Di Jiu shocked the small gray stone in the hands of watched, he did not think that this small gray stone is actually a Universe Embryo Layer fragment, no wonder that the Golden Dao Principle will choose the embryo layer fragment in his hand as the deposit.

The Golden Dao Principle in this embryo layer fragment is estimated to be one of the precious treasures of the top grade in the universe, but since it is not his, what is worth cherishing?

Di Jiu’s thoughts just thought that the Golden Dao Principle has nothing to cherish, and saw the Golden Dao Principle in the embryo layer swaying out of the fine golden scales. Under this golden scale, the space in front of Di Jiu is instantly clear. The entrance to Five Lands Dao Tower’s appeared in front of Di Jiu’s, which was originally closed. When the golden scales landed at the closed entrance, the Five Lands Dao Tower’s door opened directly.

Di Jiu was overjoyed and rushed into Five Lands Dao Tower in a few steps, and a small gray stone once again entered the depths of his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

No one knows which level he climbed this time, and Di Jiu rushed in the Five Lands Dao Tower without any scruples.

The previous 90-layer’s Five Lands Dao Tower foundation law Di Jiu has been insights, and he soon came to the 91st floor. Di Jiu This time, the Five Lands Dao Tower has only one purpose: the foundation law of each layer of insights Five Lands Dao Tower.

92nd layer, 93rd layer…

Whether it is the cultivating layer or the Body Refining Layer, Di Jiu is skipped. His God Realm’s fleshly body, Heavenly Blade Sect’s Great Earth Body Refining Secret Art general outline is good, he can only cultivating to God Realm.

To take your fleshly body to the next level, you have to be at a higher level of Heaven and Earth Law. Therefore, he can only break through Body Refining if he enters Immortal World.

In just a few days, Di Jiu came to the 106th floor. The 106th floor is actually a layer of tempering spiritual sense, but unfortunately Di Jiu is still tasteless.

His spiritual sense transcends grade 10 and has entered an updated level. Even if he continues to tempering for a few years of spiritual sense on the 106th floor of Five Lands Dao Tower, it is difficult to break through to ten grade 2.

His spiritual sense can break through grade 10, and Di Jiu doesn’t think it’s his luck, or it’s all about Forging Spiritual Sense. In Di Jiu’s view, his spiritual sense was able to surpass grade 10, mainly because of the Immemorial Thunder Stone in Thunder Valley.

Immemorial Thunder Stone contains a transcendence of the Culture World’s rule aura, and his Sea of ​​Consciousness has reached the peak of grade 10. As a result, his physical sense rushed out of grade 10 when he entered the Transforming Truth Realm.

107th layer , 108th layer ……

Di Jiu stepped into the 108th layer, and the strong Spiritual Qi with clear Law was coming. The violent thrust also swept over, and Di Jiu pressed his inner ecstasy and began the foundation law of insights.

He has decided that it must be cultivating for a while in this layer. It is much better to cultivating here than to stay in the Spirit Stone Mine or cultivating in the spirit vein heap.

When Di Jiu insights went to the 108 Road Five Lands Dao Tower’s foundation law, his Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly expanded to another level, and all the divine or his technique that had been inspected by him had become more and more clear.

Di Jiu handcuffed a handcuff, and an Immemorial Thunder Mark exploded in the distance. In the space, the Spiritual Qi suddenly fluctuated and the whole space was turbulent.

Good things, Di Jiu is very happy.

He knows that after the insights of Five Lands Dao Tower’s 108 Dao Foundation Law, even if there is no Golden Dao Principle, his insights divine ability or insights skills are more rapid and clear. It was just the Immemorial Thunder Mark, and now he is showing it more than a few times when he just learned to be might.

Until then, Di Jiu began to check the 108th layer. Soon he saw a seal floating over the 108th layer. The seal showed a faint yellow color, only the size of the palm. Di Jiu walked over and reached out, and the seal fell on his palm.

The spiritual sense sweeps in. This seems to be a very common seal. There are several words inscribed below the seal, Five Continental Seal.

Di Jiu sent the seal to True Spirit World. I don’t know if the seal was taken away by him, and Di Feixue’s woman will not be able to refine the Five Lands Dao Tower when coming here.

Di Jiu does not intend to leave this Five Continental Seal here, no matter whether it can be refining or not.

He refines two array disks and intends to call Di Di and Tian Ku cultivating. However, when Di Jiu refines the array disk, he found that he had no way to let Di Di and Tian Ku come out. It is his own, and he can’t get into True Spirit World here. On the top floor of this Five Lands Dao Tower, his True Spirit World is just a ring.

Di Jiu didn’t care, Di Di and Tian Ku were still low, and the same was true for True Spirit World cultivating. Five Lands Dao Tower 108th layer Law Aura , Spiritual Qi Dao Rhyme strong is the best place for him to improve the cultivation base for a short time.

Don’t use Di Jiu to arrange Spirit Gathering Array at all. He started to operate Star River Secret Art, and he covered him with strong Spiritual Qi with clear Law.

Di Jiu knows that after Realizing Truth Realm, every realm upgrade is very difficult. Here, his cultivation base promotion does not seem too difficult.

In just three months, Di Jiu stepped into the Transforming Truth 2nd layer and then hit the Transforming Truth 3rd layer.

A year later, Di Jiu entered the Transforming Truth 3rd layer…


Dry Qin Mountain Range, has always been a well-known Mountain Range of Lesser Central World, where the mountains are beautiful and the peaks are connected. Hundreds of thousands of miles are also uninhabited. It is reasonable to say that this open space is the best place to build sect.

But for countless years, no sect has chosen to build a sect.

The reason is not that there is no Spiritual Qi here, but that Spiritual Qi is scattered here. Don’t say that the cultivator is cultivating here, that is, Monster Beast is not here.

The scattered Spiritual Qi is not suitable for cultivating and is not suitable for growing spirit items.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, Dry Qin Mountain Range stood a first rate sect, Daqin. Later, Culture World was in chaos, and Daqin Zong was also eliminated in the middle of the chaos. The eight top grade spirit veins of Sect were taken away.

So if you want to build a sect in the Dry Qin Mountain Range, you must first implant eight top grade spirit veins. Used to gather Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth and turn land of scattered spirit into cultivation treasure land.

Nowadays, there is a lack of Culture World natural resources. Don’t say eight top grade spirit veins, that is, eight low grade spirit veins are not easy to get. As for top grade spirit vein, it can only be heard.

Di Jiu When Huan Mingzi asked for sect, Huan Mingzi first thought of Dry Qin Mountain Range. Huan Mingzi knows that this is a good place, and also knows that the eight top grade spirit veins are too exaggerated, so when he thinks, as long as there is a top grade spirit vein, then he cuts the top grade spirit vein into eight segments, so that It is also barely possible to establish a sect in the feng shui treasure land of the Dry Qin Mountain Range.

When Huan Mingzi didn’t think of it, Di Jiu took a take action and gave him ten top grade spirit veins. There are so many top grade spirit veins, what he cares about.

Although the spin vein of the Dry Qin Mountain Range has not yet been implanted, the Star River School has a preliminary sect weather. As the three Pavilion Lord of the Heavens Secret Pavilion, Huan Mingzi and many House of Commerce have some friendships. After he announced the establishment of a new sect, there is naturally House of Commerce.


Cultivating No years, Di Jiu is immersed in the crazy realm upgrade, and it has been two years.

When Di Jiu opened his eyes again, he was already a Transforming Truth 4th layer. Can’t continue cultivating anymore, it is estimated that the next launch of Five Lands Dao Tower will be shortly after.

Di Jiu withdraw The basic Dao Principle of the insights, the powerful Dao Principle power swept over, and the next moment he landed on Five Lands Plaza. His spiritual sense swept to Di Feixue in the first place, and Di Feixue was looking for something in a House of Commerce. Her cultivation base is now the Life Tribulation Realm 2nd layer and should have received a lot of benefits at the Lesser Central Star.

Di Jiu is preparing to send a communication bead to Huan Mingzi to send a message, and found that his communication bead has more than a dozen messages, all issued to him by Huan Mingzi.

The last message was three days ago, saying that Kun Sect, Void Sword Sect and Sea King Palace three major sect experts went to Star River School to visit, with some vague in tone.

Di Jiu didn’t dare to delay, just a Spiritual Sense Escapee, and it landed at Star River School.

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