Chi Yuanqing is so urgent because Di Jiu’s is indeed the best Pill Master he has seen, but if Di Jiu refining fails, he will kill Di Jiu’s. But in his heart, it is clear that Di Jiu has failed, and no other Pill Master can be found to refine Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill.

“Pill Master Di, this Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill is made for my daughter Xun’er. My daughter Xun’er is split and the Origin Spirit is not complete. I only have two groups of Seven Orifices Cloud Jade, I was mistakenly trusted by one year. Pill Master, refining a group. If I lose this group, my daughter will never be able to save it again.” Chi Yuanqing’s tone sounds very sincere.

The fact is that if you ruin the group, then I can only kill you, because this is the only group of Seven Orifices Cloud Jade.

Di Jiu is still tranquilly said, “As a Pill Master, I will be fully refining this medicinal pill, and I have a great grasp of it. But what I need to tell you is that I am from I have never thought of using my own life to go to this medicinal pill. Once I use my own life to go to this medicinal pill, this will put pressure on me and will form an unequal transaction. Regardless of my Dao of Alchemy’s development, or the refining of this medicinal pill is not good. You think, we will start refining, you don’t think so, then I will leave now.”

Chi Yuanqing bit his teeth. “Well, I agree with your suggestion. You must refine this stove, Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill.”

Di Jiu’s sentence put pressure on him, and it was unfavorable for this furnace, Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, and Chi Yuanqing made up his mind. He affirmed that Di Jiu must be a negotiator, and in one sentence he had to agree to Di Jiu’s.

“No problem.” Di Jiu raised his hand and made two contracts. The content of the contract is what he just said.

Chi Yuanqing did not swear again, signed his own brand directly on the contract.

Di Jiu withdraw said a contract, “You take out the medicinal ingredient, and I will refine Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill now.”

Chi Yuanqing carefully took out a ring and handed it to Di Jiu. “Everything is here, look at it yourself, I am waiting here.”

I wanted to say that this was the last medicinal ingredient of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, but I thought it might put pressure on Di Jiu, and he forcibly swallowed this sentence.

Di Jiu nodded, took the ring and re-entered his own restriction. He believes that Chi Yuanqing will not bother him to pill refining as long as he is not stupid.

There are more than one hundred Immortal Spirit Grass in the ring, and there is a slight fluctuation in the middle of the white jade box. This kind of fluctuation seems to resonate with the soul.

Di Jiu know, this box should be Seven Orifices Cloud Jade.

In addition to these, there is a jade slip with the pill recipe of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, which is very detailed. In fact, the resurgence of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, the most difficult is not the pill recipe, but the purification of Seven Orifices Cloud Jade.

Di Jiu again looked at the pill recipe and opened the jade box.

Seven Orifices Cloud Jade is like a piece of tofu, milky white, shaking slightly in the jade box.

After Di Jiu cleaned up the Establishing Cauldron, he sacrificed Dao Fire, while the spiritual sense brought up the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade and sent the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade into the pill furnace.

As soon as Seven Orifices Cloud Jade fell into the Establishing Cauldron, it suddenly became uncontrollable. This is different from other Immortal Spirit Grass. Other Immortal Spirit Grass can control the restraint with Pill Art and then purify it.

Seven Orifices Cloud Jade itself is a top grade treasure that is related to the soul. It is very soft. As soon as Seven Orifices Cloud Jade falls into Establishing Cauldron, Di Jiu knows that Seven Orifices Cloud Jade cannot be purified in the ordinary way.

Di Jiu wrapped the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade with Pill Art and infiltrated his own Da Da of Alchemy Law. Establishing Cauldron’s powerful life force aura and Dao Fire’s sleek controls allowed Di Jiu to control the poison of Seven Orifices Cloud Jade.

This made Di Jiu ecstatic, and the seven bridges were more difficult to purify than he had imagined, but he had Establishing Cauldron and Dao Fire. In addition, he is very deep in control of the foundation law, and he has perfected his Dao of Alchemy with the help of the Golden Dao Principle. If these things are missing, his medicinal pill has failed.

Seven Orifices Cloud Jade is really hard to purify, and Di Jiu doesn’t believe anyone other than him can improve the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade. This furnace medicinal pill, he wants the price is low.

Once the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade was in control, a trace of impurities in the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade was squeezed out by Di Jiu’s Pill Art. After two hours, Di Jiu was able to purify the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade and remove all the impurities. The Seven Orifices Cloud Jade in Establishing Cauldron is crystal clear and very comfortable to see at a glance.

Pill Art wraps the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade and the rest of the Immortal Spirit Grass is sent to the pill furnace. Compared to the purification of the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade, the rest of the Immortal Spirit Grass is simply too simple.

Various impurities were thrown out by Di Jiu, and the medicine liquid of Immortal Spirit Grass quickly became pure.

Di Jiu Purification of the Seven Orifices Cloud Jade took two hours, and the purification of the rest of the Immortal Spirit Grass is nothing more than a semi-column.

The medicinal ingredient has been purified, and the latter points, pill success, are simple for Di Jiu.

Another scent of the past, the pill furnace floated a cloud aura, Di Jiu quickly shot a few Pill Art, and then brought out nine pure white medicinal pill. Five of them were sent to a jade bottle by Di Jiu and placed in their own ring. The other four Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill were sent to another jade bottle by Di Jiu. To Chi Yuanqing.

At this moment, Chi Yuanqing rushed to the Di Jiu’s restriction outside the dough group. He did not dare to touch Di Jiu’s restriction, but his heart was anxious.

Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill is without pill fragrance, and Chi Yuanqing doesn’t know how to make this medicinal pill refining outside.

Fortunately, after nearly three hours, Di Jiu finally opened the restriction.

“How?” Chi Yuanqing’s eagerly watched Di Jiu asked if Di Jiu had signed a contract with him before, maybe he had already rushed to grab Di Jiu.

Di Jiu raised the jade bottle in his hand, “fortunately didn’t fail own mission, and has successfully produced Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill.”

“Ah…” Chi Yuanqing snorted and followed a ecstasy. To be honest, he didn’t have much confidence in Di Jiu’s ability to refine Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, but if he didn’t refine Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, his daughter wouldn’t have time to save.

The Pill Master who was smashed and killed by him these years did not know how many, many Pill Master knew that his pill refining was very rewarding, and did not dare to come here to say pill refining.

Just happened to meet Di Jiu, a Pill Refining Master who can refine a top grade Immortal Pill. He has no choice.

“Thank you, many thanks…” Chi Yuanqing trembled.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “This is a transaction. Thank you. I don’t need it. But your medicinal pill is really difficult to refine. If you change it to someone else, I am afraid that it has already failed. So the price you paid, relative to this. A medicinal pill is not very high.”

“I will increase the price immediately.” Chi Yuanqing worried about the medicinal pill in the hands of watched Di Jiu. Before he was able to kill Di Jiu with an Immortal King, Di Jiu had not destroyed the bottle of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill. But he didn’t dare to take the risk. He saw Di Jiu’s Array Dao, Di Jiu is at least a Grade 5 Immortal Array Great Master.

Di Jiu shook his head. “No, if you signed a contract and everyone said something good, then follow the contract.”

“Okay, okay.” Chi Yuanqing without the slightest hesitation took out a deed, removed his own mark, and wrote the voluntarily transferred information, and handed the deed to Di Jiu.

This kind of deed Di Jiu can become the new owner of the house as long as it is branded with its own aura.

Di Jiu spiritual sense, you know that Chi Yuanqing is not a little fake. He took the deed and handed the jade bottle in his hand to Chi Yuanqing. “The medicinal pill gives you, I broke out, and occasionally refines a six-level top grade Immortal Pill, which has to be said to be your luck, I It was the first time to refine this top grade six-grain Immortal Pill.”

Chi Yuanqing At this moment, he would like to know what Di Jiu said. He grabbed the jade bottle from Di Jiu and opened it directly.

“Fell.” Di Jiu got something, but he won’t stay here for a while. After he cup one fist in the other hand, he turns and walks away. Just a few steps, I crossed the store of Chi Yuanqing. Chi Yuanqing’s grade 6 trapping array can’t hold him.

“Good Pill, good Pill, two three marks, one four-grain, really have a six-top top grade of Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill.” Chi Yuanqing excited hands are shaking, he knows that his daughter is saved.

Chi Yuanqing stepped into a room inside, and there was a girl with a pale face lying on the bed in the room. Chi Yuanqing shuddered and took out the six-top top grade Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill and sent it to the girl’s mouth… …

It was only half a column of incense time, the girl’s face was ruddy, her aura was strong, and she was half-column. She opened her eyes and watched Chi Yuanqing. “dad, am I alright?” ”

Chi Yuanqing wiped his eyes. “Yes, Xun’er, you are already fine, really good.”

For this Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill, he waited for too long.

This should be thanks to the Pill Master Di. If it weren’t for the Pill Master Di, where can he have Seven Orifices Soul Gathering Pill?

“Pill Master Di ……” Chi Yuanqing subconsciously screamed, and then his face changed, Di Jiu was not in his house.

This means that Di Jiu doesn’t even look at his Grade 6 Immortal Trapping Array, which is at least a grade 6 Great Immortal Array.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night. I thought I had to postpone it, and finally I caught up with the update.)

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