Xiao’s face was cold, Di Jiu’s blade glow and even the Origin Spirit could be directly nailed. As he said, because of the lack of fighting experience, let Li Jian’s Origin Spirit escape?

“Hey, that’s a Storekeeper at my Heavens Secret Pavilion. I was going to ask him a few questions.” Chang Xiao snorted and his tone sounded annoyed. In fact, he was extremely angry in the depths of his heart, and Storekeeper obviously had something to say, Di Jiu did not let him say it.

Di Jiu heard it, this is dissatisfied with him. He sneered in his heart, and he wanted to fight. Chang Xiao was alone. He really did not fear, and the voice turned cold. “This person will hold my older sister Di Di and my uncle Tian Ku to Heavens Secret Island. If the Pavilion Lord Chang is not satisfied, I will kill him. Even if I come over, I Di Jiu will follow.”

Chang Xiao was dumbfounded, and he did not even think that Di Jiu immediately turned his face and did not recognize people. At the same time, he did not think that the two men Di Jiu took were his old sister and one of his uncles. Originally, he also intended to leave Di Di and Tian Ku. If Di Jiu said this, it would not be.

However, Chang Xiao quickly recovered his calmness. “Where Red Tassel Young Master said, I thank you for helping me anyway.”

Di Jiu smiled a little. “I don’t see a lot of people who know the reporters. I have seen a lot of people who are ungrateful. Pavilion Lord Chang doesn’t have to worry about it. Di Di, Uncle Tian Let’s go.”

After Di Jiu grabbed a flying boat, rolled up Di Di and Tian Ku, the flying boat turned into a dotted line and passed directly through the protection array of Heavens Secret Island, disappearing instantly.

Chang Xiao’s cold watched Di Jiu disappeared in the direction, and my heart became more and more shocking. This is definitely an Array King of grade 9, which can ignore the protection array here.

Di Jiu said that Li Jian fled with a ring and he always had a skeptical attitude. Although there is this possibility, the possibility is definitely not too great.

He didn’t have a slight grasp of Di Jiu, otherwise he would never let Di Jiu go. After his injury recovery, he still has to find this Red Tassel Young Master.


“A’Jiu, what cultivation base are you now?” Di Di saw Di Jiu killing Li Jian, she didn’t know Li Jian’s realm, and guessed that Di Jiu’s current strength would not be simple. So when the flying boat left Heavens Secret Island, he couldn’t wait to ask.

Tian Ku also watched Di Jiu. Since he came into contact with cultivation, he has learned that there are countless mysteries in the universe. These mysteries were absolutely unimaginable when he was a border war.

“I am the Transforming Truth 1st layer, and the strength is still weak. Senior Huan Mingzi will help me to build a Star River School here, and you and Uncle Tian will both work hard to improve their realm in the sect, because I need to go to one.趟True Domain.”

Di Jiu took out two rings and handed them to Di Di and Tian Ku. “There are various cultivation resources in this ring. Don’t let it go.”

“I know, where are we going now?” Di Di didn’t ask where True Domain is, she guessed it was also a distant star. After entering Cultural World, she became clear that she could no longer be as far away as Pearl City, and that the family was far apart and within the distance she knew.

Only when she works hard to improve realm, can she go where she wants to go and shorten the distance between her loved ones.

“Back to Star River School,” Di Jiu replied.

Before returning to Star River School, Di Jiu decided to refine True Spirit World. When True Spirit World refining, he gave Small World to Di Di and then Di Di and Tian Ku to True Spirit World.

Only Di Di and Tian Ku entered True Spirit World and he had the opportunity to visit Five Lands City. This time to Five Lands City, Di Jiu did not intend to open and aboveboard, but intended to sneak in. The main purpose of getting in is to see if he can advance into Five Lands Dao Tower with the Golden Dao Principle in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

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