Di Jiu found Chi Yuanqing’s second store according to the address on the deed. Chi Yuanqing didn’t lie. This shop, at the junction of the two streets, is not far from the main street. It is indeed a better shop.

I don’t know if Chi Yuanqing was forgotten or deliberate. He did not give the store Array Flag to Di Jiu.

The store is a Grade 6 Immortal Array. If it is not Array Great Master, this great array will definitely not open. As for forced attacks, unless you don’t want to live. Dare to attack someone else’s defense array in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, that is the rhythm of finding death. Even if you have a certain background, once this kind of thing is done, it is a little troublesome.

Regardless of whether Chi Yuanqing intentionally or unintentionally did not give him an Array Token, Di Jiu would not be mindful.

He is a Grade 7 Immortal Array King. To open this Grade 6 Defense Immortal Array, there is really little pressure. Only a dozen Array Flags are dropped, and the Grade 6 Defense Immortal Array is opened.

A layer with a total area of ​​two or three hundred squares appeared in front of Di Jiu. Di Jiu was overjoyed. This shop is bigger than another store in Chi Yuanqing.

This is also an 2nd layer store. The first floor has two or three hundred square meters. It is obviously two layers with an area of ​​two or three hundred squares.

The shop is hollow and there is nothing.

The first thing after Di Jiu enters the store is to remove all the arrays in this place. The owner of this shop is him. He will not use the original protection array.

After removing the protection array, Di Jiu arranged a grade 5 defense Immortal Array as quickly as possible to cover the store. Then in the store he began to arrange other arrays.

The Spirit Gathering Array must be arranged, in addition to the Spirit Gathering Array, it also needs to defend against the Immortal Array, the Traping Slaughter Immortal Array, and the Immortal Array that isolates the spiritual sense.

All of these arrays are hidden by a concealment array. The only thing that can be seen is the grade 5 Immortal Protection Array outside.

Chi Yuanqing didn’t come, Huo Jianqian didn’t know if Di Jiu went to Chi Yuanqing, didn’t want to influence Di Jiu, and didn’t find it.

It took Di Jiu seven days to completely align all the arrays in the store before he called Hei Huo, Shudi and Mo Yu.

“Big Brother, I am not cultivating in True Spirit World.” Hei Huo complained as soon as he came out.

Di Jiu waved his hand. “I know, I bought this store now, and Hei Huo will stay cultivating in a room on the second floor. Remember, Hei Huo can’t be seen in the eyes of others anyway. If you can’t do it, go straight to True Spirit World.”

“Big Brother, I can do it,” Hei Huo said eagerly. “Big Brother put it in True Spirit World and said that it is because the strength is not enough. Since the Big Brother cultivation speed does not work, he will raise the cultivation base himself. When his cultivation base is upgraded, when he dares to him after going out, he swallows it.”

“Big Brother, me.” Shudi’s watched Dijiu, even the little blacks that followed the Big Brother, got a room and didn’t have to enter True Spirit World in the future. It can be mixed with Big Brother for many years, so you have to have a room on the second floor.

Di Jiu nodded. “This first floor will be a shop in the future. You will live on the first floor and cultivating on the first floor. You have to take care of the store…”

The more Shudi heard the back, the more bitter the face. Not only does it have to live on the first floor, but it also has to manage the store. Big Brother is too biased. Isn’t it cultivating a little slower?

“However, you can move around at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty in the future, remember not to get into trouble.”

Hearing Di Jiu saying that he could walk around the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, Shudi was almost excited to jump. Sure enough, my position in Big Brother is still higher.

After knowing that the little tree root was smashed by Hei Huo and the void’s aura was shackled, Di Jiu had teamed up with Hei Huo to remove all void aura from Shudi.

At this time, Shudi walked in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, and it was no different from an ordinary tree. This kind of ordinary tree essence can be seen by no one.

“Junior Sister Mo, you also live on the second floor. We are staying at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty for the time being, although you are Heaven Cleansing Sect’s disciple, but the cultivation base is not high and should not cause any expert attention. Some cultivation base is low A little, don’t dare to pay attention to you. You will stay in the store for help, I will hurry to find the news of True A’han Glass Water.” Di Jiu finally apologized to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu is for him to become like this. Now he has been bringing Mo Yu out for many years, but True A’han Glass Water has no news.

Mo Yu smiled a little. “I am fortunate to lose my life. The Senior Brother can treat it with normality. You don’t need to look for it. Some things are deliberately searched, but they will be lost. I can stay quiet before falling. Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty After finishing this journey, I know the Senior Brother Di and know Hei Huo and Shudi. I am very satisfied.”

Di Jiu know Mo Yu comforted himself and didn’t want to take risks on his own. He didn’t explain it.

True A’han Glass Water This kind of treasure, it is a strange thing to get it normally. He left the Array Flag to the three people and gave a few more words to the shop.

He hasn’t seen Huo Jianqian for nearly a month, and his reputation Pill Master is somewhat incompetent.


Star Demon Palace, at Demon Dressing Immortal Land is definitely a first-class Great Immortal Sect.

Star Demon Palace’s Palace Lord Xie Wanleng is a true Great Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor 7th layer. Throughout Demon Dressing Immortal Land, that is the existence of stand by one’s word.

Xie Wanleng cultivation base Although powerful, Star Demon Palace is also thriving, but his son is not prosperous. Until now, he has only one son and one daughter.

Xie Wanleng’s only son, Xie Huang, is estimated to have a relationship with the name. Xie Huang has been ridiculous since childhood. When he was eight years old, he began to harm the maids around him. At the age of ten, he seduce the daughter of an Immortal Emperor expert and almost killed his life.

Later, when I was older, although I was a lot better, I was still sinking in the female color. This led to Xie Huang’s younger sister Xie Cha, the Xie Huang or the Great Limit Immortal initial stage.

Xie Wanleng dominates the party himself, and there is no way for his son, Xie Huang, to finally let it go.

At the moment, at the Star Demon Palace’s Young Palace Lord, a teenager with a pale face lying on a white jade bed said casually, “Shen An, you are coming back so soon, is it almost done?”

Speaking in between, he still holds a pretty woman from around. This pale boy is Star Demon Palace’s Young Palace Lord Xie Huang.

Standing in front of this pale teenager, a man of middle grade, he replied quickly, “I haven’t done it yet, but I have heard a more important thing.”

Xie Huang, who was going to have an attack, snorted and stretched his head forward. “What important things have you heard? Is it more important than what I have told you?”

Shen An replied with respect, “I met a Pill Master at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Jade, and he made the question from Reverend Luan…”

Xie Huang casually asked, “Which question does Uncle Luan have, you can say things to death in one sentence.”

Shen An didn’t care about Xie Huang’s tone, and said, “That is, you confessed to Reverend’s medicinal ingredient theory test for Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Pill Union…”

“That’s how…” Still after absent-mindedly talking about four characters, Xie Huang suddenly jumped up and rushed down the white jade bed, grabbing Shen An and excitedly said, “You mean, someone didn’t use absolute stone. And then combined a Broken Array Pill’s pill recipe?”

Shen An didn’t dare to move, and the tone was very respectful. “Yes, the Pill Master scored ninety-nine points. In the last question, he did not use the absolute stone combination pill recipe and was deducted by eleven points.”

“good, good…” Xie Huang walked around in the room barefoot, and she was excited.

Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty Pill Union’s medicinal ingredient theoretical assessment score was originally a hundred percent, because he wanted to add a question to go up very much, and Pill Union disagreed. Even if he asked Pill Venerable Uncle Luan to personally, and his father Star Demon Immortal Emperor’s face, Pill Union only allowed permission to give a question, one question is one point.

Xie Huang also has a way, he simply said that it is better to turn this score into eleven points. Or Star Demon Immortal Emperor is too strong, and Pill Union finally agrees with this seemingly odd proposal. This resulted in a Pill Union medicinal ingredient theoretical assessment of a total score of one hundred and ten, and the title is still one hundred questions.

“I was going to invite this Pill Master to Star Demon Palace, but he has a lot of things, saying that there is no time to come…” Shen An explained carefully on the side.

Xie Huang waved her hand. “The person with the ability is naturally qualified to say this. This Pill Master has the ability. If so, then I will go to Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty to find him.”

“But the Palace Lord has not returned yet…” Shen An reminded me again.

Xie Huang’s enthusiasm suddenly weakened several levels, his father did not return, and without his father’s permission, he could not get out of Star Demon Palace.

“Oh, then wait for my old man to come back.” Xie Huang sighed and sat down with some sulking.

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