The flying boat was handed over to the Tian Ku control and Di Jiu entered the cabin refining True Spirit World.

Because of the existence of the Golden Dao Principle in Sea of ​​Consciousness, Di Jiu affirmed that his current spiritual sense is the Domain Lord of the True Domain.

After the spiritual sense penetrated into True Spirit World again, Di Jiu understood what was going on. Li Jian didn’t completely refine this True Spirit World. Li Jian just refining the corner of this True Spirit World, his things piled up in this corner.

Now Di Jiu’s vision is not low, although Li Jian has a lot of things, various Spirit Pill, spirit grass, cultivation technique and magical treasure, Di Jiu is not in mind.

He is a Grade 8 Pill King and top grade Artifact King. Will you care about these? The most valuable thing for Di Jiu is True Spirit World.

Li Jian has not refining True Spirit World until now. In addition to the lack of spiritual sense, there is still a wound. Di Jiu is different, he is not injured, and the spiritual sense is far better than Li Jian. It was the female cultivator that had only the Origin Spirit of True Spirit World, and the spiritual sense was far less than Di Jiu.

True Spirit World’s restriction is under Di Jiu’s spiritual sense, as if the firewood meets the fire and is constantly being burned…

In just three months, True Spirit World was completely presented to Di Jiu’s. It’s Di Jiu’s own feelings, this is a long-established True Spirit World. Although compared to the five continents, this True Spirit World is still too small. But earth is lost in his True Spirit World, and it is estimated that there is no shadow at all.

True Spirit World doesn’t work very well, only the sparse spin grass and some ordinary Mountain Range rivers, and Spiritual Qi is more general. But in the Di Jiu feeling, this True Spirit World is extremely stable.

Di Jiu sent everything in Small World to True Spirit World, especially the Seven Colored Immortality Peach, even if he put a few top grade spirit veins next to it, then Seven Colored Immortality Peach is also in Small World. It’s just that it’s not dead or alive.

Obviously, as a Small World without Heaven and Earth Law, it is not suitable for the existence of the Seven Colored Immortality Peach spiral item.

Seven Colored Immortality Peach was transplanted to True Spirit World by Di Jiu and immediately added a life force. After a top grade spirit vein was planted by Di Jiu next to Seven Colored Immortality Peach, Seven Colored Immortality Peach showed a strong aura.

Di Jiu is relieved, and it seems that Seven Colored Immortality Peach can continue to grow in True Spirit World.

Already the Origin Soul 4th layer? Di Jiu saw the Di cultivation base and was really shocked. This cultivating progress is much faster than him, which makes Di Jiu feel a little worried.

“A’Jiu, I’m Origin Soul 4th layer.” Di Di was smug when he was called out by Di Jiu.

Di Jiu shook his head and said, “Di Di, your aptitude is too high, and progressing too fast with enough natural resources.”

“Is this not good?” Di Di asked inexplicably, the cultivation base is naturally the higher the better.

“The cultivation base includes foundation, realm, mental state, etc. You have been cultivating for a few years? If the mental state is unstable, it is easy to cause the foundation to collapse, Qi Deviation.” Di Jiu said resolutely.

Di Di said with some disagreement, “But I didn’t think my foundation was unstable, and my mental state was also good.”

Di Jiu hesitated, took out a ring and handed it to Di Di. “Di Di, you refine this ring. This is a Small World. It has my pill refining, tool refining and Array Dao. After every period of seclusion, you will begin to study Dao of Artifact for a while, which will help you consolidate the mental state.”

“Okay.” Di Di took Di Jiu’s ring, think about it and add, “A’Jiu, you will call my sister later.”

“I know, Di Di.” Di Jiu refers to Small World. “After refining, this ring will disappear completely, only you can see it. There are several Blade Intent Runes in it.”

Di Di, who was going to attack, disappeared after hearing Small World refining. Immediately forgetting what had just happened, he quickly picked up Small World spiritual sense and infiltrated it.

“Let’s wait for Refining Small World, I have Spiritual Sense Escapee and Forging Spiritual Sense to pass to you and Uncle Tian…” Di Jiu stopped Di Di’s idea of ​​refining Small World and took out a few more pieces. Jade slip.

Spiritual Sense Escapee is the top grade method. This cultivation technique is naturally taught to people around you.


Three days later, Di Jiu appeared in the surrounding of Five Lands City. Both Di Di and Tian Ku have been cultivating in True Spirit World. It is difficult to cultivating in Small World. Although his True Spirit World Law is not as good as Lesser Central World, Di Di and Tian Ku cultivating are enough.

And True Spirit World is much more stable than Small World, and it won’t break easily. There are more than a hundred spiral veins inside.

The only purpose of Di Jiu to Five Lands City is Five Lands Dao Tower. If he can enter Five Lands Dao Tower, he wants the foundations of all the insights Five Lands Dao Tower.

It was not long before the next Five Lands Dao Tower was opened. After the Lesser Central Star was closed, Di Jiu did not see Di Feixue. But he knows that Di Feixue is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Di Feixue has the Five Lands Dao Principle Mark, and the next time the Five Lands Dao Tower opens, the woman will definitely take the Five Lands Dao Tower. He doesn’t come in advance, maybe there is no chance in the future.

Di Feixue is also a victim despite the same Di Family heritage, and Di Jiu does not have much affection for Di Feixue. This woman plays the pig to eat the tiger, and the strength is far superior to the same level. Obviously, they can be ranked first in the Sea List, but they are barely ranked in the 23rd place.

Di Jiu didn’t even do it. His Grade 11 spiritual sense hides his body. Unless there is a top grade Transforming Truth expert staring at him, it is impossible for anyone to find him entering Five Lands City.

As soon as I entered Five Lands City, Di Jiu realized that the atmosphere of Five Lands City was a bit strange.

It’s been a few months now, and I’m still talking about the destruction of the Void Sword Sect in the Lesser Central Star encampment. Following Kun Sect, Sect Master Xiao Wu of Void Sword Sect was publicly smothered at Lesser Central Star plaza. Not only that, Elder Ge Shu of Void Sword Sect Transforming Truth 4th layer and dozens of genius disciples of Void Sword Sect fall in the Lesser Central Star.

No one saw who did it, but there was a rumor that it was a bearded teenager. This young man is very strong and is already a Transforming Truth 5th layer. The reason why he did Void Sword Sect’s encampment at Lesser World Star Plaza was because Void Sword Sect’s Sect Master Xiao Wu offended him and had two things to offend him. The first Xiao Wu competed in the auction of a True Domain Battle of Geniuses, and the second Xiao Wu raced away from True Accumalating Fern Fruit.

Di Jiu was surprised to hear these arguments. He didn’t like Void Sword Sect, and he didn’t have a good impression on the bearded boy. Although he does not fear being found by others, it is better to open the relationship now.

The Five Lands Dao Tower surrounding is obstructed by a layer of Dao Rhyme, like a colorless smog that can’t be touched or touched.

Switching to a person standing here, don’t say to find the Five Lands Dao Tower’s entrance, it is impossible to find the location of Five Lands Dao Tower’s accurately.

Di Jiu was extremely happy, and as soon as he reached the edge of Dao Rhyme, he felt his foundation law at Five Lands Dao Tower insights. These Laws now clearly form a layer in Di Jiu’s mind, and a model vague paste road appears in front of Di Jiu’s.

Di Jiu just took a step and disappeared into the colorless smog-like Law.

Every step out, Di Jiu can clearly see where the next step is. Di Jiu stopped when he reached the 90th step. He is faced with a Dao Rhyme aura of 朦胧vague, where the 91st step should fall, and Di Jiu can’t figure it out.

Sure enough, I climbed into the Five Lands Dao Tower’s 90th layer and Di Jiu didn’t move. If Five Lands Dao Tower is not so easy to enter, it is estimated that he will not wait until he comes today.

Di Jiu sits in the ground, the spiritual sense falls in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he directly motivates the Golden Dao Principle in the small stone. The Golden Dao Principle should not be counted as his own. At this time, it is not necessary to expire and expire.

What annoys Di Jiu is, this time the Golden Dao Principle does not move, as if he did not feel his request.

After several dozen attempts, Di Jiu was annoyed. In your own Sea of ​​Consciousness, you need the Golden Dao Principle now to help you a little, and the Golden Dao Principle is not willing to move. This Golden Dao Principle is simply not a bit of a mentality.

Spiritual sense Crazy scrolling, Di Jiu simply drove the small gray stone from the Sea of ​​Consciousness and fell into his own hands.

The Golden Dao Principle is not his, the little gray stone is what he picked up. Di Jiu cultivating to Transforming Truth 1st layer, and earlier than other cultivators to contact a variety of Law, vaguely felt that the Golden Dao Principle will not take away his small gray stone. Because the small gray stone is his, the Golden Dao Principle takes a small gray stone and there is a cause and effect.

Small gray stone In the hands, Di Jiu vaguely felt that World Book had moved.

The World Book is too vast, and Di Jiu has not even finished reading the fur.

As soon as the World Book moved, Di Jiu’s spiritual sense landed on the World Book, and what shocked him was that he added another page to the World Book. This page is also in front of the page of Establishing Wood, which has only a huge, huge disk.

Even if it’s just a pattern, the aura of the disc is vast, just like the entire primal chaos universe…

When Di Jiu first thought of the primal chaos universe, he saw a line of notes below, “Universe Embryo Layer, originating from primal chaos, cracking billions of universe, to spread myriad of lives…”

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